be Sr Bidets? i aA MRO NS Ma Country Talk. ine ated new maiterion, Gao wars | <c Roxbpro f Do . rand new Orms, iss fs} wale ‘ re which were Messrs Clark and Brook- | is woking ink Jas, rout, of this week. JO Thos. Brooks, of Downie, is canis y a, Brussels. naa |. bee. Guelph ved toute Wo ter. Be. ing at al mt Saat = re The other day Jas. Stretton, -sr. ¢| and well deserved tribute Rev. Dame or says Tom has some at- the misfortune to fall and break two O, | Gtiftia of electing him president, by &/ traction down there. “4 e fingers hin “his right hand. It will! | fon ele proud of on the first vote. gg Miss Jennie Heebles, 8t) ee eee ee ee incapacitate him o from work for some feels prow of-—Dr-. end—it: proving rapidly” at Lae rou eg time: tribute to the popular Doc- again in the course of a few wéeks, She Some sneak threw astone through the ree an honor done to i by the! has had a had ull of at however, and Hg of a ge on Pow Mean pon = T og By her many frie friends will be sed to heat ‘ e make their home -| time, we eve, the revi OCtd! f h ate sens on to health. Veyanee it was a dangerous as well as a| been elevated to this the highest posi-|° p, M. Lineb returnied from the ae EEMOVED ‘FROM A. CAMPBELL'S HARNESS despicable trick. tion in the Conference since the "nion, | Goderich Hig! Bok bat ere he has SHOP TQ THE . A. Koenig, of the American Hotel, | and we aré not sure but he was presi- | been studying itor the past two months. has inyested in a handsome brand new phaeton, with canopy top, &c. manufactured by John W, Messrs. Roberts and Plum. ish -_ comfortable yehicle. W. Nightingale received. word the other day that the burglars, who are “supposed to have gone through his store ‘Tecently, had offence in Grey County and were now in Barrie gaol awaiting their trial. A meeting of the Directors ef the Grey Branch Agricultural Society -will be held in the Gouncil Chamber on Sat- urday; 14th inst.,-at-2-o’clock, to take into consideration the enlargement and improvement of the grounds belonging to the Society. 6,440.—These figures indicate the number of separate Miss. 6 ina log cabin igh tes agen & by arker, Brusse . bipeg it ds canamtada that She i is 76 years of age the work will i gd more Worthy 0 notice. Mrs. Parker presented the vit to her nd-daughter, Miss Malinda Clegg, daughter of Joseph Clegg, of Morris. Grey. Thos. Hislop has returned to.the west after a visit o = fase weeks ‘with rela- tives and old fri Robert Inglis is is putting stone stab- ling under his barn. The size of the same will be 40x76 teet. P..MeDougall had.a three ‘year old colt injured last week by a stitk or the like ae fo a wound-back of one of the front New windmills have been'put up on ‘the farms ot Jno oe and. W. Hislop ot ing water, &. Hugh R. El- had charge of the work. prea aa mare bought by Alex. om Wm. Barrie, of Morris, and he Sipe to the @ West a few weeks the purchaser, died.2 day or so fat eseciine her destination. It will be a heavy loss to Mr Dedgatty. Ir Pays.—There isno doubt but it aye to raise and keep nothing but the est e of stock. Asanexample of | D this Peter Robertson, con. 9, sold four] ¥ head of cattle that had been fa attening | * since Feb. 1st to cattle dealer Scott that , The lot was made ce T cents und so that the seller pocketed 8 00. That Poe's aoely pay better than trying to w fall wheat and miss- ing a crop every Sy few reas ANOTHER Goop Foa..—Alexander MeLauchlin, 244 miles north of Brus- sels, is the possessor of a mare foal that weighed 254 pounds when three weeks old. Its girth measure was 3 feet, 6 . inches; size of bone in fore leg 63g in- ches and hind leg 7 3-4.incher; forearm 17 inches. ‘Thi3coltisfrom no heavy f draught, prize taking mare but on the contrary the dam is under size for a good general purpose mare. ‘Ihe size of bone in only 8 3-4 inches and hind Jeg 10 inches. When in good con dition her weight will not exceeed 1200 po . The above mentioned colt was sired: by Innes & McLauchlin’s “Stud Book Chief. ™ We think he must be the Mann had faan terms a Bras 185 ig, thick, smooth dorse and weighs 1850 poe. ‘although not yet three rears ol the “Chief.”—Post. So much for Stratford. The peo ae pie turn out in large num ten to the play! of the = in the evenings on ich | 08 they perform. The musicians seem be improving under their new leader, and es efforts to please the peblic are _, great peep and a reds Of elighted listeners. Rev. R. Pyke and wife, of Shake- “speare, when driving to Stratford on Monday afternoon, m down, the = over him; and injuring it in a places. Mrs. Pyke in at- sezapting & to jump out was caught by her was literally torn to shreds. She ofall on her forehead on the ga and was severely inj ; found insensibte shortly ter with bn horse not far of but _— ‘in the m ecording rt, Mr. Pyke is able to be around, Mrs. Bk: is as yet in a critical condition. The Grand Trunk Railway the other day had a very unusual and tree from Buffalo to California, ree big flat ‘cars were eee ts transporta- tion. It consis' yacht built by David Bell, the well known curler of Buffalo, and ‘was billed to Truckee, in the Golden State, from | Dowell it will be taken overland fourteen miles 8 er was the exception of the boiler, » aapine 208 other internal —_— Ww were shipped sé; ila) been arrested fora sim T ifth pass to eight 0 ‘clock the chairman, B. Abe ted of = iron steam | tette dent before the union. Poole. Rev. Mr. Macdonald, of Stratford, preached here on Sunday evening. Following are the names of the he pupils of Poole public irae who too Z ve highest standing in their res ‘y — James C. Chalmers, Melville Large. Peter Dewar, Jennie Kines. Sr. Third —Duncan Dewar, Maude Large, Eli Atkins. Jr. Third—Peter Neumeister, u Turnberry. bie atin spent Friday last in Geoderic Miss Sarah eae has gone to Blyth for-a few weeks’ visi No excitement fare now. Political excitement is Fs dy » dying, dying. © Donglas Fraser he misfortune to lose a valuable colt SThiareday last. The Congregational church, Salem, is under repairs, which were long need- e Bluevale expects to have a big time on the Ist of July. Foot ball matches and other sports will be the order of the day. Suscess to her. Orlando Currie pent Sunday with his brother-in-law, Mr. Campbell, of Blyth: Elijah spent Saturday and Sun- day with his brother at Exeter. Listowel The Misses MeManis were the guests of B. F Brooks while in town. Mrs. Wm. Dunn, of sea was the guest of Mrs. D. Roy this w Rey. Isaac Campbell of Knox church, this town, has been taking a uate course in connection with, Chicago university, and has recently received his diplomaas a Bachelor of Philosophy. a iw he expects to take his diploma Tuesday evening of last week St. Paul's = lican church at Shipley was struck yg htning and considerable damage aes to the roof and front part. of he 'e buil ding. It didnot, however, take | © fire. The ‘interior was not damaged to any great extent, and services can be held-in the building as usual. INFORMATION WANTED.-Isaac Alex ander, who has been living with his sister in Dufferin Ward, and who is of unsound mind;wandered away on Sun- day night, Ist inst., and has not since been heard of. He is about 40 Lig de of age, sandy complexion, freckled f Without beard hase halt in his walk’ and wore a dark tweed suit and felt hat. Any one who can furnish any in- formation as to-his whereabouts will lease communicate with ee Woods. Since the above was in print the pee mma man has been found in a nearly s semi oe con- dition in the po of the to THE McMAnIs CONCERT. —A 0 mcert of high merit was held in Knox church, Listowel, last Monday evening, under the aus ices of Knox Church Ladies’ Aid. The galleries and large auditor- ium sand 7 _ ier he pales aud- dence, and the fine pared pro most sucbessfully. *awout rooks in a few well chosen words introduced the performers of the evening b ing on Miss Sutherland and J. E. iE Brooks for a piano recital. Miss Sutherland's musical reputationstands high in the estimation of a Listowel’ audience 0 the recital by the satin —s was en with great expreision were the Ler) poor bearty oe me with nice r—Men- antage. the pen of A rag Lae oom = he 1 was ably lssohn. this beautiful solo produced a profound impression on the attentive mers. He entered into the spirit of the words and thereby e audience with b hom og So di him. The star of the evening ext appeared er Ww g truly marvellous and hel spellbound The whist ocking Bird” was beau ; hermim- 8 wonderful songster of the nature. Miss Mc- Dowell and. Mrs. Kidd san with fine effect, and the TC was also rendered in style. The solo by Miss MeDoweil was listened to with breathless “ — Miss Mc- possesses ear penetrat- ing voice. and} her 8 sal e ood hearty encore. Mies €or a - cc his usual ‘e004 oo closed th <4 rtainment ithe: anctiier two solos . OF. = rs. W. Thompson Mrs. D. Roy, and others of the 6 Ladies - | Aid are great t for paving furnis ae ei excellent an and hig’ en the large attendance will geet re- Poe their orts to absistin,the work of the chureh, 2 Priscilla Daly, Albert Burgmann, Same {as e. KATE RicuMonp, Teacher. | cas During the heavy thunder storm on; He intends remaining home for the summer. D. M. is a studious re it fellow and will no doubt make his in the profession of his choice. Luke Lucas, con. 10, is the of two good colts cyan the well known ported : oe. “Challenger,” the Property pe township. ‘The sp eam on uesday at 36 4 feet, 44 inch; fore arm 19 seas. be- low front knee 746 inches; bon . 8 inches. ae yearling colt weighed | 22 pines eb te 5 feet, be neta fore arm low front knee ches; pone ot f hind leg 10% inten. Mr. Lu id like tohear from anyone in rey or Elma township who. can produce two colts that will compare vith the above. Other good colts might be referred to as further proof of the eceiient breeding qualities of the sire. Donegal. Election eins “are very quiet areund her cents secures THE BEE to Jan. 1, 1891. Thomas Burke, son of Wm. burke, who has been attending the Listowel High School for the last term preparing for a second class certificate, has been compelled to leave off his studies for the present on account of ill health. We ae soon to hear of his’ complete re- very. We learn from Jas. Dickson, jr., Pres- ident of the North Perth Farmers’ In- stitute, that itis the intention of the society to hold a monster picnic in Mil- verton on Jul y Ist. Speeches will be aby by prominent agriculturists and cal magnates‘on subjects of interest to the farmers. For the amusement of the younger part of the community base ball matches and other games are on the tapis, and a ether a splendid time is expected. What is the matter with Tue BEE man by edie his best girl we feel sure the object of the association is well worthy of the hearty support of each and every farmer in the North Riding. Itis time that the farmers of the ri were taking steps for makin, Paver ¢ meetings must have a tendenc to bind them mere closely together an enable pate to 7 as a puis should the necessity arise. sa yen Nt moe ar- Seaeernakts to atten time, and you will not te Tieap pobnted as this will be the gathering of 3 1@ seAa- son. [We will be there brother in all our noon-day splendor if the walkin keeps Lhe and our girl don’t go ba on us. Township of Elma. ADJOURNED COURT OF REVISION. The adjourned Court of Rev ao for FOR SALE. Brick house and sev seven acres of land, and some fjne frame houses and lots in rin ft itnproved farms in Elma an rey. Money advanced to purchasers and others at Lowest Rates of Interest, and best terms for repayment. Conveyancing ore. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED. THOS. FULLARTON, otf Commissioner in H C.J. New Butcher Shop. a Wm. Hatvkshaw’s New Butcher Shop will be = in the course of a few days, when he will be prepared to sup- ply the village and country with FRESH BEEF And other Meats in their season. Choice Cured Pork always on hand, Mr. Hawk- shaw has secured the services of WM. WILSON, An old and éxperienced Butcher, and well and favorably known fo the public of this vicinity. REMEMBER THE NEW BUTCHER SHOP—ONE DOOR NORTH OF THE BEE OFFICE. Wm. Hawkshaw. ~ their sinifietice felt and surely. such. «|Can sell you Dry Goods, Groceries, /ATCHMAKER, : FORESTERS HALL WATCHES. WATCHES AND RINGS A opeariewe 18 KARAT WEDDING RINGS. WM. FORREST, Furniture Dealer, Atwood, oe on hand a large assortment of all kinds i Furniture, pees and fancy Picture Frame Moulding, Cabinet Photo rames, Boy’s Wagons, Baby Carriages, different prices, different kinds. Parties urchasing $10 and over wor th may have goods delivered to any part of Elma township free of -cost.«, Freight or Baggage. taken to and from Station at Reasonable: Rates. Dray always on hand. Undertaking attended to at any time. First-class good| Hearse in connection. Furniture Rooms opposite P. O. Atwood, April Ist, 1890. >JAMES IRGIID)+ \ ATWOOD, Boots & Shoes, Crockery and Glassware, &¢., At as Close Prices As anyone in the County. We Do The Leading Trade IN. aN -Ordered Clothing- Our prices are as low as any other first-class shop. You don’t need to go from your own village to get first-class fit. A Full Line of Men's Furnishings ALWAYS ON-HAND, Jas Irwin.