RL Ig REG i re seen De, aa. i a ------ WE CMA dR ae PL TRL Cs Lad oA Ahdbade, este Sod . ---- FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2001 dent Cam Crawford says. 24 - "WEEKEND STAR" By Heather McCrae 'Weekend Star Eight months ago when the Port Perry Seniors Club attempted to start its own computer club there seemed to be little interest. That all changed recently and now the club has an active roster learning about computers. The change came about after the his received a grant for $44,500 from the province's Trillium Foundation. "We applied for a grant to cover a lot of things, including a computer," club presi- The 30-page grant application had to contain two or three estimates from vari- ous contractors. "Wayne Burrell did all the leg work by obtaining the estimates for the work we wanted done," Mr. Crawford said. "The money has stretched a long way. We got a new combination gas furnace and air conditioner for the Latcham Centre where we hold all our meetings, put in a new floor with four inlaid shuffleboard courts, new shuffleboard equipment and a. new refrigerator in the kitchen." Y But the purchase that has spurred a lot of interest is the new computer. Mr. Crawford and Mr. Burrell have been the instructors. Both men own their own computers. Mr. Crawford has had one since 1983 when he purchased it in Saudi Arabia while working for Bell Canada. When he returned home in 1986 the computer came too. "It's been updated three times since then," he says. As for Mr. Burrell, he has owned his own machine since 1996. province's Trillium Foundation, Mr. Burrell and Mr. Crawford have been instrumental in setting up a new CORT, part of a grant from the for the Seniors Club. At first there seemed to be little interest and now there are approximately 37 members that come out to learn more about technology. At the first meeting they had Brad Allen of Radio Shack come out and speak about = their purchase. The computer, which can be moved about on a mobile table, comes with two . sored cable internet access. Now meeting the third Wednesday of every month at 2 p.m. (except during December), now anywhere from 23 to 37 lessons. Although most i of the members have their own computers at home, a scant few don't have one: But Mr. Crawford is sure "I think when everyone sees how easy it is to use the internet they will see a need for a computer," Mr. Burrell says. "I think this computer club is going to ey 19-inch monitors. b,! members come out to learn more about this will change soon. Compton pew technology in the hour-long' meetings: Communications has 'graciously spon- coffee is always served following the At the January meeting they will be pleased with the response." talking about the internet and Email. : "A Charming and Warm Atmosphere" BROCK HOUSE Ketirement, Residence TAVISIIN OF 130 ONTARIO 117, . Registered Nursing Coverage * Home Cooked Meals - Nutritionist Available * Activities Including Bus Trips +» Be Part of the Decisions in Your Lifestyle "We Pride Ourselves in Caring" Coming Soon New Addition: Rooms with washrooms For a visit or appointment call 1-888-482-7625 or Sunderland 705-357-2988 Shop For Men's & Women's Fine Clothing In The Victorian Atmosphere Of BR@CK"S SERVICE, QUALITY & STYLE SINCE 1881 SZ VA EVETYe FWA ERY a To YN BF: with 10% OFF regular prices! 168 Queen St. Port Perry 985-2521 re GUARANTEED EXCELLENCE "PHARMACY a Working together lo serve our community 1893 Scugog St. Port Perry, Ontario LOL 1H9 Tel 905-985-3308 Fax 905-985-8464 wo independent PORT PERRY SITE ADULT DAY PROGRAM A daytime social & recreational program for frail and/or cognitively Lakeview jnypaired elderly and adults with disabilities. Manor WHEN: Tues. & Thurs. 9am to 3pm WHERE: Lakeridge Health Corp., Port Perry Site | 451 Paxton St., Port Perry COST: $21.00/day (includes a hot lunch) CONTACT: Lorraine Gumey 705-426-7388 TO APPLY CALL: DURHAM ACCESS TO CARE 1-800-668-5835 pan out well," he says. "We are very PORT PERRY PHARMACY LTD. PLN eLV] == VIS) f= 11 = =o) =f == = 1=0% 10% Seniors Discount Everyday . (except prescriptions & sale-priced items) * Free In-town Prescription Delivery - Open Every Silinday 12 noon to 4pm 905-985-2231 Brery Tuesday Is Senior" s Day Receive A 15% Discount & FREE GIFT WRAPPING