a ar Sa Mm FE NAG III A) A A Prt, mi oe "WEEKEND STAR" FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2001 - 5 Township holds off on lease for Lions at hall Scugog councillors have opted to delay sign- ing a rental agreement with the Port Perry Lions Club until further infor- mation has been received. After meeting more than 15 years at the Manchester Hall, the local Lions have decided to make the move to the Latcham Centre. Costly repairs at the old aging building, located on Hwy. 7A near the intersection of Hwy. 12, forced the club to move. In a letter to the parks and recreation commit- tee last week, Lions Club president Bill Oppers offered to exchange 100 chairs, five tables, and one refrigerator for 40 weeks of rent at the Latcham Centre. The "Lions proposed that they be able to use the Latcham Centre on the second and fourth Thursday of each month, beginning on May 10. The lease would expire on May 22, 2002. Mr. Oppers noted that the club does not meet in July and August, and gathers only once in September. Township parks direc- tor Jay Todd told the committee that all of the proposed items were in good condition. He added that all the chairs from the Latcham Centre would be sent to the Scugog Community Wicker works on display at KFG "Wicker Works" fea- turing the original rustic twig designs of artist Maggie Longworth opened April 21 at the Kent Farndale Gallery in the Scugog Memorial Public Library, 231 Water Street, Port Perry. Maggie's designs will remain on display until May 10. Centre. While there was no value on the items included in the letter - from Mr. Oppers, Mr. Todd estimated their worth at approximately $2,300. Ward 2 Councillor Marilyn Pearce later objected to signing an agreement without know- ing the full value of the materials. "I'm surprised that they would forward (this proposal) without letting us know the value," she said. "I thought it would be about $2,500." She suggested that instead of signing a long- term deal, the committee take the appraised val- ued of the items and sim- ply deduct that amount from the Lions' rent. uum... "If we do that, then we're not holding our- selves to anything. We don't know what the rent will be there next year or the year after that," she said. "Once we know the value we can deduct it until they use it all up. | don't think we should change our policy on this. Once we find the value we can give them the credit." Mr. Todd told the com- mittee that he would know the actual worth of the items for_the next scheduled/parks and-rec IE er Do ugog Mayor Doug Moffatt made a motion for the township to approve the deal in prin- ciple pending a report on the value of the items. BACK INTO THE COMMUNITY: Staff at the Royal Bank's Port Perry branch pre- sented local Scugog Community Care with a cheque last week. Funds were raised by local bank staff at a luncheon last February. Accepting the cheque for several hundred dollars were Jenny Yorgasen (left) of Port Perry Community Care and Kristine Farmer of Oshawa Community Care. Representing all the staff at the Royal was Senior Accounts Manager Sybil Ades. i I The. | ln Ea Lb? i mR PS PE AAR 5 tad a ud saab ind" TAPER PASTE oii, Pal TESTS ST inns Cd Come to the... OPSTAIRS IL, / at Old Fort = A deo Int'l Marketing RT OLD PO GT EN INTERNA : | TP to Spm at 1 Easy Street | (off the 6th line of Port Perry) | | Port Perry 985-0761 RONA CASHWAY Bh BUILDING T° "3 CENTRES | Looney Tuesdays Regular ice cream cone for a loonie! Open 7 days a week 9am to 10pm 182 Queen St., ; ¢ : § z t i 4 3 A Eo, ~ i Great deals on a variety of FE I products: wax & gel ICE, ) i ; |) candles (made here), decorative eel o - 2 Slags, candle accesgorieg bia?" © wc oes and oh!...s0 much more! sree 1 | We're Proud To Be Your Project Partner!" RONA Why is it Better? NO PAYMENTS NO INTEREST * Straighter * Fewer Knots RSE pomomn, * Less Splits & Bark Quality Guarantee If you are not satisfied, we'll replace it or give you your money back. Nas In today's 1 Fy 7 4 oS od, { i ape fa TC I OA RY A OA Sp Si IS Pl CT PRN Mv Ppp oy overs