16 - "WEEKEND STAR" FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2000 Baby boomers who grew up laughing over comedi- an W.C. Fields, today run the risk of looking like him, and this is hardly a joke. While many assume Fields' trademark red bul- bous nose was caused by heavy drinking, it was real- ly an advanced stage of rosacea, an acne-like dis- ease that affects more than 2 million Canadians. Rosacea typically first appears: in people over the age of 30. Because it attacks the face, this con- spicuous and embarrass- ing condition can cause severe emotional and social problems as well as permanent facial damage if left untreated. "Many people assume that rosacea is simply a com- plexion problem that will eventually go away, and do not realize that it may keep getting worse with- out medical treatment," said Dr. Neil Shear, Dermatologist and Director, Clinical Pharmacology, University of Toronto and Sunnybrook & Women's College Health Sciences Centre. "The key is early diagnosis and treatment by a physician to halt its progression and reverse { COUNSELLING | FOR Families & Individuals Specializing In: ® Step Families ® Relationships ® Abuse Counselling ® Children & Teens ® Depression Baby boomers run risk of W.C. Fields' disease its effects." Rosacea usually starts as a flushing or redness on the cheeks, nose, chin or fore- head that comes and goes. As the condition worsens, the redness:-becomes rud- dier and more permanent, papules and pustules may appear, and small dilated blood vessels may become visible. For some sufferers, the eyes may feel gritty and look blood- shot. "The impact of rosacea on an individual's psychologi- cal and social well-being can be devastating," Dr. Shear said. "Even the most outgoing person is likely to avoid social contact," he added. Medical therapy is avail- able. If you think you have rosacea, don't wait-- con- sult your physician Yor diagnosis and treatment. The Rosacea Awareness Program, funded through an educational grant from Galderma Canada, pro- vides information to patients and healthcare professionals. Visit www.rosaceainfo.com or call the toll-free hot-line 1- 888-ROSACEA (1-888-767- 2232) for more information. ll call Suzanne Doupe . Pama <= 4 ae dei fH brs A) Reflexology Certification Courses Reiki Courses 1-2-3 ia "Therapeutic Touch Courses 1-2-3 Emotional Freedom Therapy for Phobia's and Trauma Physical or Emotional " Bowen Therapy Technique for Physical Injuries including Sports Dr. Brian Hadden, O.D. ol Nell' [313 EY) PATIENTS WELCOME! * Primary Eye Care * Full Ocular Assessments * Laser Co-management & Consult * Computerized Field Analysis * Customized Contact Lenses 28B Water SY {Le 8 Port Perry 10) 985-9385 The Ontario Association of Optometrists recommends that every child have their eyes examined first by age three and then regularly as advised by their optometrist. | Katy Morgan | PSYCHOTHERAPIST | Counselling for: |e Individual & Couples * Grief & Bereavement ® Incest & Sexual Abuse * Addictions & Depression It was widely thought that. comedian W.C. Fields, famous for his trademark red bulbous nose, was an alcoholic. In fact he suf- fered from an advanced form of rosacea. Phyllis Christian Registered Massage Therapist Therapeutic Massage for Rehabilitation, Pain & Stress Management Lakeridge Health Corporation PORT PERRY 451 Paxton St., Port Perry Room A166 905-721-3828 870 REGIONAL RD. #21, PORT PERRY OFFICE (905) 985-4161 . 219 ST. CLAIR AVE. W. SUITE 203, TORONTO, OFFICE (416) 967-6262 Clinical Member: Ontario Society of Psychotherapists; Institute of Imago Relationship Therapist; Ontario Association of Consultants, Counsellors, Psychometrists & Psychotherapists. Pory PERRY Denture CLiniC COMPLETE DENTURE SERVICE ORTHOTICS CARING FOR PROBLEM FEET Dave Rodych 36 Brock St., W., Uxbridge, 905) 852-7351 Full Dentures * Repairs While You Wait 'Relines * Partial Denture * Quality, Affordable Dentures Free Consultation « All Insurance Plans Accepted Mike Dunn D.D. 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Local Services include: * One-to-one supportive relationships * Women's support group (Port Perry - Thursday morning) * Social/Recreational Drop-in (Port Perry - Wed. afternoon) * Public Education For further information, Call Barbara at 852-9560 -- ---- WEIGHT LOSS SUPPLEMENTS \ AFFORDABLE CALL TODAY (905) 985-0352 DON'T WAIT!