26 - "WEEKEND STAR" FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2000 HEIRMERR i a] ar -~ C Fin ed iSstomiz Cy wu Scugog's Financial Professional (905) 718-5897 Are you getting the financial advice you really need? For your Personal Wealth Management Strategy call Patricia van Oostveen, SFC Scugog Duplicate Bridge report Mori, Phinney team take top spot in bridge action Scugog Duplicate Bridge Club - Oct. 18 Afternoon 5 Table Howell - Avg. 54 First - Doris Phinney and Gord Mori 76. Second - Bea Chapman and Hoppy Carnwith 62- 1/2. Third - Georgia Brock and Peter Francis 57-1/2. Evening 7 Table Mitchell Avg. 84 - North/South First - Judy and Don Atkinson 96. Second and Third - Audrey and Peter Francis tied with Jean and Wayne Mouland 89. East/West First - Brenda Gilmour . and Joanne Pearson 10I- 1/2. Second - Joan West and Anne Scott 95. Third - Helen Mathieson and Bonnie Davies 94. Got some news or a story idea? Call us at 985-7383 A 'We don't just sell bonds, we create them. ~ At Edward Jones, we do more than build security. We build lasting relationships. Stephen Snoddon 29 Toronto Street S., Uxbridge Bus 905-852-1244 Fax 905-852-9916 www.edwardjones.com Member CIPF Edward Jones Serving Individual Investors Investment Planning Counsel of Canada Financial Planning Professionals Portfolio Management, Estate Planning, Retirement Strategies + The way we see it, helping you plan your future is never . just about recommending investments. , +. It's about knowing you and understanding your dreams. Jason Mullen 183 Casimir Street, Unit #1 Port Perry Bus 905-985-6282 Fax 905-985-3909 www.edwardjones.com Member CIPF Coll or stop by today. Getting skittish about the stock market? It must be October Hey It's October Again!! It's that time of year again when some investors get a bit skittish about the stock market. And this year is no exception. To some, investing in a volatile stock market seems as pointless as an odometer in an ele- vator - lots of ups and downs with very little for- ward progress. So what's an investor to do? Well, with a few simple principles and a good financial advisor, most investors learn to with- stand temporary volatility for significant long term gains. If there is one safe pre- diction about investing, it is that the market will con- tinue to give us frightening drops and gratifying rises. However these ups and downs should not derail your plans if you follow a carefully selected invest- ment program based on your personal situation and needs rather than on the ever-changing moods of the financial markets. Have Patience Stay invested, stay invested, stay invested. That means holding your ground during the price dips. Even during the October 1987 "dip," investors regained any losses within a year. Statistics show that if an investor invested in the TSE 300 for the past 20 years and stayed invested, the return on investment would have been 17.72 per cent. But if you tried timing the market and missed the 10 best trading days your return dropped to 14.50 per cent. If you missed the best 50 days, your return dropped to 7.99 per cent. That means missing less 'than | per cent of the trad- ing days would have cost the investor more than half of the return on the invest- ment. Discipline Discipline means taking advantage of the market lows and buying low and MANAGING YOUR WEALTH Personalized Investment Program Paul G. Wylie, FMA paul_wylie @scotia-mcleod.com ® ScotiaMcLeod™ Building Relationships for Life Trademark of The Bark of Nova Scola, Scola Capel Inc. suharined user of he mari. Soolsbcl sod is » division of Sota Capliel ine Mamber CPF Investment Executive 416-945-4707 1-800-387-0489 x4707 not engaging in the frenzy of buying the latest hot stock which is usually the market top. Viewing mar- ket downturns as a buying opportunity is like getting your investments on sale. One excellent way to avoid panic byying or selling is "dollar "cost averaging." Investing a fixed amount every week or month, takes advantage of the market lows for your buy- ing price and then when the market goes up, you have more units that rise in value. This smooths out the bumps in the market. Diversify Diversification can reduce your investment risk. Diversify by asset class, geography and man- agement style. Good Advice Take advantage of the expertise of a financial advisor. Unless you are prepared to drop other commitments and spend 'hours required each week to research and manage your investments, good advice comes from your financial advisor. Work out a plan with your advisor and stick to it. With patience, discipline and good advice you should be able to weather the tem- porary volatility of stocks and be on your way toward building a valuable invest- ment portfolio. Courtesy of, Patricia van Oostveen, S.F.C. Investment Planning Counsel of Canada