------------ RY hPa P58 BE ae Si wr Re Sel ag | WER AEY TT N ples SSE WE pe ; re --- aah aauaa EP PA AR TOI IAN RPG len Bs ni FSB ARAMA 3 ke SELLS ARS A 3 6 - "WEEKEND STAR" ~ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2000 | iPUBLISHER................ J. Peter Hvidsten GENERAL MGR.......... Don Macleod MANAGING EDITOR.. Jeff Mitchell OFFICE MANAGER... Gayle Stapley Aocna WEEKEND STAR E-MAIL: port.perry.star@sympatico.ca Caesarea - Blackstock - Raglan - Nestleton - Yelverton - Prince Albert ADVERTISING MGR...Deb McEachern ~~ Member Ontario Community ree RC Pi RS REPORTER................. Chris Hall Newspaper Assoc. Freviance Wiiers. Haaller Webi, John B. McClelland, Published every Friday by the Port Perry Star Company Limited, 188 Mary Street - Port Perry, Ontario - LOL 1B7 PHONE (905) 985-7383 Distributed free in the following communities: Port Perry - Uxbridge - Sunderland - Little Britain - RR Lindsay Janetville FAX (905) 985-3708 Oakwood - Manilla - Seagrave - Greenbank - Brooklin - Ashburn - Columbus - RR Oshawa ; EDITORIAL POLICY: Opinions expressed by coumnists, contributors and letter writers are not necessarly thse of The Port Perry Star. Letters must bo signed and the lelephona number (which wall not be published) included. Requests thal a name be witiheld wil be honoured onl if thro i a compeling reason 10.60 50. Emors Conner cted ¥ brought to the editor's attention. Wa reserve the right to edi of refuse publication of any malenal submitted. ADVERTISING POLICY: The publisher i nl kabl fo sight changes or typographical errors tha do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publish is not abl for other @ors or omissions in connection with any advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement All claims of error in publication must be made by Wednesday, noon, prior to the next week's publication, and, if not made, will not be considered. No claim will be allowed for more than one insertion. BUSINESS OFFICE: Judy Ashby, Kathy Dudley, Janet Rankin, Lesley West, Heather Callan ADVERTISING: Ginni Todd, Cindy Jobin, Gail Morse, Heather McGregor, Linda Clarke, Janet Archer, Malcolm Lennox, Lisa Monk PRODUCTION MANAGER: Pamela Hickey Production Staff: Trudy E \ Daryle Wright, Arlene Cheel, Richard Drew OPINION Time to get serious One of the candidates seeking the trustee's seat on the Durham District Board of Education in the upcoming municipal election says it's time for the board to stop with the bickering, and get back to the business of providing education to children. We couidn't agree more. Over the past few years we've watched with dismay as the business of the board has been hijacked by people intent on putting forth their agendas. The perception of the board has gone from one of prestige, as when it was honoured with an international award for public institutions a few years ago, to a three-ring circus, highlighted by looney acts. There have been some disgraceful moments; a protracted battle over sex education material for developmentally delayed students, the Harry Potter fiasco, and most, recently, a ludicrous attempt to oust board vice-chair Bobbie Drew come to mind most immediately. What's to fix this situation? Well, for starters, a board consisting of serious, up-front trustees whose desire and mandate is to maintain and guide the public education system in Durham Region. Not to crusade against sex education. Not to push for religious studies in schools. Not to foist upon a public system a rigid and narrow- minded view of the world. And not to take up weeks bickering about children's stories, for crying out loud. Durham"s residents - and its schools - deserve better. : i Sh By Walt Radda : at 985-7383. MIKE, DID You PUT] THAT MAN! SOMETIMES TY - Proto OF THE WEEK Shasta and Cody taking a nap, submitted by Sandra Barron of Scugog Island If you have an interesting picture we could use for Photo of the Week, please drop it by The Star office, or give us a call LETTERS - THE CAT oUT THIS || DON'T KNOW HOW To GET MORNING ? MIKE?\ HIS ATTENTION! HELLOOO, MIKE? You KNOW WHAT? 1 TAPED SOMETHING OFF JHE TV. THAT MIGHT HELP!) To the Editor: Well, I've been away for a while, so I had to catch up on several issues of the paper. | see the school board has been at it again. So Jane Weist compares Harry Potter to books that require "A complete ban ... such as Lord of the Flies," even though that book has not been banned. Susan Shetler calls for a resignation based on an unnamed "select Christian group of fellow trustees" whom she refuses Antique show's great To the Editor: This past weekend the music'students of Port Perry High School along with Ron and Sandy Cosway hosted an antique show at the high school. We were vendors at this show and just wanted to acknowledge all the long hours of volunteering put forth by the students and their teachers over the weekend. They tirelessly carried in and out loads of furniture for vendors, supplied good food to purchase and were a great group of young people to work with. It's always a pleasure to be a part of this show. [WHAT ON EARTH WAS THAT? T'S THE LITTLE MUSICAL) TUNE THEY PLAY WHEN- EVER THEY UPDATE SCORES DURING SPORTS BROADCASTS! A NE) Bev and Dave Stanley, Prince Albert Do these trustees really have a clue? to name, and when questioned about her motion refuses to answer. This on top of asking for a list of schools with condom machines when none have them, and making a motion to sing an anthem that's already sung each morning... Hmmm. My question is, does either of these good ladies have the foggiest clue what's going on? Jil McIntosh Oshawa Book of Remembrance To the Editor: Anyone with relationship, friendship, pictures or knowledge of any fallen comrade whose name is on the cenotaph at the legion in Port Perry, | would be grateful for the information. | would like to make a booklet of Remembrance of them. Any information, if necessary, will be returned. As Remembrance Day is approaching it is "A Time To Remember." Barb Doupe, 1220 King St., Port Perry, Ont. LOL 1B5