"WEEKEND STAR" FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2000 - 15 | i | | ) Would, You WONG | 0 share hs bath water? It's not a pleasant thought, is it? | In fact, it's almost as | unpleasant as sharing his air. While sharing someone's bath water isn't exactly sanitary, | DURHAM it's second -hand smoke that's =3=¥el O N | the greater health hazard. | | HEALTH After all, | I DEPARTMENT second -hand smoke contains over 4,000 ; | chemical compounds \ including arsenic, ; formaldehyde, benzene and lead, which are known fo cause cancer. Second-hand smoke is the third leading preventable cause of death. EO LS CMI uum pos rom pm 4 | | | Ya Nala ree Home (1 | | J \v I 1 | I ) VAY) (AAA TZ] : Ask a smoker to take it outside. 0I8ase contact preathing space COMMUNITY PARTNERS FOR SMOKE-FREE HOMES Funding for this program hes been provided in part by the Ontario Tobacto Strategy, Ministry of Heahh and Long-Term Care. No endorsement by the Ministry is intended or should be inferred. | --