& 26 - "WEEKEND STAR" b We're much wiser now. We know we shouldn't put on oil and spend hours in the sun to get a tan. We're aware of the dangers of UVA and UVB rays, and cover up at the beach. But what we haven't quite learned is that the sun's rays do penetrate clouds - and that daily exposure to the elements, even when we're not deliberately sunbathing, can be bad for our skin. So what does the sun do to your skin even on a cloudy day? e In small doses it dries the outer layer of the skin to produce flaky, dry skin. e Continued exposure leads to the production of melanin that creates a tan, but also causes age spots. e A longer-term danger of sun exposure is damage of the collagen and elastin fibres in the skin that caus- ses fine lines and wrinkles. What's good for skin? 0 'Sun bad, clouds good? e By far the most powerful reason to protect your skin however, is that expo- sure to the sun stimulates the skin to undergo malig- nant change and hence encourages skin cancer. The first tool in ybur arse- nal against the effects of the sun on your skin is dressing for the weather. Start with a hat, preferabiy one with a brim that runs all the way around it. This will keep the rays off your face, but will also protect the back of your neck. T-shirts and shorts are always popular, but con- sider light coloured cotton pants and long-sleeve shirts-aside from protect- ing more of your skin, the added material can actu- ally increase your comfort as it wicks perspiration away from your skin. Consider getting sunglass- es with UV protection. Second, use skin products FOR Families & Individuals Specializing In: e Step Families ® Relationships e Abuse Counselling e Children & Teens ® Depression call Suzanne Doupe HERBAL FACIAL Feel the tension melt away! Herbal Theraputic Deep Pore Treatment Relaxing Treat Nature's Spa Herbal Facial with Manicure, Pedicure, Herbal Facial Aroma Back Massage and Full Body aroma Massage Gift Certificates Available For All Services Only natural, freshly made skin products used. 180 Mary Street, Port Pe , 985-2272 with sun block - "Slip, Slap, Slop" isn't just for kids. Dermatologists rec- ommend sunscreens with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 if you plan to be in the sun for any length of time. But if you're just planning a stroll in the garden and don't want to smell of coco-butter, body mois- turizers with an SPF of 15 such as Vaseline Intensive Care "Total Care" are also available. Finally, dehydration is inevitable when you're out on a hot day, so last but not least pack a water bottle. Exposure to sun- light can prevent the skin from conducting its usual temperature control func- tion. Failure to drink plen- ty of fluids can lead to heat stroke, a serious ill- ness that requires medical attention. - News Canada All kinds of nutrients and vitamins have been scientifically proven to be good for your skin's health. Look for some of these ingredients when you choose your body moisturizer:: Alpha-Hydroxy Acids: Improve skin tone and unclog pores by remov- ing dead cells from the skin's surface Dr. Brian Hadden, O.D. OPTOMETRIST e Primary Eye Care e Full Ocular Assessments « Laser Co-management & Cons « Computerized Field Analysis + Customized Contact Lenses The Ontario Association of Optometrists recommends that every child have their eyes examined first by age three and then regularly as advised by their optometrist. FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 2000 28B NEW PATIENTS WS Wefel\Y] =} Water Sireet, Port Perry (905) Katy Morgan, s.a. PSYCHOTHERAPIST Clinical Member of Ontario Society of Psychotherapists ; Certified Member of Ontario Association of Consultants, Counscllors, ' DPsychometrists & Psychotherapists, Certified Imago Relationship Therapist e Individual And Couple Counselling e Grief Counselling Counselling For Incest and Sexual Abuse Survivors . | 870 REGIONAL RD. #21, PORT PERRY OFFICE 985-4161 1, 219 ST. CLAIR AVE. W. SUITE 203, TORONTO, OFFICE jai e Vitamin A: Stimulates cellular activity and col- lagen production keep- ing the skin supple e Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant that destroys free-radicals e Glycerin: Chemically attracts and holds water (in the skin which keeps it hydrated - News Canada COMMUNICATION 1 A \¥Z a-- \\ BR 416- SE CRERCKLS Phyllis Christian Registered Massage Therapist Therapeutic Massage for Rehabilitation, Pain & Stress Mandgement Lakeridge Health Corporation PORT PERRY 451 Paxton St. Room A166 905-721-3828 967-6262 3; SEER: , Pont Perry e Heel Pain * Ingrown Nails « Diabetic Foot Care UXBRIDGE Lisa Mayne, ssc.o.cn FAMILY FOOT CARE * Sports Injuries Now Available: e Plantar Warts Pediatric Foot Problems « Custom Orthotics, Birkenstocks & Footwear We welcome Workers Compensation 8 Veteran's Affares Clionts., RUS PTT abridged 832.2187 Cash, Cheques & Visa accepted Call for mformation or appomtment THE AUDIOLOGY CLINIC HEARING & HEARING AID SERVICES » Certified Audiologists « Hearing tests for children (3+) & adults « Hearing Aid prescriptions and fittings « Authorized for WCB, DVA & Insurances « Government Grants Available Music & Swim Ear Plugs 462 PAXTON STREET PORT PERRY, ONTARIO New patients welcome - Call 985-3166 New Location TE LEN TTT BR Port Pery IRENE DURHAM REGION COMMUNITY CARE ASSOCIATION COPE is a community mental health program offering sup- port to adults with emotional difficulties (e.g. depression, anx- iety, panic disorders, relationship issues, stress, etc.) There is no charga for COPE services. Local Services Include: + One-to-one supportive relationships « Women's support group (Port Perry - Thursday morning) * Social/Recreational Drop-In (Port Perry - Wed. afternoon) * Public Education For further information, Call Barbara at 852-9560