20 - PORT PERRY "WEEKEND STAR" FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2000 Grey, V6, soin, loaded, 94K. *7,900 Red, 4 Dr, 0 auto, air, 15K. *10 900 96 CHEV TANOE LT aXA Green, 4 Dr., V8, auto, loaded, 06k $25,900 96 FORD WINDSTAR GL Grey, V6, auto, loaded, 140 K. 95 GMC JIMNY SILT aX8 § Green, 4 Dr., V6, auto, loaded, 953-9273 yn Guaranteed what we sell Litho LL ALTATS A ilcwvood RIVE A LITTLE LY RH We service nw , case se you | avs get your b fi st prices & a | 05 OLDSMOBILE REGENCY 98 1996 SUNFIRE COUPE 1997 BLAZER LT 4 DR. XA air conditioners: In many parts of Canada, car air conditioners are considered almost a necessity in hot and humid summer weather. But the comfort of a cool automo- bile comes at a cost: increased fuel consump- tion and higher output of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. That's because air condi- tioning places an extra load on the engine, which means it has to work hard- er to achieve the same result. Operating an. air conditioner in hot weather can increase fuel con- sumption by more than 20 percent in city driving. So what are your options? To stay cool at highway speeds, try using your car's flow-through ventilation. At low, city speeds, open windows or sunroofs can be a fuel-saving altemative to air conditioning, but on 'the highway they increase aerodynamic drag and fuel consumption. = Replacement Cars Available J Quality Guaranteed Insurance . Status Unibody Repairs Specialists Free Shuttle Service Color Match Specialists { Green, one owner trade-in, only | FBS Pub ore wih pd | leather. Stock #Y239 Nossa STI Red, one owner traden, only 96,000 | kis, auto, air conditioning & cassette Stock #92219A Built for drivers and only $6,995 White, one owner fradein, only 80,000 kms. fully loaded with leather. Stock #Y2826A Get ready for summer for only $21,995 Black, unbelievably only 35,000 lars. auto, air, Gass, phus factory warranty Stock #Y2734A Esyoowmatony $11,995 comfort at a price Another possible solution is to install tinted glass on your vehicle. Tinted glass prevents some of the sun's heat from entering the vehicle, which in tum can reduce the need for air conditioning and help you save fuel. Tinted glass can be installed on both new and used vehicles. Your best solution, howev- er, may simply be to use the air conditioner wisely- in other words, only when it's absolutely necessary. For maximum efficiency, keep the windows closed and switch the air condi- tioner on and off as need- ed. More information on fuel- efficient driving is avail- able on the AutoSmart Web site at http://oee.nrcan.gc. ca/vehi cles or by calling 1 800 387- 2000. - News Canada 1997 JIMMY SLS 4 DR. 0X4 Green WOW! only 60,000 kms. fuly loaded and standing on new tires! Stock #Y2798A : Dontmisitatony $20,995 : i . : Maroon, only 58,000 kms. fully loaded : : Ra oi gs $45 ; 1997 MALIBU SEDAN | he years hotest colo and only 67,000 kms. Stock #Y2886A $14,995 = "| renown 3800 V6 engine, fully loaded, "| only 71,000 kis. Stock #Y2888A All this for only $15,995 1997 GMC SAFARI SLX Sandhift, one owner tardedn, only 58,000 kms, fully loaded induding dutch doors. Stock #Y2829A, Start your summer in style, only $16,995 Ted, one owner tradein, oly 40,00 kms. V8, auto, air, cass., factory war- ranty. Stock #Y2827A Won'tlstingatony $20,995 White, yes only 30,000 kms. 4 of, 5 spd, air, phss factory waranty. Stock #Y2861A. It will run and run and run for only $13,995 1997 SUNFIRE COUPE Black, one owner tradein, only 51,000 kms., auto, air and cassette. Stock #Y2873A The perfect 1*car for only $11,995 [ktie or ASKABQUY OUR WORLD NENOW HEP WAAAY PACKAGES!