CAPTURING BRONTE'S HISTORY Sheridan College Honours Bachelor of Illustration program students (from left) Amy Chen, Hayoung Kim, Isabelle Stevenson, Grace Vrooman and Lijuan Wang stand by their contributions to the new art mural at Amica Bronte Village. Their work was inspired and shaped through discussions with the Bronte Historical Society and residents of Amica Bronte Harbour, who shared stories of heritage and community. Oakville Beaver | Thursday, September 7, 2023 | 32 Phil Babcock photo 65+ Enjo estyle Freedom at me = Mo. wa" Lolo) By—3 1) = 4 BAe Ready for the weather in style! You’re 43. f invited aR aS f =< my OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, September 13*, 2023 from 10 am - 2 pm 290 Woodside Drive One Bungaloft available ¥y Ubary Z < 905-842-5095 ya NOTE 3300 Fairview St. Burlington, ON, 905-639-2016 Coronation Park OR SHOP ONLINE AT: BOSANDCO.COM