COMMUNITY men represent more cent of the region's 'S ema “WOMEN FOCUS OF FIRST REPORT ON CHANGING SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC MAKEUP OF HALTON = the first in a series of seven % in-depth reports being de- E livered by Community De- = velopment Halton on the 8 chai ‘ing sociodemo- a graphic makeup of the re- . Representatives from dozens of regional commu- nity groups and agencies were on hand via Aug. 24 to hear CDH exec. utive director Rishia Burke review the contents of the document, touching on ev- ing from marital sta- ius to poverty. The main source of information fc the report is Statistics Can. ada's census of population Some of the more signif- icant highlights and com- ments from participants follow: + Halton's senior women population is growing fas- ter than the nonsenior pop- ulation. As of 2021, 17.4 per populatio: and older and \ ‘women "35 ind older represented a “significant” portion ofthis population. + Approximately 80 per cent of single parent fami- lies are led by women. Mil- ton has had the most signif- icant increase in women- led single parent families. violence epidemic, 3,500 IPV calls to Halton police in 2022; most of the calls came from Burling- ton. + Racialized women make up more than half of the racialized population in Haven. of Christian faith ave “declined while the number of women of non-Christian faith rose by 165 per cent in the region, ‘Women are the focus of the first report by Communi CDH website image nity portion of non-Christian women followed by Oak- ville urlington and Hal- ton “ills, Women of Mus- lim faith are in the major- ity of the non-Christian women population fol- lowed by Hindu women. - The poverty rate for se- nior women increased by ind the ion of wom- en with no religious affilia- tion grew by 52 per cent. Milton has the highest pro- 00 people to about 4,800 sonton wom- n living in poverty as of 2020, CAR PRIDE fUTO SPA i i | ae Nd an A OO mm) | |) DRIVE SAFELY. Auto Detailing Window Tinting Headlight Restora Pet Removal Paint Protection /Film Scratch Removal Ceramic Protectipn Anti-Theft Ghost Installation 2380 tonite: @® L Lae 1 fz aR PRDE i Most Pathe RS’ CHOICE 2023 The most compelling statistics for those in atten- dance were the growing numbers of seniors in pov- erty and Halton's "hidden poverty" in general, as well as the increasing div versity of the region. Despite the "fantastic worl community groups, not enough," commented Gayle Kabbash, executive director, Food4Kids Hal- we Be cry BURLINGTON WALK MILTON WALK kgs SEPT 23, 2028 | "Government needs to step up and put programs in place to give people hope and to allow them to be able to live - Gayle Kabhash, executive director, Food4Kids Halton. "Government needs to step in. Nobody in Ontario, alone Canada, let alone Hanon should be going without housing, food, mean come on, it's a basic, basic thing for people to be fed. ‘rmment needs to step up and put programs in place to give people hope and to allow them to be able to live well," said Kab- bas! “People think Halton is an affluent community ... the number of children that we're serving is high- est in Oakville, secondary in Burlington. Our poverty SEPT 24, 2023 STEP UP TO END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN is hidden. We've got lots of areas that have high pover- ty and it's just not right.” is arise in women whoare "feeling these diffi- culties, in general, going to t society five, 10, 15 oe down the road, and what can we do to stop that from increasing? If e future generation is going to havea problem,” said Nancy Comber of Community Living North ne ‘terms of next steps, it's important to turn data into advocacy and action, said Burke. = Royal Windsor Dr, Mississauga, ON LSJ 1K7 905.823.1000 IN SUPPORT OF: Halton Womenis Place Healy Reasiondie + Healthy Communities te) 31 re) by Gi