"Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, October 23, 2001 - 27 PORT PERRY STAR -- > -- SERVICE &: BUSINESS Bll eyfe [1 gure - CONTRACTIN NG py! Interlocking Driveways, Walkways, and Patios, IN-PORT 18 Crandel St., Box 877, Retaining Walls, Steps, and Planters, Sundecks, AUTOMOTIVE Port Perry LOL 1A7 Fe mrin and ton, [loodworking, Sr | Jim MaoDads - . OVERHEAD DOOR SYSTEMS , LOW Voitage nasca mport ecialist es So ar Lighting, Planting 'Beds and Large Trees, Water Honda Trained I ol 1979 Garage Door Specialists AUTO Shon Features and Rockerles Residential - Commercial - Industrial * GARAGE DOORS ¢ ELECTRIC OPERATORS SALES ° SERVICE ° INSTALLATION 80 Vanedward Drive Wl oe LA 1 Doriia fo Don Steele 1-888-548-9516 1 Cue one mci "96s- 6857 oT --SCUGOG BW. COLLISION Phone 905-985-3735 » Cll 805-433-7457 Fax 905-885-7767 ! ys no all ia RL -- em $93 TRANSMISSION ry REST ORATION ms . WHITE . pay Russ m-- AY Landscape | Inleriocking & me) Professional Workmanship RENOVATIONS General | Contractors and |e R tai W. I & St : ° Free road test & estimates 2 BRIAN WILLIAMSON ng Designers etaining Walls Bps | 1511 REACH RD., PORT PERRY | I 131 North Port * Port Perry * Ontario * L9L 182 * complete renovation services |: Specializing in: Drywall services since 1986 | * Shrubs & Rock Gardens | 905-985-8307 905-985-5595 Y ditions, doors Sows Fre esau ln * Fencing & Decks * decks, patios, siding etc. cell: 005-242-6784 905-965-0875 * 1-800-251-LEAF DOUG WiiTE 35-5061 | | 3055s 1340 CEH ROCKY MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE on INSURANCE 2h D J uG CLARK % ANKIN Carpentry & Woodworking {4 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE : iL Vaal ollale Witla = Tal lor: | Ole INH {o Kia Copied Gaon. | | mou oer] Contra) Contracting s Camus cars iesanial CUSTOM MADE CUPBOARDS & VANITIES , home Insurance? | Licensed & insured, repairs, alterations & renovations, new bathrooms, pump repairs vee | |G ony paymonis na | | FREE ESTIMATES 20 YRS. EXPERIENCE 24 HR. SERVICE Window and Door Replacement Siding * Soffit + Fascia e Foundation Planing © Retoining Wols Lite Insurance available | | Serving Oshawa - Port Perry 905-985-6442 Over 20 Years in Business > 3 Year Ouaranies 27 Years Experience, Fully Insured | | 9034323733 05-7284742 |. 0 _ 905-985-3943 905-985-3974 Call 1-800-301-8714 Fax 705-328.0379 | | Seam isuanco few | | Kavanagh GE | [NE NLSORERVIINE pe ------ Ly : | Plumbing £7) * New Installations * Renovations 1" Custom Plumbing, Renovations & Service * Water Softeners < Work, Natural Gas & Propane, Central Vac, | * Repairs * Whirlpool Tubs ' 1 Pump Work, Hot Water Tanks, Specializing Free Estimates - Fully Insured a2 | T_T -- rm -- : -- in Renovations for Seniors 38 Caleb St. 985- 3608 = 2 NOTHIN) [7 7 React 7 7 Fotis LE lr 50 [Porter _905- Repairs to - VHS, SVHS, 8mm, Hi8, 6 28mm, Sales, Service & Cleaning "C" type. ful size, 34 Broadcas!, Bota e Fumace ¢ Chimney WWWUSGOVIGEOTATOraS.COm ALEX ELLIOTT ou REDUCE SPEUSE TECYCLE | ALUMINUM CONTRACTORS ae UP RIGHT: Fully licensed & insured : 10am -6 pm +Wed & Sal 10am - 1 pm ; EEE . be Sat 905-985-3873 | PICTURE Fenfec? ar a 72 Water Street, Port Perry INTERIOR DESIGN eT: N27: Ne] ne e] 21S A. OPPERS LTD. St. 605.855.1581 Quality Products £& Workmanship A -------- B® Winbows & DoORs Ml SIDING, SOFFIT & FASCIA wi, _- BM ALUMINUM RAILINGS Bl AWNINGS - FABRIC & io i DISTINCTIVE INTERIORS -- BM SUNROOMS, SOLARIUMS ALUMINUM, FIXED & B 0) B CAT el "Henry Wolters Commercial & Residentail Interior Design RETRACTABLE : SERVICES . CUSTOM Window Treatment Specialist * Planning & Colour Consultant Visit our showroom: 905-985-49 1 0 Trenching - Grading Bi CARPENTRY * Kitchen & Closet Organization 193 North St., Port Perry Excavating MW Trim & Ceramic Tile, Dealer for: Repla * Wilmar ¢ Bonneville Windows & Doors [1 Cabinets, Windows & Doors, Decks, Porches, Patios CLASSIC ALUMINUM | or , 1H sed Supplier & Installer of O.N.H.W.P Insured i k 986-9666 ; : . . * new homes * additions * windows Quality Aluminum, Wood & Vinyl Products « bathrooms * rec rooms * garages Call Al: 905-852-2575 Linda Lee I PORT PERRY cell: 416-668-2575 « Windows & Doors Exterior Cladding Terry ian pis -- Sr ol * Siding * Awnings (retractable & fixed) 905-935-1813 ; : * Sunrooms * Soffit, Fascia & Eavestrough ri Im ST OR ATI ON S| sm "PAVING | TE = || Senora uoi7 905-985-0075 || Mca AIALS FOR vel 2 Bans) i py : PORT PERRY TRI SON < € eC Creatj, oy, . . 3 Since 1985 $ rr ag Ye oR 2 ih LL, Faptat ar CONTRACTING INC. Professions festorations, Condominiums : ASPHALT PAVING finishing on all antiques, ' Toomer our sper ALLEN'S SIDING PRODU CTS LTD. . Resideniia . Comviercial residentio and office ume. "| Reas es - Fre es ¢* Industria ? ializin Wallcoverin --- - n ) : "50s 588 d6b die-dge 9014 905 985 3333 . COT hal ons Hh Sales and Installation of: * Doors * Windows * Troughs * snow removal # GENERAL CONTRACTING 8 * Additions = Solariums * Awnings * Decks * Sunrooms ~~ PREMIUM * snow & sand service 135 North Port Rd., PORT PERRY,| - Edvomoan 1 Gotlob 905-985-4179 ONTARIO 905-985-6650 (Slazmee Jor free estimates call Rob or Mike CALL FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE 1 Port Pevvy Stov,.. Your *| Source Lor Local Information a a a Su a al a a a a i a Ay