PB mo i A Ci i 3 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - 9 Local church gets a new minister, updated look Epsom United Church undergoes a few changes over the summer months By Heather McCrae Port Perry Star Lots has been happen- ing at Epsom United Church lately. The rural Scugog church has a new minister and has undergone some major renovations, giving it a fresh, updated look. Since July 1, Reverend Elaine Lush has come on board. And after a few week's holidays, she has now been in full swing at the Goodwood-Epsom- Utica Pastoral Charge. A stay-at-home mom for many years, when Rev. Lush's two daughters, Sarah, 21, and 19-year-old Kate, were in high school their mom became to think of fulfilling a new career. "I had reached that time in my life when I knew I wanted to embark on my own career and after I did much soul searching the ministry is where | ended up," she explained. While she grew up in Toronto, Rev. Lush lived in Sutton from 1981 to 1995. She began attending Emmanuel College in Toronto and her family moved back to the city "to make the transition easi- er," she says. During her studies at Emmanuel College she preached at Locust Hill United Church, a small rural oratory with a tiny, but committed, congrega- tion. Before coming to the Goodwood-Epsom-Utica Pastoral Charge, Rev. Lush spent six months filling in for a maternity leave at Virginia United Church in Virginia on the shores of Lake Simcoe. "I'm really at home with the rural community," Rev. Lush says. Recently ordained in May 2001 in Baysville, North Durham is her first full-time position at the pulpit. Because it is her first place of employment, the United Church of Canada teamed her up with the local charge. "With the goals, desires and dreams of myself and this charge, the Church thought we would make a good match," she said. Now living in the manse in Goodwood with her hus- band, Jim, she's just min- utes away from all three churches, which are all part of the York Presbytery within the Toronto Conference. The Epsom United Church has also undergone some extensive renova- tions. Newly painted and drywalled, giving it a fresh new look, a wheelchair VISIT UNIQUE HOMES Saturday, September 22nd 10:00 am. - 3:30 pm. [I - RAIN OR SHINE - Complimentary coffee/tea and tea-biscuits served at TOWN HALL 1873. All proceeds for the renovations to TOWN HALL 1873. Tickets $15.00 Tickets may be ordered from HENSHALL'S 241 Queen Street, Port Perry, ON LIL 1B9 905-985-1965 or purchase at Town Hall 1873 September 22, 2001 Tour begins at Town Hall 1873, 302 Queen St., Port Perry, ON . INSURANCE ASSIGNMENT ACCEPTED + EVENING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE . mon AE COMEANC + DENTISTRY WHILE YOU SLEEP A OUT + GENERAL ANAESTHESIA AVAILABLE mn NEW PATIENTS WELCOME t 905-985-8459 | C 462 PAXTON ST. (ACROSS FROM PORT PERRY COMMUNITY HOSPITAL) ramp has also been built, making the house of wor- ship accessible for the physically challenged. On Sept. 16 during the service a dedication of the wheelchair ramp will be conducted. This is also the kick-off day for a new and exciting Sunday School program. Refreshments and snacks will be served after the service. All regular worship ser- vices at Goodwood United Church begin at 9:30 a.m. while the Epsom-Utica ser- vice will be held in Epsom United Church 90-minutes later. To officially welcome Rev. Lush to the Goodwood-Epsom-Utica charge a covenanting ser- vice will be held in Utica at a joint service on Nov. 4 at 11 a.m. "So far, my life as a preacher has been very fulfilling," Rev. Lush says. "I'm looking forward to many years here." Reverend Elaine Lush is just one of the many new additions to the Epsom United Church. is now a Teenager! Happy 40th Celebration That makes 4 in the house. Love from your Family F " 3 Wh 3 YO A < Terry English September 12, 2001 Love Mom Happy 16th Birthday Stacey September 11 Love Dad, Mom, Ashley & Melissa The Parents of Leanne McDowell & David Robertson would like to invite all their friends to a WEDDING DANCE in the Armories Lindsay at 8 pm. on September 15, 2001 Directory of Coming Events Sunday, Sept. 16 Roast beef supper - Blackstock Rec. Centre - 4:30-7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 16 Open Door Worship Service resumes at Trinity United Church, Uxbridge - 7 p.m. Monday Sept. 17 Shuffleboard, exer- cise, line dancing - Port Perry Seniors - atcham Centre. Friday, Sept. 21 Rummage Sale - St. John's Presbyterian Church-9am.- 1 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 18, 25 & Oct. 2 Confident Women - seminar series for women who like to be inspired - Kinsmen Hall, Port Perry. Call 905-986-1441. Wednesday, Sept. 19 Hospital Auxiliary Tea - 2 p.m. - Port Perry hospital. Saturday, Sept. 29 Whitby Junior Chess Club - fall junior open chess tournament. - Whitby Montessori School. Info. call 905- 430-8201. Sept. 29 & 30 Victoria County Studio Tour - 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. For free brochure call 705-887-5273. Sunday, Sept. 30 Roast beef dinner - Oddfellows Hall - 5 p.m. Tickets - call 905- 985-2343. Oct. 6&7 Victoria County Studio Tour- 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. For free brochure call 705-887-5273. Saturday, Oct. 20 ~ Wood Burning & Carving Show & Sale - Bowmanville High School - 10-4. Wednesday, Oct. 31 Halloween luncheon - $6 - Rebekah Lodge - Oddfellows Hall - 11:30 am. - | p.m. Euchre also $2. Friday & Saturday Nov.2 & 3 Victoria County Craft Guild Show - Heritage Christian School, Lindsay. Info. 705-357- 3758. Saturday, Nov. 17 Eastern Canadian Gelbvieh Association sponsored sale - Lindsay Sales Arena - 2 p.m. Call 705-742-9759 for info. Coming Events sponsored by... Myles G. O'Riordan Funeral Director/Owner Wagg Funeral Home Ltd. McDermott-Panabaker Chapel 216 Queen St., Port Perry 905-985-2171 Email: wagg.fh@sympatico.ca Mark K. Fletcher Funeral Director | oem tn tx B