"A Family Tradition for 134 Years" / ) ll ll THE PORT PERRY STAR - Wednesday, August 8, 2001 - 17 ooo SY JET ~~ N ne wa | V\----- _ Ni fla FORDER-PARKS [SR] VaY, [of SH CiR{e] (R01, [of 34 Water Street, Port Perry All Lines of General Insurance DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE Induding e Claims Free e Mortgage Free e Seniors ® New Home ¢ Multi-Policy Convenient Payment Plans Available Call for a Cormpltorsr? Communications Premium Service Provider of Cable Television and High Speed Internet on Cable - for Home and Business 905-985-8171 ~~ 8 H o_o (aX 2] Don't talk yourself out of becoming a home buyer before considering financ- ing options that may already exist to get you in the door. Here are some common concems of those new to the housing market, and some answers that may pleasantly surprise you: BR RS on, . mw] | [8 Competitive Quote 63S Durham Rd, #2) CO WORRY FREE T.V. and we're not stopping there! Pep Talk to Wannabe Home Buyers: .. You may be closer than you think "ll never save enough to make a 25 per cent down payment." You don't necessarily have to. Special mortgage insurance is available to allow for a down payment of as little as five per cent of the cost of a first home. These mortgages are Lp a Es insured against default by either Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) or GE CAPITAL Mortgage Insurance Canada. The insurance premium ranges from 1.25 per cent to 2.5 per cent of your mort- gage balance, and can be the mortgage balance. "Most of my savings are already tied-up in RRSPs" As a first-time home buyer you can actually bor- row up to $20,000 from your RRSP (up to $40,000 per couple) to help buy or build a qualifying first home. You annual installments over 17 years. Contact your local taxation office or bank branch for full details on this helpful Home Buyers Plan sponsored by the federal govemment. "What about all the extra costs of buying a home?" George Smith Real Estate Law for Over 25 Years paid up front or added to can repay your RRSP in Up-front cash require- KEN REINHARDT PROFESSIONAL MORTGAGE BROKERS INC. PRIVATE MORTGAGES Hu Invisible Fence. OSPCA Seal of Approval Recommended by Veterinarians Over 1,000,000 happy customers Personalized Training Customized systems Professionally installed Lifetime warranty One-year, money-back guarantee 220 Queen Street, Port Perry, Ont. LYL 1BY =: 905-985-8465 | QP DCI LV REUV ER ER WARY: 905-985-4029 1-800-363-1396 "Securing Your Best Interest" ments can be a particular concem to first time home buyers, so some mortgage lenders now offer valuable features such as a cash bonus to help with closing costs or access to addition- al credit to help with your decorating and furnishing expenses. "It's a big financial com- mitment. What if my circum- stances change?" You can choose a mort- gage lender that gives you the flexibility to adapt to changing situations. When you talk to a lender, discuss the ability to skip mortgage payments during a rough period and the flexibility to increase or pay down your mortgage as your priorities change. Consult with your lender to arrange a pre-approved mortgage that takes into account your lifestyle and spending priorities. To crunch the numbers on your own, check out a handy mortgage calculator . DON HARPER Sales Representative Robert & Carolyn Hall Seles Representatives Brian McKinlay Associate Broker [H Port Perry 905-985-4300 Toronto Line 905-683-4039 sutton - lifestyle real estate limited AN INDEPENDENT MEMBER BROKER 126 Water St., 2nd Floor, Port Perry, ON LOL 189 GET SOLD ON SUTTON GROUP Bus. 905 985-4300 Tor. Line 905-683-4039 Res. 905-985-7718 sutton group - lifestyle real estate limited AN NDEPENDENT MEMBER BRON ER 126 Water St., 2nd Floor, Port Perry, ON LOL 189 GET OUR TEAM WORKING FOR YOU! (H Bus. 905 985-4300 AN INDEPENDENT MEMBER BROKER Tor. Line 905-683-4039 Res. 905-985-6726 sutton group - lifestyle real estate limited 126 Water St, 2nd Floor, Port Perry, ON LOL 1B9