6 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, October 24, 2000 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" ADVERTISING MGR . . .Deb McEachern PRODUCTION MGR = Pam Hickey REPORTER Chris Hall PHONE (905) 985-7383 FAX (905) 985-3708 E-MAIL: port.perry.star@sympatico. ca Newspaper Assoc PUBLISHER J. Peter Hwuidsten » PD) = Hs wh : z $= Member GENERAL MGR ....... Don Macleod ocha I @) RT ; [2 E R R h% NS FA Rt Canadian % CNA Heather Callan, Janet Rankin, Lesley West ?, J, A - A, Community MANAGING EDITOR Jeff Mitchell pil » 18ae } Fp PT & 2000 LF Newspaper ADVERTISING: Gindi Todd, Cindy Jobin, OFFICE MANAGER Gayle Stapley Member Ontario Community : ------ os o is i Association Gail Morse, Heather McGregor, Linda Clarke, BUSINESS OFFICE: Judy Ashby, Kathy Dudley, Lisa Monk, Janet Archer, Malcolm Lennox EDITORIAL POLICY: Opinions expressed by columnists, contnbutors and letter wiiters are not necessarily those of The Port Perry Star. Letters must be signed and the telephone number ( brought to the editor's attention. We reserve the night to edit or refuse publication of any matenal submitted. ADVERTISING POLICY The publisher ts not kable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher s not kable for other errors or onuss:ons in connection with any advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. All daims of emor in publication must be made by Wednesday, noon, por to the next week's publication, and, if not made, will not be considered No dam wall be allowed for more than one insertion Publications Mail Registration No. 07881 Six Months - $19.79 (includes GST) We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP) towards our mailing costs Published every Tuesday by the Port Perry Star Company Limited, 188 Mary Street - Port Perry, Ontario - LIL 187 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year - $37 45 (includes GST) Foreign 1 Year - $96 30 (includes GST) which will not be published) included. Requests that a name be withheld wall be honoured only if there is a compelling reason 10 do so Errors will be corrected of PRODUCTION: Trudy Emprninaham, Daryle Wnght, Arlene Cheel, Robert Taylor, Richard Drew Freelance Waters Heather McCrae, John B McClelland, Rik Davie Editorial Comment A cynical power grab The Liberals shouldn't be too surprised if they encounter some grumpy voters on the campaign trail this fall. Because even if they've got in their bag of tricks a lot of reasons why we ought to vote to keep them in office, there's one answer they'll be hard-pressed to supply: A good reason why we're going to the polls. Calling an election three and a half years into a majority mandate is an obvious attempt by the Liberals to cash in on popularity and good economic times. It's also timed to dodge the inevitable economic downturn, and the fall-out of such issues as the ongoing police investigations into mis- management of funds by the federal Human Resources department. Prime Minister Jean Chretien's claim on Sunday that he was challenged by his new opposition foe Stockwell Day to hold the election just does not ring true. Like so many state- ments by the Prime Minister these days, we are left with the impression that we are being treated like gullible, slightly dim-witted children; patted on the head and given a facile excuse, then sent on our way. i But such is the arrogance that comes with virtually unfet- tered power, one supposes. Each month in power seems to remove the PM further from the people; he seems no longer to be in tune with his country. | The government just reacts to trends. With tax cuts, with promises of health care-funding... with election writs, when the numbers say it's time. Which could lead one to wonder who's running the country - the politicians, or the pollsters? We're not telling you not to vote Liberal, if you want to. But it's important to remember this election is not about issues; it is a cynical power grab. Nothing more, or less. -- ..AND AFTER MR.ELVIS HAS GIVEN HIS MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH, MR. BARNEY WILL GWE A TALK ON BEING FRIENDS AND MR. BOZO WILL GIVE You AN ATTITUDE ADJUST MENT! \! SCUGOG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE KrODA PoRT PERRY STAR Remember When? | Port Perry's combined skating and curling rink was located on the south east corner of Simcoe St. (formerly Lilla) and Paxton St. and was opened Jan. 2, 1922. The arena was described as one of the finest outside of the big cities, measuring 105' x 180' with seating for 400 and dressing rooms with a gallery above them. It featured a hockey/skating surface of 60'x160' and two regulation size curling sheets, one on each side of the the main building. The arena was used for 25 years before being con- demned and torn down in 1947. A new arena was opened on Water St. in January 195). Port Perry Star Letter of the Week 'Boarders deserve downtown park To the Editor: | would like to know if Mr Hvidsten considers kids who skateboard, less than citizens of Port Perry (Randon Jottings, Oct I). He seems to feel that kids don't deserve access to food, drinks and the other amenities that busi- nesses offer This park is for all kids of all ages who pursue the individual sport of skateboarding If isolating the kids at the arena parking lot is what these kids want- ed, then why are his son and friends not there now? Those people whom he refers to as not suitable to co-exist in the business and residential areas of Port Perry have every bit as much right to a safe corner of a parking lot into downtown Port Perry to safely skateboard, as do tennis, volleyball or baseball play- ers, cyclists or rollerbladers Forthe record, Uxbridge moved their skateboard park downtown, right next to the municipal office, from the arena A large portion of our monies came from local busi- nesses supporting a downtown location | would hope in the future Mr Hvidsten researches his material before writing about our commu- nity Ferron Young, Port Perry Got an opinion? E-mail the editor at port.perry.star@sympatico.ca A A Re aN A A RN A rR A A 3 Fa A A NAN A A ah A aN LB a a th dP Cant 2 Ca Ad Fil ZF a nal R Pa AR OI LAT SFL A RE Sse EER RR Re RE ELE RE FRE EN EE EP PE EEE RY TIITWTIVIrINNT 21