Gi "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, October 24, 2000 - 26 yy oh 4S, Ai 1997 ASTRO, all wheel drive, V6, auto, p.s., p.b., p.w., p.d.l, remote keyless entry, extended warranty, trailer hitch, $13,500, 985- 3423. 1997 GRAND AM SE 4 dr, white, spoiler, alu- minum wheels, dealer maintained, air, CD play- er, keyless entry, power windows, certified, $12,800. 985-1386. KINSMEN HALL - Avail- able for dances, meetings, receptions. Kitchen & bar. Plenty of parking. 985- 8570. LARGE 1 BEDROOMa- partment. Country living 8 minutes north of Port Perry. Available Dec. 1, $675 all inclusive. Days/pager 905-438- 6999, evenings 905-985- 9724. A aa BR Rd at Trucks for Sale 1984 GMC pick up truck in good condition, best offer. Phone 985-8505 or 985-2722 after 9 p.m. RAED To, LARGE 3 BEDROOM APT., Port Perry, fridge, stove, heat, water includ- ed. References, no pets, first & last, $975 a month. Call 985-3540. RHE pn 1993 CREW CARGO VAN, 3/4 ton, white, new paint, ABS brakes, certi- fied $5,500 OBO. 986- 5726. TRUCK CAPS, box liners, running boards, sales & installation. Van & Truck World 579-6868. 1971 OLYMPIC single cylinder skidoo; 1976 340 John Deere snowmobile; 1972 Polaris 340; 1970 Skirule single cylinder, all in good condition. 1-705- 786-1455. Bis SHEER Bp Er BES NENTS oe BITS STEER RGR ED 1992 POLARIS INDY 340, studs, ski skins, & carbides, low miles, excel- lent condition, $2,000; covered skidoo trailer, 101" wide, $1,200. 985- 1646. NNN shi 18" RUNABOUT, heavy duty trailer, $575. 1-705-786- 1455. GREW ential ME Corps, WA MATURE MALE looking for 1 bedroom apt. Port Perry area. Reasonable. References available. 705-740-8547 (pager). hr Si, te STORAGE FOR LAWN- MOWERS etc. in Little Britain, north of Port Perry or Lindsay area. 1-705- 786-1455. 2 BEDROOM APT. downtown Port Perry, $700 a month plus utili- 4 ties, first and last, refer- ences required. 985-2123. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE 20 minutes east of Port . Perry, new decor, no pets. 705-878-5821. COUNTRY HOME TO SHARE - 2 bedrooms, pri- vate entrance, bathroom, living room with fireplace and kitchenette, non- smokers, 985-0160. EXECUTIVE RENTAL - Port Perry, spacious and bright one bedroom open concept, southerly expo- sure, modem kitchen with 3 appliances, central air, plus gas fireplace, walk to all amenities, $950 month, including utilities. Avail- able Nov. 1. 985-0655. INDOOR STORAGEfor cars, boats, trailers, etc., excellent rates. Call 985- 3962. INDUSTRIAL SHOP SPACE -1,500 sq. ft. starting at $700 month. Several to choose from, 550 power, paved park- ing. Call 985-3885 or 721- 6047. SLANG MAN EN 3 NaN LINDSAY - 3 bedroom house, finished basement, $900/month plus utilities (heat included). Negn- tiable. 705-786-0104 or 705-324-6685. PORT PERRY. Deluxe two and three bedroom apartments in a quiet, well kept building. Laundry facilities, walkout patio doors, one thousand square feet, no pets allowed, available Decem- ber 1. $780 & $875 per month, plus utilities. Call 985-7606 or 985-2534. PORT PERRY - spacious 3 bedroom apartment, lower floor of home, pri- vate entrance and yard, air cond., cable, laundry, parking, non-smokers, no pets. Suitable for conge- nial working or retired cou- ple, $850 inclusive, first and last, references. Box 152, Port Perry, On LIL 1A3. RETAIL COMMERCIAL rental units in Blackstock, will accommodate large trucks. Starting at $350. 985-7754. UXBRIDGE, 10 minutes south, semi-detached country 2 bedroom chalet on acreage. Appliance included. Exclusive, beau- tiful countryside. Max. 3. NG dogs. Also available large two sided steel bam, will finish, $875 + oil, refer- ences and credit check. 705-357-2290. UXBRIDGE, luxurious single furished bedroom on Quaker Village Drive. Share all facilities, every- thing included, non-smok- er, must love dogs, $385/month, first and last, no pets. 905-852-4454. CUSTOM BUILT 3 bed- room all brick 1,800 sq. ft. bungalow with whirlpool tub, oak kitchen, 24'x24' garage, 2 custom built round cedar decks, 2 stocked ponds on 11+ acres along river. 15 min- utes to Port Perry and 8 minutes to Lindsay on paved school bus road. Enjoy fishing, canoeing, swimming, snowmobiling and skiing through the trails. Its like owning your own private camp ground! 1-705-786-1455 leave message. PORT PERRY - large in- town lot, 2,000 sq. ft. raised bungalow, 4 bed- rooms, 2 full baths, fully finished basement, $195,000 firm. Agents welcome at 3% commis- sion. Phone 905-985- www. portperrystarcom REGISTERED founda- tion bred dun quarter horse filly, gorgeous, beautiful temperment. Will finish. Big, strong mare. 705-887-9565. CAP to fit 1995 long-box Ranger. 986-4257. JACK'S AUTO PARTS - cars, trucks including 4x4's for recycling. Top prices paid. Will pick up. Call 985-8160. ip Wanted Help Want WR Transitional Support Worker "axa. Permanent Part-time (28 hours per week) Women's Resources is seeking a Transitional Support Worker to assist abused women with housing, education/employment, life skills, parenting and emotional health and well being issues. Skills and knowledge required: Post-secondary education in socal senvices * Expenence working with abused women * Demonstrated understanding of teminist and anti-oppression pnnciples * Knowledge of local resources * Valid diner s license and vehicle * Computer literacy * Bret solution 1ocused counselling skills * Ability to work independently * Expenence with program evaluating and statistical reporting * Community Collaboration and networking * Willing to work evenings as required Resumes must be submitted by noon November 3/00 to: Lori Watson, Executive Director, Women's Resources 9 Russell Street East, Lindsay, Ontario (Fax) 705-878-0022 Email: PORT PERRY WRECK- ERS: Collison, used vehi- cles for recycling. Top prices paid. Certified scales. Call 905-986- 4281. SCRAP CARS, trucks, elc. Call Ray 985-8707. USED 25 CU. FT. chest freezer. Must be in good working order. 985-8620. EXPERIENCED RENO- VATOR to do small repairs. Call Don 986- 5046. LEZLIE APPLETON Dec- orating Consultant - dealer access to-vinyl built shut- ters, Hunter Douglas blinds, carpet, custom draperies, paint, wallcov- erings. (905) 985-9649. NO DRIP OIL UNDER- COATING - Pete DeHaas, 985-7473. RICHARD APPLETON CERTIFIED PAINTER - Quality painting, wall papering, wood finishing and refinishing, plaster repair, complete restora- tion services and decorat- ing consultation available. Taking winter bookings. References available. Phone 985-9649. Young Professional Seeks | Volunteer | Employment. For example, ! Adminstration, PR. Anything considered. Telephone Linda 905-985-0183 I A =5 (oF: LVF: {1a Te ICH o [eIVET-H SF: TET [oe » Septics * Driveways * Foundations * Floating Pads *» Show Plowing * Sanding & Salting DAVE DAY Sn 965-9829 | | Group Facilitator saws Permanent Part-time (21 hours per week) SETTLEMENT HOUSE CLEARANCE STORE Requires a Part-time SALES ASSOCIATE to join our dynamic Sales Team Please apply by mail, fax or e-mail to: Terry Wilson, ¢/o Settlement House Shops, 183 Queen St, Port Perry, ON LYL. IBS Fax: (905) 985-4082 E-mail: NORTH MARKHAM LANDSCAPE FIRM Landscape Foreperson Must be mechanically inclined, knowledgeable in small engine repair. Wages NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the Estate of ROBERT JOSEPH BETSON, late of the Township of Scu- gog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 22nd day of June, 2000, must be filed with the undersigned personal rep- resentatives on or before the 15th day of Novem- ber, 2000; thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated this 5th day of October, 2000. Women's Resources is seeking a group facilitator to organize and co- facilitate groups for abused women and child witnesses to violence. Skills and knowledge required: Post-secondary degree in social services * Expenence working with abused women and their children * Demonstrated assessment and group lacilitation skills * Knowledge of child development and impact ot commiserate with knowledge & experience. Call 905-887-9900 ext 21 Toll Free 1-800-353-0318 ext 21 David R. Powell and Donald Tucker, Estate Trustees, by their solicitors, WILSON Associates wilnessing violence * Ability to work as part of a multi-hsciphnary team * Demonstrated understanding of feminist and anti-oppression panciples * Experience with [on evaluation and statistical analysis * Strong organizational skills * Computer literacv * Available 10 work evenings 22 Brock Street East Uxbridge, Ontano LIP 1P1 as required Resumes must be submitted by noon November 3/00 to: Lori Watson, Executive Director, Women's Resources 9 Russell Street East, Lindsay, Ontario Read Us On The WEB wr portporeystarcom | (Fax) 705-878-0022 Email: SALES HELP WANTED Part Time Snowmobile & ATV Clothing SUR) PRERPIY Minister: Rev. Robert LePage Rev. Julie van Haaften 985-2801 SUNDAY, OCT. 29 9:50 a.m. - Port Perry United Church 11:30 a.m. - Prihce Albert COOKS, SERVERS/Mar- tenders required for Port Perry restaurant. Apply in person 56 Water Street. DYNAMIC CARWASH is hiring a full-time car wash attendant. $8/hr. to start plus bonuses. Please drop off resumes at the carwash, 70 Vanedward Drive, Port Perry. ~ 2210 Hwy. 7A - (at Island Rd.) 985-8681; 985-1588 David S. Daniels, Sr. Pastor Peter Pallant, Assoc. Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship & Jr. Church 5:45 p.m. Prayer Fellowship 6:30 p.m. Evening Worship Pre-school child care available MONDAY 7 p.m. - Men's Sports Night TUESDAY 9:30 a.m. - Between Friends WEDNESDAY 10 a.m. - Saints Alive (55+) 7 p.m. - AWANA Boys & Girls THURSDA 7 p.m. - Men's Bible Study FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. - Youth Ministries Call for more information FULL-TIME DAY SHIFT available. Apply in person Country Style, Manch- ester. 985-1525. GENERAL LABOURER must have valid drivers licence. Call 985-4910. A warm welcome to all Wheelchair accessible BUSY SHOP REQUIRES full-time energetic person Monday - Friday. Send resume to Box #20, c/o Port Perry Star, 188 Mary Street, Port Perry, Ontario LIL 187. CARPENTER WANTED. Local custom furniture company looking for ambi- tious, energetic, self- starter with experience in cabinetry and C.A.D. Excellent opportunity to start with a growing busi- ness. Part-time hours with possibility of full-time employment. $10- $12/hour starting wage with raises and bonus. Send resume to Box 21, c/o Port Perry Star, 188 Mary Street, Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1B7. ---. ® > =m. = = hadnt Sura LABOURERS and CAR- PENTERS required, 905- 985-3724, 905-427-0390. PART-TIME ADMINIS- SCUGOG ISLAND UNITED CHURCH 19100 Island Road (oT 8 o-Td a VIM a 1a ToT= 0 \ [=] c]8[o7:Y\ ej 10] {ef No] [ UNITED CHURCHES THE ASCENSION Moming Worship & Sunday School PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH The Rev'd Gary van der Meer, Incumbent Phone: 905-985-7278 Fax: 905-985-6810 E-mail: AscensionPortPerry @ Services: Holy Communion Church School & Nursery at 10 a.m. Sunday Service Saturdays 5-6 p.m. (begins Nov. 4) SUNDAY, OCT. 29 8am. & 10am. 7 p.m. All Saints Memorial Service AN &. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. Hugh A. Kernohan, Parish Priest Tel: (905) 986-0557 SERVICES Tuesday 7 p.m. - Eucharist 7:30 p.m. - Religious Studies Group SUNDAYS On the 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays of the month 9:30 a.m. - Choral Eucharist On the 3rd Sunday of the month 9:30 a.m. - Choral Morning Prayer Church School & Nursery Every Sunday BAHA'I FAITH "Rise unto that for which thou wast created." Baha'u'llah For local Baha'i gatherings Call: 985-4582 Attend: Local Baha'i gatherings Info line: Automated, 1-800-433-3284 Books: at Public Library Vision TV: "Baha'i Perspective" - TRATIVE assistant, Tues- day and Thursday. Strong, secretarial skills, expertise using Microsoft Word and Excel, familiar with data base applica- tions. Send resume to Box R, PO Box 459, Uxbridge, LIP 1M6 i 520 HE ARE YOU CONNECT- ED? Intemet users want- ed! $500-$7,500 month. www 985-4094 SUNDAY, OCT. 29 Rev. Dr. Frank Lockhart 10 a.m. Sunday School & Nursery Care Provided Coffee Hour Following Service A Warm Welcome to All! GREENBANK PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Ross Carson 985-7787 SUNDAY, OCT. 29 Pinedale 9 am. Seagrave 10 am. Greenbank 11:15 am. 1st Wed. of every month Write: Baha'is of Scugog, Box 1153, Port Perry L9L 1A9 Baha'is of Mariposa Box 59, Little Britain KOM 2CO 705-786-2378 New Web Site: <> ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister Rev. D.A. & Sandy) ar SUND 10 a.m. service OCT. 29 Sunday School & Nursery Care Available For further information call 985-3881 or 985-4746 All are warmly welcome Rev. Philp Hobbs 986-4235 "No 'Hearsay' Faith" 2:30 p.m. - Nestleton Anniversary Minister - Rev. Brian Gee | "I Love To Tell The Story" SUNDAY, OCT. 29 Sunday School & Nursery Care A warm welcome to all A VICTORY CHRISTIAN CENTRE PASTOR JOHN BENSCHOP 593 Alma Street (One block south of 7A, west off Old Simcoe) SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP 10:30 a.m. STEP INTO VICTORY For further info call: 985-1346 HOPE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. Norman A Sennema 14480 Old Simcoe Rd (Between 7A & Prince Albert) SUNDAY OCT. 29 10:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Sunday School & Nursery YOUTH PROGRAMS: Wednesday evenings LADIES COFFEE BREAK: Thursday mornings Wheelchair accessible & hearing impaired aides i Telephone: 985-9307 NESTLETON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Wm. Fairley - Minister SUNDAY, OCT. 29 Service: 11 a.m. Sunday School provided Everyone Welcome Slejvjelole COMMUNITY CHURCH CHURCH (Latcham Community Centre) 121 Queen St. Pastor-teacher - John Mank Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. Teaching the Word of God verse by verse. 'Home Bible Studies 'Biblical Counseling 'Personal Discipling 'Master's Men em------ ai urse *Jr. Church 'WheejChair Accessible CylYfor information 985-1296