000 MB oe irs Sanh Ws PT Fa 20 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, August 15, 2000 SIgNs summer is soon to be over Where has the summer gone? This week the C.N.E. opens and in just two weeks the Blackstock Fair will be over. For most peo- ple it seems hard to realize that the summer has sped by so quickly. Speaking of Blackstock Fair, it is time to get your entry in to secretary Janice Beechey as soon as possible. Many from here as well as from many other places joined Moira Fallis at the open house in honour of her 80th birthday on Sunday afternoon in Lindsay. Happy birthday greetings from your many Blackstock friends. Tom and Tracy Martin and family have returned home from a vacation to the Maritime provinces. Helen and Stuart Dorrell enjoyed visiting their son Darcy and Laura Dorrell and family in 'Charlton. They also visited many friends in the area while there. At the United Church, service schedules return to regular time, with service at 9:45 am. next Sunday. Nestleton United holds its Cemetery Decoration Service at 2:30 p.m. next Sunday afternoon instead of regular church service. Keith Van Camp along with Doug Werry travelled to St. Hyacinth, Quebec where they successfully exhibited some goats at the Eastern National Goat Show returning home last Sunday. Linda and Roy Bradburn were surprised on Saturday evening when they returned from a dinner date to find a large number of friends and relatives gathered at their home to help them celebrate their upcoming 25th wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary greetings, Linda and Roy. There were 10 tables at the weekly Tuesday evening euchre party with the following winners: May Shortridge, Elwood Manns who also won the prize for the most lone hands, Pat VanDam, Marj Davies, Mary Henderson and Verna Robinson. Draws were won by Ruby Smith, Ann Zaporan, Lois Lowery, Lorraine Geer who won two and Eileen McLaughlin. On Sunday, Gerald and Joyce Kelly and Elaine Kelly attended the SOth annual Walker Picnic held at the Ken Reid Conservation Centre, Lindsay area. Much visiting, some games and of course a bountiful pot luck supper was enjoyed by the approximately 70 members of the family who were present. The Van Camp family annual picnic was held on Sunday at the Rec Centre beginning with a . delicious pot luck lunch. Much visiting was enjoyed as well as a great set of games under the direction of Jim and Margaret Ann Van Camp. Last year each family was given a quilt block to be made up showing the family interests. These were returned to Cindy Werry who assembled them into a hanging which was on display. It will be given to a branch of the family to be enjoyed through the year and returned the following year Church board meets Aug. 29 Church for the charge this week will be held in Goodwood United Church at 10 a.m. A reminder for board mem- bers, First Session meeting will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 29 at 7 p.m. in Epsom Church. Please be reminded of the community miscellaneous shower for Heather Munro and Harald Atzlesberger on Friday, Aug. 18 at 7:15 p.m. at the Epsom Church. Lunch is provided. Congratulations to Derek Slack and his partner Chris Carr on com- ing in second in the Bass Mania Tournament Trail at Lake Scugog on Wednesday. Dennis Gerrow and Neil DeShane were third. To Todd and Leslie Bruce and family, we express our sympathy on the passing of Leslie's father Felix Grosse of Tropon, Ont. Special thoughts of encourage- ment from your W.I. friends. Several cars of Bethesda- Reach WI. members and friends journeyed to Lindsay for dinner Utica & Epsom out and an evening at the Kawartha Theatre. "Into the Woods" was playing. By all reports an enjoyable time was spent together. The Evans family enjoyed a lovely day for their family picnic last Saturday. Weddings and holi- days kept some from attending. We welcome Rachel Wilson from Sudbury who will be spend- ing some time with her Grandpa and Grandma Wilson. We are pleased that Elmer and Ruth are feeling better. Brian and Wendy Meek and children are enjoying a few days of holiday [hear Brianne had a ride on an elephant named "Ginny." John Bradbury and his son-in- law Randy Wilson spent a few days visiting at Salem, N.C. Stephen Aked has been spending a few days visiting with his parents at Kelowna, B.C. The Lake family picnic was held on Sunday at the home of Jack and Nancy Skelding. The Skeldings were guests on Saturday at a wedding of a friend of Karen, who was a bridesmaid Ruth Ashton has informed me that she is proud to be a great- grandmother for the 14th time. Congratulations to parents Barry and Tara Catherwood on the arrival of their first born, a daugh- ter, Peyton Michelle on Thursday. First time grandparents are Ken and Beth Catherwood. Ken and Beth were Thursday dinner guests with her mother Ruth. Horticultural Society holding annuals show Aug. 23 at church Sunday, Aug. 6 was a special day for Burns Church congrega- tion when we welcomed our stu- dent minister Graeme Illman and his wife Karen. Following the service a lun- cheon was served downstairs with an opportunity for everyone to meet Graeme and Karen. We welcome anyone to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 10 am. Last Sunday, we were delighted to 'hear Karen sing a beautiful solo. The serggon was titled "A new thing - served from sin," based on the text Ephesians 2:8. Next Sunday, Aug 20 (weather permitting) we will be having our Ashburn area news by Florence Ashton I outdoor service in the gardens of Margaret Davis. Please remem- ber to bring a pot luck dish for lunch On Wednesday, Aug. 23 at 8 p.m. Brooklin Horticulture Society will hold the annuals show at Brooklin United Church. Craig Stubbs will be the guest speaker. His subject will be hostas. More details next week. Ron and Pat Ashton spent a few days last week near Edmonton, attending a family reunion. Last Thursday we were pleased to entertain visitors from Switzerland, Dany and Susan Vogel, and daughter Aela and Tiia who reside in Bern, Switzerland. Susan grew up in Ashburn, with her parents Cecil and Jean Vicars and brother Jim. The summer seems to be slip- ping away fast, so do get out and enjoy the many outdoor activities with family and friends. Lions Clubs benefit The Blackstock and Port Perry Lions Clubs just finished one great day Sunday at the Larry Dee Memorial Musical Not only did the musical have a good turnout but sales of hamburgers, hot dogs and cold drinks were brisk. While we worked away on our specific tasks it was nice to hear the pleas- ant folk and country music. Some of the musicians and singers were: Sherry Black, Newmarket; Garry Hooper, Uxbridge; McKay McGivern, Pembroke; James Bourque, New Brunswick; Bottie Randall, Whitby, Lome Hackey, Caesarea by Albert Putsey Bathurst, N.B.; Mike McGivern, Pembroke; Bill Johnson, Stouffville, formerly a singer and announcer on CHOO radio Paul Evans, Oshawa, president of Ambassador Records, Chev from another great corn roast Adams of Lindsay If | missed any- one, I'm sorry. The weather was great and the crowd was wonderful Blackstock Lions, remember this Wednesday is a director's meeting at Ken Lee's home at 6 pm for supper Caesarea Ratepayers We had a wonderful day work- ing at the big pier on Sunday. Got a little more beach cleaned up and rototilled the other section ready for sod Flowerbed looks good and we cemented those two poles that someone took a dislike to As far as skidoos are concerned they can travel between the flowerbed and the wall, go up on the roadway and pass the gate on the north side The ice huts which appear to do most of the damage to the grounds can go in and out at the boat launch ramp. Lake Scugog Regatta Association My group also spent a few min- utes at the playground area of the park. Some lad from Alberta was on the teeter totter and fell off fracturing his collarbone 1 have a small volleyball and also a blue lunch cloth type container picked up in the park Call me at 986- 0181. Lake Scugog Historical Society We had a fast moving director's meeting last Thursday night. Because of the rain the car show is put off until early in Septembér We had a report on the pioneer cemeteries but the report is not complete. This past weekend the muse- um board held their Fund Day which was aimed at pleasing all ages. With good weather they had their average crowed