26- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, February 16, 1999 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" -- P---- \ LJ ANGLICAN CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION BLACKSTOCK - NESTLETON UNITED CHURCH Port Perry & Prince Albert UNITED CHURCHES Minister: ev. Robert J. Le Page Gary van der Meer, REV. DAVID SHEARMAN ol 985-2801 Incumbent B.A., M. Div. SUNDAY, FEB. 21 Phone: 905-985-7278 SUNDAY, FEB. 21 Port Perry United Church Fax: 905-985-6810 986-4235 Morning Worship & Sunday Thursdays 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Blackstock - 9:45 a.m Port Perry + 9:50am _ Bible Study . Nestleton - 11:15 a.m. Ln Services: Holy Communion wwwa3.sympatico.ca/ ) 'Nursery care available Church School & Nursery shearman/bnuc.html in both churches at 10 a.m. Sunday Service Nah Wedhosday | . Ss nesday BAHA'I 4 pm. Fam Eucharist PORT PERRY | "Rise unto that for which thou 8 p.m. Holy Communion | For local Baha'i gatherings 8 a.m. | Call: 985-4582 10am. Attend: Local Baha'i gatherings Info line: Automated, ooks: at Public Library Vision TV: "Bahai APOSTOLIC CHURCH 2210 Shy 78 ahisan Ao) Sh & we > Perspective" - 1st Wed. of every month Write: Baha'is of Scugog, 180 Mary St., 2nd Floor Your Local Family Church REGULAR SERVICES - David S. Daniels, Senior Pastor Peter Pallant, Associate Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES NOTHER MISHAP: This is the 1989 Ski Doo Giuseppe Pizzorousso, 34, of Box 1153, Port Perry LIL 1A9 Sunday 10:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School Downsview was driving when he crashed on Scugog Island Saturday. He was Baha'is of Mariposa 9 a.m - Sunday School a oY taken to hospital in Toronto with serious injuries. The accident came two Box 59, Little Britain KOM 2CO Wednesday 8 p.m 11am. Worship & Jr. Church wll : 2 ' 705-786-2378 "For further information 6:30 p.m. Evening Praise weeks after a man was killed in a accident on the ice of Lake Scugog near re Pre-school child care available New Web Site: call 985-2611 Port Perry <http://www.bahai.org> HOPE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. Norman A Sennema 14480 Old Simcoe Rd (Between 7A & Prince Albert) SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:30 a.m. & 7 p.m. Sunday School & Nursery YOUTH PROGRAMS: Wednesday evenin LADIES COFFEE BREAK: Thursday momings Wheelchair accessible & hearing impaired aides Telephone: 985-9307 ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH =]:161 457 F001 4 Rev. Hugh A. Kernohan, Parish Priest oN Tel: (905) 986-0557 SERVICES WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17 ASH WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. Eucharist with Distribution of the Ashes SUNDAY, FEB. 21 FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT 9:30 a.m. Choral Eucharist Church School 9:30 a.m. every Sunday Nursery available every Sunday ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. D.A. (Sandy) Beaton E -. SUNDAY, FEB. 21 C 10 a.m. service Sunday School & Nursery Care Available For further information call 985-3881 or 985-4746 All are warmly welcome COLUMBUS COMMUNITY UNITED CHURCH A Community Church For All Rev. Frazer Lacey B.A. M. Div. SUNDAY, FEB. 21 Service - 10 a.m. Sunday School and Nursery Care Always Available GREENBANK PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Ross Carson 985-7787 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17 Greenbank - 7:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday Service SUNDAY, FEB. 21 Pinedale 9 a.m. Seagrave 10 a.m. Greenbank 11:15 a.m. "When the devil quotes scripture" NESTLETON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Wm. Fairley - Minister 11 am. Sutay School Provided Il welcome \A[eagelz}¢ CHRISTIAN CENTRE PASTOR JOHN BENSCHOP 593 Alma Street (One block south of 7A, wast off Old Simcoe) SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP 10:30 a.m. MID-WEEK BIBLE STUDY oa 7:30 p.m. STEP INTO VICTORY For further info call: 985-1346 TUESDAY 7:30 a.m. Between Friends Evening Special "Friendship Night" WEDNESDA 7 a.m. Men's Prayer 10 a.m. Saints Alive (55+) 7 p.m. AWANA Boys & Girls Clubs THURSDAY 7 p.m. Men's Bible Study FRIDAY 7:30 - 9 p.m. Youth Ministries Call for information A warm welcome to all Wheelchair accessible MANCHESTER & SCUGOG ISLAND UNITED CHURCHES Minister Elaine Barber 985-4094 SUNDAY, FEB. 21 ying Day Services Scugog Island 9:45 a.m. Manchester 11:15 a.m. Sunday School & Nursery are Provided SCUGOG COMMUNITY CHURCH (Meeting at the Latcham Centre) Pastor-teacher - John Mank Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. SUNDAY. FEB. 21 Home Bible Studies 'Biblical Counseling Available Call for information 985-1296 *Wheelchair Accessible "Nursery *Jr. Church Hope everyone had a happy Valentine's Day it was --- wow, I think I saw sunshine. It was pretty obvious we had a little bit of snow this week. The river resembled the Don Valley Parkway --- it was great to see everyone out safely enjoying the area. Attention Seagrave Fellowship Sister --- did you remember your sister on Valentines Day. Happy belated birth- day wishes to Donna Kent, Keith Puckrin, Becky McDonald and Norma and Don Adams. Happy sweet 16 birth- day to Dana Jewell and Richard Bryant. Congratulations to Katherine Cooke who along with her team- mates of Port Perry Junior B ringette team as they won the gold medal at the Mariposa Tournament in Oakwood this past weekend. This team is coached by Barry Virtue. Way to go girls. Happy birthday this week to Kate McDonald, Betty Somerville and daughter Melody, Jean Nodwell, Jacqui Beamish and Claire Watts and and what a beautiful day Seagrave by Ann Sandiford Alexandra Carter. Get well wishes are sent to Bill Colwell who is in the Port Perry Hospital at this time. Hope you are feeling much better soon. Sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Donna and Neil Wanamaker and family in the death of Donna's mother, Mrs. Edith Leroex on Sunday, Feb. 14 at the Cannington Nursing Home. Many from here will remember Rev. Leslie Critch who passed away on Feb. 6 in Newfoundland at age 72. Rev. Critch was minister in Seagrave during the late 60s and early 70s. Our thoughts are with the family at this time. Seagrave Church News On the last Sunday of Epiphany Rev. Carson chose for his sermon "A Love, Ethic, Please," Local ringette squad wins gold based on the scripture Mathew 17, 1 to 9 which was read by Becky McDonald. The choir sang "My Saviour." During the children's time Rev. Carson told them about the origin of Valentine's Day. A social hour followed the service. Next Sunday, Feb. 21 is the first Sunday of Lent. Robinglade Ladies Group meets this Wednesday evening at Swim Kids for Aqua Fitness at 8:30 p.m. If you are not attending please get your $10 for the fashion show to Tracy Evans as soon as possible. Both Diane and 1 would appreciate receiv- ing calls about local events, sports events, news items and anything you could pass along about local residents, past and present, that neighbours would like to read. Both Diane and I feel that there must be funny, interesting, excit- ing things about Seagrave to read that everyone would enjoy. Please call Diane Cooke at 985-3772 with your news items next week. Band wars coming up at college pub E.P. Taylor's pub at Durham College Toronto. will be hosting a Battle of the Bands on March 25. The event is a part of this year's Campus New Music Search, which has been renamed "Revolution '99." Colleges and universities around Ontario will be holding similar events, and the winners from each school will advance to sub- regional competitions. The sub-regional winners will advance to the finals being held on April 11 at Lee's Palace in News to report? Call 985-7383 The grand prize at Lee's Palace fea- tures a showcase time slot at COCA '99 in Halifax as well as a travel allowance. At least one member from each band must be a full-time student at Durham College. Applications must be completed and submitted by March 17. Applications a» available at the Durham College Student Centre. For more information call 721-1609, ext. 231. CIRCULATION for a SMALL PRICE YOUR WEEKEND CLASSIFIED AD CAN NOW REACH RESIDENTS OF * PORT PERRY, - UXBRIDGE * STOUFFVILLE and neighboring communities YOU PAY ONLY For more information please call THE PORT PERRY STAR 905-985-7383 1 {ol gis RSRRVV ZTE e P=) prepaid fat Ye for ve hay velaehiticsryvanl west J