A Family Tradition for 132 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 - 23 I ----------T RuURrA > PORT PERRY STAR < PERR Y > PORT PERRY STAR < R L Roots Sanaa ae og Earle Trewin comes away a winner with "Killer Allis' Blackstock Thanksgiving Weekend brought many family gather- ings throughout the area as well as many outdoor activities. I hope all enjoyed the beautiful colours wherever you were. Sympathy is extended to Harold Luke and his family Ken Luke, Cathy Morris and Elizabeth Weir and their spous- es and families on the passing of a loving wife and mother Lois Luke after a lengthy ill- ness. Visitation was held at Wagg Funeral Chapel on Sunday with the funeral held in the United Church on Monday afternoon. Lois will be greatly missed in the many organizations where she worked so hard. Sympathy also to Leanne and Tim Lang and family on the passing of Leanne's mother Mrs. Miller of Brooklin last week. Quite a number from here attended visitation and the funeral which was held in Town Funeral Chapel in Whitby. Kathleen Watts and her daughter Carolyn Redican drove to Hamilton where they attended the funeral of Albert's brother Mr. W.J. Watts. Sympathy is extended to Kathleen on the passing of her brother-in-law. Quite a number from here called to pay their respects to the family of the late Dr. Campbell MacMaster who passed away last week. His service was held on Sunday at the Wagg Funeral Chapel. For many, many years Cam was the very active veterinarian in the community. Members of the Blackstock Agricultural Society are reminded of the October meet- ing which will be held at the Recreation Centre on Wednesday evening. At the United Church morn- ing service on Sunday the sanc- tuary was beautifully decorated for the season. The service cen- tered oh Thanksgiving with the hymns, the anthems by both the Junior and Senior Choir and the message by Rev. D. Shearman "Just Say Thanks." The Sacrament of Baptism was conducted when Emma Nadiege Graham, daughter of Jennifer and Mark and Matthew Andrew Lewis, son of Julie and Gary were received. Julie and Gary Lewis and Jeffrey hosted a family gather- ing in honour of Matthew's bap- tism. Guests were Stewart and June Bray of Sunderland, Mabel Dayes of Port Perry, Jim and Carol Dayes of Courtice, Linda Wagg of Bancroft, Christine and John Monteiro, Daniel and John Paul of Bowmanville, Stewart and Judy Dayes, Alex and Victoria of Enniskillen, Mark and Jennifer Dayes and Stephanie of Courtice, Henry and Alison Pierson, Brook and Samantha of Courtice, Julie Lewis of Courtice, Wade and Diana Lansing and Kyra of Thornhill, Mike and Jen Doyle and Nicholas of Courtice, Chris and Christina Harrington, Jessica and Emily of Oshawa, Alan and Doreen Lorrington of Guelph and Leanne Wakeford of Port Perry. Jennifer Garrett and Mark Graham hosted a family gath- ering in honour of Emma's bap- tism with the following guests - Muriel Hoskin, Port Perry, Harvey and Joan Graham, Cheryl Graham of Purple Hill, Rob Graham, James Wooden, Graham and Bev Wooden, Jacqueline Garrett, Jocelyn and Randy Johnston and Garrett all of Toronto. Marlene and Earle Trewin, Gregory and Bradley hosted a family Thanksgiving gathering on Monday with the following guests - Stewart and June Bray, Sunderland, Jim and Carol Dayes, Courtice, Linda Wagg, Bancroft, Barb and Dave Bartle and boys, Barrie, Lloyd Trewin, Blackstock. Little Maggie Linton, baby daughter of Valerie and Ron Linton has arrived home after about three months in the spe- cial unit of the Kingston General Hospital and a short stay in Oshawa General. Valerie and Ron would appreci- ate notes from friends during this period of Maggie's adjust- ment to home life. Big sister Emily must be delighted. Earle Trewin's pulling Tractor, "Killer Allis" won its last pull of the season at Erin Tractor Pull on Saturday evening. Earle has enjoyed a very successful season with his tractor again this year winning many of the pulls that he has entered in Central Ontario. It was great to see all the students returning home for the holiday I hope everyone is enjoying the fall weather we are having. The colours of the leaves are not as colourful as some years, but we have not had the frost. The high school students are back to classes, and will be mak- ing up the lost time before Christmas and at the end of June. Sunday, Oct. 4 after church at the Nestleton United Church the congregation enjoyed lunch, dessert and beverage before the shower for Steve Mairs and Liz Anderson. Steve and Liz received lovely and useful gifts and thanked the people that attended the shower. Steve and Liz are to be married on Nov. 7 and their dance will be held at the Nestleton Community Centre. Philip and Jennifer McLeod arrived home from their honey- moon, after spending six enjoy- able warm and sunny days at Fort Myers Beach. They were Friday night guests with Linda Arbuckle and family. Most college and university students enjoyed spending the Thanksgiving Weekend with their families, with many fami- lies hosting the family dinners on Sunday so the students could enjoy. Tuesday, Oct. 13 the Nestleton UCW meeting will be held at the home of Yvonne Priebe at Caesarea. The meet- ing will begin at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 13 at 8 p.m. the Nestleton Council for the Nestleton United Church meets at the church. On Saturday, Oct. 17 there will be a 50th wedding anniver- sary afternoon tea at the Blackstock United Church for Nestleton area news by Linda Arbuckle Ralph and Peggy Larmer. The afternoon tea will be held from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. and all are invited. Sunday, Oct. 25 there will be a pork barbecue at Blackstock United Church with 4:15 p.m. and 6 p.m. sittings. Musical entertainment at 5:30 p.m. by the Pine Ridge Chorus of Sweet Adelines. This pork barbecue is sponsored by BUC Choir and the Manse Committee. Advance tickets only $12. For tickets contact Yvonne at 986-4784, Tallya at 986-5018 or Carolyn at 986-5215. Our sympathy to Harold Luke and family in the passing of Lois Luke who died last week- end. Harold and Lois Luke lived on the Beacock Road until recently when they sold their farm. Nestleton Presbyterian Church Sunday, Oct. 4 the service with Holy Communion on World Wide Communion Sunday in Nestleton. Sunday, Oct. 11 the feeling of Thanksgiving was in the air as the congregation of Nestleton gathered at 11 a.m. service. Floral arrangements, and a dis- play of nature's fruits decorated the chancel. Service next Sunday, Oct. 18 1s cancelled and will resume the following Sunday. Blue Ray Chapter On Thursday, Oct. 8 Blue Ray Chapter held the last meet- ing of the Eastern Star year. The trustees and auditors reports showed a healthy year for Blue Ray. The officers and members welcomed a new mem- ber by Affiliation. Joan Beach comes to us from Manitoulin Chapter. Our best wishes to Jean McDermott who is in hos- pital. Everyone is preparing for and looking forward to our Installation of Officers for 1998- 99 on Friday, Oct. 16 at 7:30 p.m. in the Masonic Hall. If anyone has any news or events of interest that they would like in the Nestleton col- umn, please call me at 986- 5080. It 1s rather difficult to write a column with no phone calls. weighing in at 8 lbs. 11 ozs. Brady is the second grandson for Gail and Arnold Kerry and Cottyn. ining the basics of our Christian faith will begin on Wednesday, Oct. 14 at the Epsom Church. Sessions run from 7:30 to 9:45 will be at Epsom and the last three at Goodwood. Worship service this Sunday, Oct. 18 will be held in Epsom School is at the same time as church. You are invited to The It's a boy - congratulations to Sandra and Tony Doyle on the arrival of their son, Brady Arnold, born on Friday, Oct. 9 great-grandmother Bertha A six week workshop exam- p.m. The first three sessions Church at 11 a.m. Sunday Remember to check Pampered Chef Kitchen Show this Sunday at 1 p.m. in Epsom Church. This is a church fundraiser organized by "Fhe Cooking Thing" Collective Kitchen. RSVP to Suzanne 985- 4760. The Canadian Foodgrains Bank field of corn grown locally, is tentatively scheduled for harvesting on Oct. 24. If you have a combine and can help, please call Ross Evans at 852- 5411. ) On Sunday, in Utica Church, Julia Robin, daughter of Stacey and Steve Kearley, was pre- sented for baptism. Stacey was raised in Epsom, the daughter of Ron and Lorraine Brown. I'm pleased to report that Ruth Ashton is home from hos- pital, recuperating from recent out what's cooking this Sunday Utica & Epsom hip surgery. Daughter Beth Catherwood is keeping an eye on her and helping with her recovery. Ruth is very grateful for the many enquires, cards and visits from friends and rel- atives. Recent visitors are Vicki Ashton, Alan and Joyce Ashton and Paul from Oakwood. Last Tuesday was another beautiful day for the Women's Institute bus tour to Bala. The coloured leaves, the cranber- ries, the historical information all contributed to a very suc- cessful day. The next meeting of Bethesda-Reach Women's Institute will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 28 at 7 p.m. in Epsom Church. This is the International Supper (phone Any committee member if you would have a dish you would like to bring). This is an International Affairs meeting, an International Inventory of our local supermarket. Motto: It is not easy to be a good global citizen. Roll call: Share some- thing international from your kitchen (utensil, spice, recipe). Committee is Barbara Rance, Doreen Pickett, Stroud, Vikki Baker. We are sorry to hear that Marion Hempen's brother is not well. Congratulations to Cliff and Sylvia Robb of Uxbridge on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. Bethesda-Reach W.I. members were pleased to be part of their special celebra- tion. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jagersma and Mark visited with Elden and Anita Evans and children for Thanksgiving. Epsom School Community Council meets on Wednesday, Oct. 21 at 1 p.m. If you have magazines to renew, the Epsom School magazine fundraiser is taking place now. Contact the school please at 985-7250. Marilyn 7)