20- PORT PERRY STAR - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Town Hall meeting set for Oct. 20 in the Scugog Community Centre Mayor keeps his promise with next week's town meeting Caesarea Hall Board Remember this Wednesday, Oct. 14 is the beginning of the fall season of euchre matches at Caesarea Hall at 7:30 p.m. The committee has decided to have it twice monthly with the second night being Wednesday, Oct. 28. We ask people of the surrounding area to come out and join us. The hall board has decided to have the Halloween Dance one week early, Saturday, Oct. 24. This allowing house holders to be home for the witches and goblins to be received. Be sure to come out and sup- port your community hall. It is a non-smoking night in the hall. Islay and Allan Cay We send our heartiest con- uF uhle 2: YR Tod {RI NIRV S PI T-1- Frees -------- gratulations to this happy cou- ment wish to pay special tribute ple on their 50th wedding anniversary this coming Thursday, Oct. 15. Best wishes and may you have many more. Scugog Town Hall Meeting Doug Moffatt promised us during the past municipal elec- tion that he would hold town hall meetings to allow you, the Caesarea to these living Vets on this occa- sion. Also the French Government plans to award the Legion of Honour to living Canadian forces personnel whom served on French or Belgian soil at that time. Some of these people may not be living in Canada so if you know of any; call toll free 1-800-995-6055. citizens of Scugog to voice your opinions on matters concerning you. The first meeting to be held will be Tuesday, Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. at the Port Perry Community Centre next to the arena. Be sure to come out and make these town hall meetings a success. Veterans 1914 - 1918 The Federal Government is endeavouring to obtain current 0 HLS Adveriure ATR ATV: The Howling Hayride through 100 Horrifying Haunted Barn! More names and addresses of all liv- ing veterans whom served in the armed forces of the 1914 - 1918 World War as this November is the 80th year since the peace accord was signed. The Department of Veteran's Affairs along with the govern- This is the very least we can do. Lake Scugog Historical Board Have you got your ticket yet for the Halloween murder mys- tery to be held at the museum grounds. That's for Oct. 30 at 7 p.m. Admission is $10. For tick- ets call Lyn Voisard at 985- 9894. You're expected to solve the case before the detectives do. Joke of the Week The society matron was upset and sought consolation from her maid. "Marie, I think my husband is having an affair with his secretary." "Ma'am 1 don't believe it," said the maid. "You're just saying that to make me jealous." The One Liner Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing worth knowing can be taught. Community News? Call The Star: 985-7383 We invite everyone to join us next Sunday, Oct. 18 at Burns Church at 10 a.m. as we celebrate the 149th anniversary of the congregation. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Alan Ross, past minister of St. John's Church, Scarborough, who is well known for his dynamic, ministry in the Pickering acres of chilling forest! The Presbytery. Don't forget the than 70 staff. Spine tingling Halloween Harvest surprises. Only Friday & Saturday, October 2, 3, 9, 10, 10, 17, 23, 24, 30 & 31. Plus Sunday, October 18 & 25. Continues from dark until 11:00pm or sold out. Rain or shine. Enjoy hours of Supper at Burns on Friday, Oct. 23 at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are available at $10 for adults, children 12 and under $5. Costumes optional. fearsom fun. Groups of 15+ prebooked October 18 & 25. Adults 12 and over S100. Childrens 8-11 $9.00 Not for under 8, pregnant or wimps, Take 404 24 km N. of the 401 to Bloomington. Then £0 East to 9th Line. Turn left and proceed 400 yards, We're dead-ahead on your right! PHONE: (905) 640-2347 MagicHiil_ TC ------------------ thy, ADVFEFNTURT -2400 Enter our FREE DRAW to win one of seven passes (4 people passes) Magic Hill Haunted Adventure on Oct. 25th!! Drop in to The Port Perry Star, 188 Mary Street, Port Perry to fill out a ballot. A A A I Kelly, Greenway, Bruce, Korb BARRISTER AND SOLICITORS Motor Vehicle - Criminal - Personal Injury Wills - Real Estate - Family Law Corporate & Commercial Evenings and Weekends by Appointment 114 King St. E., Oshawa 723-2278 [| . EE ------------------------------------------------------------------ Ashburn area news by Florence Ashton As my husband and I worshiped in the Glen Major Church on Thanksgiving Sunday afternoon, I was inspired and simply marvelled at the beauty of the trees - a window view from where we were seated. I com- pared it to the beauty of stained glass windows in our sanctuaries; but truly this was the work of the Township of Scugog. Ear S. Cuddie AM.C.T,C.M.C. Administrator-Clerk SP ---- _-- aN Township of Scugog La] 1997 Fall Leaf Collection = Wednesdays Zh October 21 & 28, 1998 November 4 & 11, 1998 PORT PERRY & PRINCE ALBERT The four consecutive Wednesdays commencing October 21, 1998 have been designated as Fall Leaf Collection in Port Perry and Prince Albert in the All leaves for collection are to be placed in "Clear Plastic Bags Only" and are to be placed at the curbside on the above dates. For those residents outside the pick-up area, the Region of Durham will have a large bin at the Transfer Stations at 1623 Reach Street/Regional Road 8 and 3590 Edgerton Road to receive leaves, provided they are also placed in "Clear Plastic Bags Only or Dumped Loosely" into the bin. Burns Church set to mark 149th Master's Hand. I hope that many of you took time over the holiday weekend to get out and enjoy the beautiful panorama view surround- ing this area. Euchre card results are as follows: 12 tables were played. Men's first - Gord Grieg, second - Wilma Lynde. Lone hands - Harold Dennis, Gord Smith and Doris Evans. Ladies first - Jean Hodgins, second - Eden Meyers. Door prize win- ners - Kay Brown and Peggy Booth. Share the wealth - Les Meyers and Elmo Gibson. Next euchre 1s scheduled for Oct. 22 at the Community Centre. Kevin Oliver and Diana Smith exchanged wedding vows at a beautiful cere- mony in Burns Church on Saturday afternoon. Best wishes and congratula- tions to the happy couple. A special guest at the wed- ding was Kevin's grand- mother, Mrs. Oliver who celebrated her 95th birth- day in September. She now resides in Sunnycrest Nursing Home. Weekend visitors with Bernice Gardner were Everett and Joan Westfall of Hamilton. A Big Bucks Euchre will be held on Saturday, Oct. 17 at 11 a.m. at the Oddfellows Hall, Brooklin. Ten dollars per person includes full salad lunch, excellent money prizes and door prizes, regular progressive euchre, part- ners change each eight- hand round. Proceeds to Oddfellows and Rebekah charity work. Advance tickets only. Call Orvas Jamieson at 905-655- 8762, Brooklin. Sunday, Nov. 8 at Burns Church, the Torchmen Quartet from St. Catharines will be in con- cert beginning at 7:30 p.m. Free will offering and fel- lowship hour to follow. Po