24- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, March 24, 1998 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" £ R 1» PORT PERRY STAR € URAL Roots aThe annual Gerald Kelly Bonspiel was a fine success again this year with a full slate of com- petitive teams enjoying two evenings of curling. At the con- clusion of the Tuesday evening games, 1t was determined that Dave and Marg Fielden, Paul Vaneyk and Norm Crowe had won first place and the trophy. In second place were lan and Joy Rudkin, Grant and Laura Micklewright with the family team of David and Tracy Vernest and boys taking third place. It was great to see so many young people in the Bonspiel. Curlers and their friends are reminded of the annual banquet and awards presentations evening that will be held this Saturday evening, March 28 at 7 p.m. at the St. John's Parish Hall. It will take the form of a pot luck dinner. Do try to attend. Good news in that there are now leaders available for the upcoming 4-H project "Our Heritage." Boys and girls who are 10 years or older as of Jan. 1, 1998 are asked to join at the Blackstock United Church on Thursday, March 26 by 7 p.m. to join this project which involves crafts and cooking as well as a couple of outings. These will be for both Nestleton and Blackstock young people. If you need further information call Gail Johns at 986-4484. There were 12 tables at the Tuesday evening weekly euchre party with the following winners: Dorothy Archer, Velma Johnston, Ruby Smith, Fred Griffen, May Shortridge, Joan Graham and Teresa Berkers. Lucky draws were won by Lois Lowry, Pat VanDam, Joan Sutcliffe, Charlie Stapleton (two), and Doreen McLean. Helen Dorrell and Annie Dorrell of New Liskeard visited Lisa and Steven Tufts and family in Elgin, Manitoba last week for most of the week. David and Lori Aldred and family enjoyed March Break on a holiday to Hawaii. The March meeting of the Blackstock Women's Institute was held at the Blackstock United Church. Dora Martyn and her group served a lovely St. Patrick dessert at 1 p.m. President Betty Hockley opened the meeting. Joan Graham will receive $300 to help her with her local tree program again this year. The next meeting will be Tuesday, March 31 as we will be helping the Girl Guides serve the Lions Club the next evening at the dinner for Farmer's Night. Our guest speakers were Julie Obstfeld and Miranda Wylie. Blackstock These girls went to Mexico with the Girl Guides of Canada in 1995 for Julie and 1996 for Miranda. Their talk and slides were enjoyed by the 15 ladies present. A card was signed for Lois Luke and the meeting closed with God Save the Queen. You are invited to the Scouts Annual Spaghetti Dinner of pasta, salad and dessert on Saturday, March 28 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Blackstock United Church. Tickets will be available at the door. Best wishes are sent to Lois Luke who continues to be a patient in Port Perry Hospital. With all the snow and ice bending down our trees, it is a good time to remind you of the local tree program for this spring conducted by Joan Graham. Give her a call as soon as possible at 986-4856 to place your order. It's great to see the young folks out at the Kell Tickets are still available for the Farmers Night sponsored by the local Lions. This event being on April 1 will feature Noble Villeneuve, Ontario Minister of Agriculture as speaker. Tickets are available from chair Bill Ingram or any local Lion. The annual mecting of the Federation of Agriculture will be held this Friday evening with the Federal Minister of Agriculture as speaker. Call any member of OFA for tickets very soon. St. John's News By Colin Beal As we enter the second half of the season of Lent, St. Johns 1s busy preparing for Holy Week and Easter. Again, this year, St. Johns will celebrate all the prin- cipal Holy Week services starting with the Procession of Palms and the Reading of the Passion at the Sunday Eucharist on Palm Sunday (April 5). On Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday), there will be an evening Eucharist, the Good Friday Service begins at 11 a.m. and will be preceded by the Stations of the Cross for the children at 10 a.m. On Holy Saturday, the Great Vigil and first Eucharist of Easter will be celebrated start- ing at 7:30 p.m. The Easter Sunday Service will be Eucharist y Bonspiel and Baptism. Everyone is wel- come to attend all or any of these special services. The choir 1s busy rehearsing for Holy Week and Easter Services. The music will include of course, lots of old favorites and several new choral pieces. Incidentally, an interesting fea- ture of the choir's development over the past couple of years has been the emergence of a number of good soloists. Some are relative newcomers but others are long standing members who were, perhaps a little shy in the past. Whatever the reason, Catherine has managed to get these folks singing solos and singing them well. Another sign of the approach of Easter is Wendy Bentley's Easter Bunny Chocolate Factory. Once again Wendy and an enthu- siastic group of helpers are busy preparing chocolate bunnies and other Easter chocolate goodies. Just about any member of St. Johns can and will take your order for these truly delicious goodies and you can be assured of delivery in good time for Easter. For further information or to order, please contact any person from St. Johns or call 986-4419 Cartwright Scouts are servin with their euchre night this Wednesday, March 25 at 7 p.m. Admission is $5 used for prizes and costs. Come out and have an enjoyable evening with your neigh- Assessment Meeting This Tuesday, March 24 at 7:30 p.m. sharp there will be a non smoking meeting at Caesarea Hall by the local ratepayers group. John O'Toole, MPP will be our guest speaker. Colin Kemp has spent some time researching the new assessment act and will provide you with statistics of value. Scugog Councillor Dave Dietlein will be on hand to give us an update at the Scugog Township level. There will be a 50/50 draw for those wishing to partici- pate at the end of the meeting. Funds used to offset cost and future projects. Tickets $2 each or three for $5. Everyone welcome. Caesarea Euchre Night Caesarea Hall Board is going ahead bors and friends. Lake Scugog Historical Society This Thursday, March 26 the society will hold its annual general meeting at St. John's Presbyterian Church, Port Perry at 7:30 p.m. sharp. The church is located on the north side of Queen Street, Just west of Simcoe Street. There will be the election of officers for the year followed by a slide presentation by Paul Arculus of g spaghetti Caesarea iY [o]=141 Putsey Sunday's greeters will be the Taylors [Church and Sunday School this week will be held in Epsom Church at 9:30 a.m. Greeters at the door will be Earl and Ehzabeth Taylor. The congregation of Epsom- Utica will be conducting a ser- vice at Versa Care in Uxbridge this Sunday, March 29. The res- "idents really enjoy singing so if anyone would like to join the group at 2:30 p.m. it would be appreciated. While there, maybe you could say hello to our local ladies who reside there, Kate Crosier and Jean Jeffrey, they're always glad to see a familiar face. Our sympathy to Marydale Tapscott and family in the recent passing of her mother. The Aked family and Jane Bradbury enjoyed a "cool" holi- day in Myrtle Beach recently. Utica & Epso [ -- | They took in some shows. golfing and touring around. The return trip included a stop in Williamsburg, VA. to visit Maurice and Ethel Aked who were also vacationing in the south. Jeff, Monique and Kyle Saunders are pleased to have Jeff's parents visiting from New Brunswick for a week. joined them to have some time The Sobil family enjoyed sev- eral days, during the March Break, at their cottage at Redstone Lake. Robert Scott with Gavin. They enjoyed skiing and all the winterv weather in the Haliburton Highlands. Marvyn, Cathy and James Stevenson accompanied by Josh Sobil, spent a few days in the Laurentians during the break where they did some skiing, but the highlight of their vacation was a three hour tour dogsled- ding into the wilderness. A few days this past week. was enjoying the sight of the first crocuses blooming in my flowerbed. Now, thanks to Mother Nature, they're all cov- ered up, possibly to bloom when spring decides to stick around. Agriculture the Honorable Lyle Vanclief. Tickets are $15 each. Don't forget this Saturday, March 28 from 4 to 7 p.m. the Cartwright Scouts are holding their annual Spaghetti Dinner the early merchants of Port Perry. Everyone welcome. Friday Night Nestleton Hall 6:30 p.m. The Durham Region Federation of Agriculture are holding their annual dinner fol- lowed by an address by the Federal Minister of Scouts tal. this Saturday at Blackstock United Church. Come on out and back our Scouts. Price is adults $6, children three to eight - $3 and under three years are free. Joke of the Week The doctor was conducting a pre-oper- ative interview with a patient when he noticed the anesthetist wave through the glass door. I was surprised at his friendli- ness and again when he opened the door, poked his head in and said "Now it's my turn to put you to sleep." Then he left. Noticing my puzzled look. the patient explained, "I'm his minister." Saying of the Week Some tortures are physical and some are mental, but the one that's both is den- March Break's over and it's back to the normal routine Scugog Island By Karen Davis Hope everyone enjoyed their March Break. It's back to routine again. Please watch out for chil- dren getting on and off their buses. Don't forget to call 985-8871 with vour news for next week's column. Scugog Island United Church Despite the snowy Sunday morning, we welcomed our guest speaker, Bob Heayn. The Lenten Candle was extinguished by Sandy and Fiona Barrass. Thirteen children stayed for the Pizza Party following the service. Special thanks to Sandy, Laura and Karen for providing a time of fellowship for the Sunday School children. The Lectionary Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, March 24 at 1:30 p.m. at ST1.U.C. The Moms and Tots and Friends will meet on Wednesd ay, March 25 at 9:30 am. at S1U.C Choir practice will be held on Thursday, March 26 at 7 p.m. Sunday, March 29 is the Fifth Sunday of Lent and Communion will be served. Our Orchestra will be providing special music. The Grace U.C W's St Patrick's Day Supper was a suc- cess. Special thanks to everyone who helped and supported our fundraiser. Their Spring Luncheon will be held on Saturday, April 25 at 11:30 a.m. Please mark your calendars now. For pastoral care call Elaine Barber at 985-4094. : en