"A Family Tradition for 131 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, July 29, 1997 -9 gS UNE TEED SEEN IER SEE ME ME GRE NEN WRENS SEEN SND ESE WS GSES WANN GSES WR GN ------y ~~ ' {id Gd hk y A PN BY GL Bort Aah nl iid Ll A ibd, A a D CHO ALE GOODWILL PRE-OWNED CARS, TRUCKS & VANS at PHILP PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED GoopwiiL Pre-owNED CARS 96 GRAND AM SE COUPE bright red, fully equipped 29Km............c..cooooo..... 18,500 96 PONTIAC SUNFIRE COUPE bright blue, loaded, 26km.............................. 16,900 95 GRAND AM SE 4 door, all the extras inc. power seat 47km............................. 15,900 95 CAVALIER 4 door, air, automatic & stereo, 34Km..............ooooeeveevereeresreereoeeons 14,900 naw _-- Nat ee 95 SUNFIRE 4door, original one owner, 49KM ............oo.ovoeeoeeeoeeeoeeeeeeooeooeoon, 14,500 Gord Lewis, whose Water St. garage has been a fixture in Port Perry for years, 94 BUICK REGAL LIMITED flawless white finish, 88Km................cc.ccooovrerennons 14,500 is retiring. He's been in business here for 35 years. | 94 SUNBIRD 4 door, stereo cassette, grey metallic 89Km....................oovvveeevervnn.. 10,950 - 93 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE SSE leather seating, 79Km...............coocoveveeunnnn.... 15,700 . 0 u 93 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SL 4 door, white finish, 111KM...........ocovennn...... 14,900 t 93 CAVALIER COUPE V6 engine, stereo cassette, 76kMm...............c..cooerernn..... 11,200 O q ewi S Ca S A u | 93 GRAND AM SE COUPE v6, automatic, air 79KM .............oo..oveevereereerrnn 10,900 : 93 CAVALIER COUPE cassette, spoiler, grey finish, 101KM............co.oveverrerernnnn 7,500 i it 92 CHEVROLET LUMINA EURO 4 door, local owned 83km................coo......... 10,900 after 3 H . ars | Nn b U Si nN es S S '92 BUICK REGAL LIMITED 3.8 V6, air, uncertified, 138KM............................. 9,900 92 HYUNDAI EXCEL CX 3 dr., 4 cyl.,5 speed, bright red, 80km.............................. 6,500 91 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SL 4 door, white finish, 145km................cooeremen.... 7,500 By Chris Hall "When we started up in '62 we were a 90 BUICK RIVIERA COUPE sun roof + all the options, 152km...........coo.oo.o......... 9,900 Alter 88 yore pi repairing dita. puniiin general Joga sho ma gas Shation, 90 CHEVROLET LUMINA EURO air, automatic, 91km......................... ..7,800 ' ack In ose ' . ing gas and selling auto parts in ihe Port bit i ea 89 BUICK LESABRE T-TYPE COUPE certified & ready 10 go................. 7,900 erry area, (xord Lewis 1s set to close up now it's two per second. It's unbeliev- shop for good. Ui thar in 1902 able he said Hast week from his Water GoobpwiLL PRE-OWNED TRUCKS ince opening u 1S SNop 1n t. shop. . under the name Som Tavis Mota Solos "Things have changed considerably in 96 GMC EXTENDED CAB PICK UP 350 V8, cassette ai, 31k... 23,900 Ltd., Mr. Lewis has been a fixture in a the last 15 years or So. There. are now 96 GMC SLE PICK-UP 350 v8 1.2.50 of options! 40km...................... fensxmnsxineets n community that has seen many changes computers in cars, and that's a drastic 95 GMC SLE 4 door, crew cab, fully equipped, 65KM .............coooeerveereeeereerreererne, 28,700 over the years. change. 95 GMC SLE EXTENDED CAB PICK-UP 4 wheel drive 79%m................... 24,000 Originally from Toronto, Mr. Lewis "The town has changed as well. Back 95 GMC SLE EXTENDED CAB PICK-UP 6.5 litre diesel, 98km................... 23,500 brought his family to Scugog in the early sixties, looking to make a living. "I had a young family at that time and I believed that living in a small town was better than living in a big city, and I have no regrets for doing so," he said. He's now the father of six grown children. in 1962 there was a coal yard where Becker's is now, in that strip mall (on Scugog St.). There have been so many changes. The Yacht Club used to be right across from the station here, and there were no ball diamonds or tennis courts. The lake was a big swamp." He has also seen many changes at his bani i Be RR RR EE EEE -- 7? a 3 95 CHEVROLET SILVERADO EXTENDED CAB PICK-UP 75km......... 22,500 Na SX etter eet ee eee ee I ------ I In po ass TARA IOAIRG. 94 GMC SLE SHORT STEPSIDE PICK-UP 4 wheel drive 87k............. 1 9.900 : eas: I . *I{'q opine to take a ; 94 FORD F150 PICK-UP 6cyl, 5 speed, 129m.................... tra inessemmssamschprnd business; it's some It S gomg to t & a many different 94 CHEVROLET 1 TON CUBE VAN 6.5 litre diesel, 75km.................... 24,400 thing I've always brands of gasoline I Mitried business While t0 get ib out of toirtiere; we've done com- with BA and then 93 GMC SL 1/2 TON PICK-UP vs, automatic, clean, 93km................................ 9,700 90 GMC SIERRA 3/4 TON PICK-UP 350 V8, white finish 196km...................... 7,900 plete general : 16 S9VQ t to Gulf, - Foes fro Tene 1 System," he says Marshys on Tube HW GOODWILL PRE-OWNED VANS to. rear, pumped Texaco, Esso and gas and even sold some used cars. We tried to do what we had to do to make people happy," he said. Arriving in town in 1962, Mr. Lewis quickly took over ownership where the then we went out. These gas companies change hands so much it's hard to keep up some times." He stopped selling gas last October after the introduction of costly govern- & Ail Purrosk VEHICLES 96 CHEVROLET ASTRO 8 passenger, panel doors, 5kKm....................ooo..coo...... 21,500 95 GMC SLX SAFARI 8 passenger, panel doors, power equipped.................... 18,900 95 CHEVROLET LS BLAZER 4door, 4 wheel drive, 98km................................ 22,500 95 GMC TRACKER GT hardtop, 4x4, automatic, air, 103km......................._. 11,900 offices of Forder-Parks Insurance ment environmental u ades, which : Brokers Inc. are currently located. forced c number of eal 1h bars to give 94 PONTIAC TRANSPORT 7 passenger 3.8 V6, remote entry 30km.............. 17,900 He worked out of that location until up pumping fuel. 94 CHEVROLET ASTRO LT all wheel drive, hard.to find unit............... 17,900 1968, when he got into the wholesale jo for retirement, Mr. Lewis says 94 GMC SLE SAFARI 8 passenger, running boards +++ 58km.................. 15,500 automotive parts business. that it was something that he had been 93 CHEVROLET TAHOE BLAZER 4 door, 4x4, 70KM..........ccooveeeneeeneeeennnnn. 1 6,400 "I had the first garage until '68 and. planning for the last three years. 93 SUZUKI SIDEKICK 4 door & 4 wheel drive, 5 speed 61km.......................... 10,900 then I bought Bill Chapman's supplies - "I am going to retire because I've been 93 CHEVROLET LUMINA APV 7 passenger, tilt wheel & cruise...................... 10,900 - he used to sell auto supplies out of his in the business for 45 years and it's time 92 GEO TRACKER SOFT TOP 4 wheel drive, certified, 162km.................... 10,500 arage -- and opened up Port Perry Auto for a break. I'm turning 65 in three : upply and sold parts wholesale," he recalled. "We moved to where the Re/Max building now is and had our shop there. It was a theatre before the supply shop, but we gutted it and put in the whole- sale business." Port Perry Auto Supply is now located across from its original location, at the corner of Queen and Water Streets by the Latcham Centre. From there Mr. Lewis ran the auto parts business until 1974, when he decided to get back into garage work and moved to his present location, 94 Water St., where he's been for the past 22 years. : = LS During his ime, servicin vehicles, Mr. Lewis says that many things have changed since he started his business over 30 years ago. months and it's time to shut down. The Soors are closing on September 29," he said. - Port Perry Muffler and Brake will be moving from its current Perry St. address to his Water St. location. "I've lived, worked and raised a fami- ly in Port Perry and I plan on staying here," said Mr. Lewis. "Everything has been great here, it sure has been great," he said. : "I've certainly enjoyed the people and the community; they've been to me. There are plenty of good memories and I've had no slack here since '62, and no complaints. i appreciate the patronage over the years and I'm going to miss it. t's going to take a while to get it out of my system." *You should know this! All kilometers Transmissions and Air Conditioner. Sales Taxes & License Extra. Low Interest Rate | WEN SNES WES GE GSS SEINE BE IE SEES BONEN GE ME GASES MEE SEES SESE DEE SD SE SE Smee A br a A 2 Financing available on Approved Credit. | EEE EEE SOE GEE EE GRE EEE EE EE BE EE EE GEE GEE SE EE SAE