"A Family Tradition for 131 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, June 17, 1997 -21 Many animals vaccinated at Rabies Clinic Blackstock by ; Alarge congregation at- tended the anniversary services of the Blackstock United Church Sunday School on Sunday morn- ing Guest music was pro- vided by Rick and Terry Johnson, "Just for Kids," who kept the children and adults entranced with a good message and won- derful music. The teach- ers and children of the Sunday School all contrib- uted to the service. Dur- ing the service Robert William Edward, son of Sharon and Tim Crozier, was received through the Sacrament of Baptism. A very impressive service. Following the service Sharon and Tim Crozier and Colleen hosted a fam- ily gathering in honor of Robert's baptism at their home on Sunrise Cres. Guests were Ted and Bea- trice Harpur, Markham, Harold and Isabelle Stew- art of Scarborough. Larry and Elaine Crozier of Bal- lantrae, Brian and Wendy Crozier, Heather and Ashley, Markham, Carol Crozier, Scarborough, Doug and Sue Job, Scar- boroug, Katie, Ben and Christopher Harpur, Ni- agara Falls. Congratulations to Jim Raaphorst and Sherre Pinch who were married by Rev. David Shearman on Saturday. Jim and Sheree live in Blackstock. Best wishes for much hap- piness. Glad to report that Keith Van Camp re- turned home last week from Kingston General Hospital following sur- gery and is making good progress in his long recov- ery. Blake Gunter is pro- gressing as a patient in @he Dovt Peery Shae Fishin TR Aung Summer Fishing Derby Winners Week Ending June 14 David Wood 21" Pickerel No Muskie Winner This Week Congratulations Port Perry Hospital. Ben- nie Wetteveen is at home following a time in Oshawa Hospital. Julie Obstfeld had an accident when she was struck with a golf ball. Best wishes are extended for im- proved health to you all. There were 12 tables at the weekly card party with the following win- ners: Alma Manns, Char- lie Campbell, Merv Stor- rie, Nerta Masters, Mary Finney, Kathleen Watts and Minnie Martyn. Lucky draws were won by - Marie Geer, May Shor- tridge, Jean Van Camp, Sarah Brunton and Gary Notenboom. There will be an open house in honor of Leo Plue, principal of CHS who is leaving at the end of June. Drop by the Cart- wright High School cn Friday, June 20 between 4 and 7 p.m. to say fare- well. On Saturday morning a very successful rabies clinic was held at the Blackstock Arena when dogs and cats of all sizes and colors were brought in for their annual rabies shot. Those volunteers working at this important clinic were Dr. John Churchill and Dr. Don Christie, Tim Lang, Brian Cranfield, Amanda Brad- burn, Linda Bradburn, Carla McLaughlin, Jadda McLeod, Mark Merto David Carnaghan, Me- ghan Kyte, Sandy Churchill, Liz Henderson, Sharon Goulding, Tracey Vernest, Taylor Church- ill, Darryl Goulding, Mark and Kyle Vernest and Blake McLaughlin. Thank you to all these vol- unteers who made this event very successful. Harold and Todd Mar- tyn returned from a week- end B.M.W. Motorcycle rally in Quebec near Sher- brooke. They reported a good time and great hospi- tality in spite of the lan- guage problem. On Monday, June 9 the annu- al Blackstock District Girl Guide Banquet was held at the rec. centre. District Commissioner Darlene Brown welcomed every- one. After singing O'Canada the Toast to Guide Movement was pro- posed by Liz Bergerson and replied to by Rachael Bergerson. Erin Lang pro- posed the toast to the Mothers to which Leanne Lang replied. Following Grace said by Rev. David Shearman, a delicious dinner was en- Joyed. Deputy Commis- sioner Shirley Dingman introduced the guests and the Guides. An impres- sive advancement cere- mony was conducted when many Sparks, Brownies, Guides and Pathfinders advanced to the next level. The Awards Ceremony was conducted by Com- missioner Brown when Gayle Dingman and Car- la McLaughlin received follows:- 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. 8:30 to 10:00 p.m. NOTICE OF PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE SESSION WORKSHOP #5 TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG DRAFT OFFICIAL PLAN The Planning Partnership and the Township of Scugog will be holding the 5th Workshop Session on the Official Plan for the Township of Scugog on Thursday, June 26, 1997 at the Municipal Office, 181 Perry St., Port Peny. This workshop will be held in three sessions as - Open House - Presentation - Informal Discussion Period Following the Workshop Meeting, the Planning Consultants will be scheduling meetings with individual property owners in which property issues can be discussed. Details about these follow up meetings will be discussed at the Workshop Session. If you have any questions or comments regarding this meeting, please contact Kim Coates at the Township of Scugog (305) 985-7393 or Jim Dyment at The Planning Partnership (705) 737-4512 their Canada Cords. Congratulations girls on this fine achievement. Afternoon Unit, U.C.W. We accepted Jean Churchill's invitation to hold our pot luck lunch- eon at her home at Lake Scugog. It was a beautiful day which we all enjoyed. Marion Larmer had the worship service and chose her topic from the book - "No wrinkles on the soul." She pointed out that ag- ing is a journey. Stage one Dental Care is preparation or getting ready. State two is taking up your life's work and Stage three is taking up a new direction. You don't retire - you become redirected. Roll call was answered with what you planned to do this summer and many also read a poem which they liked. One member had a contest based on Bible knowledge which we felt we failed. We wished each other a hap- py and safe summer. Jor the whole family PORT PERRY DENTAL CENTRE 238 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY ~ * DR. J. HARDY * DR. L. GIDEON * Dr. MCINTYRE * DR. J. COTTRELL * DR. C. BANFIELD ° Dr. T. KING Orthodontist Periodontist Please Call - 985-845 1 (_DR. L. GIDEON Piease cal 985-7952 ) choice & you watch sound best Sports, For dealer inquiries, please call 1 888 STAR 103. C chap SY) Welcome 238 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY, ONT. News, Documentaries, and Movies 1 888 55 4.STAR www.starchoice.com 37. V Se, [oe] ] Elevate Your Expectations