"A Family Tradition for 130 Years" From Page 1 weigh-in station near the Latcham Centre. Sandy Beaton of Port Perry, president of the ° Scugog chapter of the Kawartha Fisheries Asso- ciation told the Star his group will be meeing this week in Lindsay with the operators of professional live release tournaments held each summer on lakes in the Kawartha Shain Beaton hopes the Bk will agree to let KFA act as the "referee" at these tournaments in which certain rules will be set down, including the number of tournaments held on a particular lake in the summer months. "We (KFA) have no con- clusions yet (on this issue). Our prime concern is the fishery, and what is best for the fishery," said Mr. Beaton. Live - release teourna- ment operators and pro- fessional anglers take pains to make sure fish caught and weighed for competition are returned alive to the lake. Despite these good intentions, though, studies show that some of the fish released die within a short period of time. This fatality rate could be as high as 20 per cent. In one tournament on Scu- gog, just over 900 fish were caught and released during the two days. If the fatality rate 1s 20 per cent, that's about 200 fish that did not survive. Such factors as air tem- perature, water chop, and the speed at which the fishing boats travel all contribute to the fatality rate. The higher the air tem- perature, the higher the fatality rate. And fish in the live wells on the boats undergo stress which in- creases if there are large waves on the lake surface and with the high speeds of the boats. And species like bass are territorial in nature. They are caught in all are- as of the lake, but are not released back into these same areas. Mr. Beaton says the KFA has no legal authority to impose rules and regula- tions or to prohibit a tour- nament But he indicated that the KFA is willing to put Introductory Price pressure on the corporate sponsors who attach com- pany names affd logos to these tournaments. And Councillor Puckrin knows Scugog Township cannot impose an outright ban on a tournament on the lake. But the Town- ship does have the right to deny permission to use the municipal property along the shore of the lake. It's a tough dilemma for the municipal council: On the one hand, as Council- lor Puckrin points out, there has to be concern for the health of the fish spe- cies. On the other LER live release tournaments attract professional an- glers from all over Canada and many American states. They spend money in the community during a. tournament weekend. And so do the spectators that show up each day to watch the lunkers being weighed and to hear the comments from the an- glers about where and how to catch big fish. Sport fishing, whether profes- sional or amateur, is an important part of the tour- ist industry in the town- ship. While the KFA has yet to come to any official con- clusions about live release tournaments, Mr. Beaton said there are concerns. "Too many tournaments on too few lakes may be over-stressing the re- sources," he said. Certainly, he said, there should be a standard set of rules that all tournaments follow to keep the fatality rate as low as possible. These concerns are shared by Ward 3 (Scugog Island) nition Ken Gadsden. He believes the tournaments are "putting too much pressure on the lakes," and he doesn't think the municipality should be granting per- mission for use of the Township-owned property along the lakefront. "T feel this way as a councillor and a Scugog resident," he told the Star. The KFA is made up of weighed at the en private citizens who share common interests and con- Scugog Duplicate Bridge - = 0 20 Afternoon 5Table Howell - Avg. 54 First - Hoppy Carnwith and Cliff nd) 65-1/ 2. Second - Joan Cranfield and Al Stevens 60. Third - Doris Phinney and Judy Atkinson 59-1/2. Fourth - Georgia Brock SEN i oh JON° "BOOM SOUND SOLUTION COMPLETE New & Used Compact Discs, Stereos, Walkmans, Portables, Headphones, Accessories and Much More! BRING US YOUR USED CDS AND MAKE SOME CHRISTMAS CASH 1! EACH CD = $3.00 CASH OR A $5. 00 COUPON REDEEMABLE AT ALLEN COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS OR THE BOOM B (DISCSICASES MUST BE IN GOOD CONDITION TO BE ACCEPTED) Christmas Hours: Sat. 10-6, Sun. 11-3 ALLENE ectronics 1869 Scugog St. Hwy 7a, Port Perry, 985-9862 Mon.-Fri. 9-7, RadioShacke Authorized Dealer }§ days. Once caught, are kept in live ° the a day and then back into the and GlenTaslor3 : Fifth - Joan Mc] Marie Carnegie 57. Ew - 3 Table Howell - A First - Judy and kinson 32-1/2 = Second - Anne S Joan West 30. Third - Doris and Georgia Brock You've Got Questions. Bi We've Got Answers. YOUR INBEPENDINT GROCER