. 12- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, November 26, 1996 Encouraging atmosphere, realistic goals mak By Jason Logan Port Perry Star A weightloss group is of- fering locals the chance to feel better about them- selves in a friendly and close knit atmosphere. TOPS ("Take Off Pounds Sensibly") is a non profit weight loss support group that meets every Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. at the Scugog Memorial Public Library. The cost is $20 a year (which will go up to $25 a year effective Jan. 1) or $2 a week, much more cost ef- - ficient than other weight loss organizations, say lo- cal co-leaders. The TOPS organization, which includes many dif-- ferent chapters in many different cities and towns, formed in the 50's, and suf- fered a set back when the Port Perry chapter dis- banded many years ago. But thankfully the local group was revived in 1983, and has been going strong ever since. Those involved in the TOPS program feel it not sto be a clinic, where one simply faces off against a scale on a weekly basis, but more of a gathering of close friends. "We're there for each other," says TOPS co- leader, Carol Fleming. "We're there for support." Like any group, success at TOPS depends on the client. "It's up to the effort by the people that go to (the meetings)," says leader Sherry French. And Mrs. Fleming adds that TOPS is "very suc- cessful if you stick to the program." Coordinators of the group explain that weekly meetings do not stick to one specific pattern. Sessions include basic weigh-ins and reports, but are often spiced up with guest speakers, craft times, awards, , contests and monthly themes. TOPS organizers feel it is important to vary the meetings to keep things interesting and entertain- ing. k Mrs. French says that Port Perry's Own 1D) AY 12 MATL AY AEX SI DINE ND KX OPEN HOUSE XK; LATCHAM CENTRE 'Queen St. East (On The Lakefront) Thursday November 28, 1996 6:00pm till 10:00pm SPEAKERS PRESENTATION View and examine CPDEA/OSL Approved Classroom and Course Content Videos and Overheads Meet In-Car & In-Class Instructor ot Marilyn French 1st Course Starts December 12, 1996 LATLOM Associates Inc. DRIVER TRAINING CENTRE Port Perry i a rs om Ontario (905) 985-4547 male, from adults. square one, be government ir be involved ners along wi ro back at fitting orthoti Including: Hockey 'Bring them al Cwiinno Simply a better wey © shop