Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 1 Oct 1996, p. 29

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CENTRAL WHITBY - 1/2 acre. . Cozy, older, 2 appliances. Finished rec- room. Available immediately. $950 plus utilties. Firstlast - 668-8534. COMMERCIAL - DOWN- TOWN Port Perry, contact Guy Latreille - 985-4427. CONDOS - 1 BEDROOM, 5 appliances, some with lake view. 1 and 2 bed- room $825 - $975/month. Call Gary - 985-0718. FURNISHED ROOM, on lakefront, $395/month, first and last required - 1-705- 953-2028. KINSMEN HALL - Avail- able for dances, meetings, receptions. Kitchen & bar. Plenty of parking. 985- 3736. LARGE 1 BEDROOM 15 minutes north of Port Perry. Fridge, stove, deck, $525 plus hydro - 705-357-2615. NEWISH 1 BEDROOM apartment, 15 minutes north of Port Perry, $549 plus hydro; also bachelors - $379 inclusive, Little Britain - 705-786-2614 "Help Wanted 2 EXPERIENCED A-Z Canada and U.S. Perma- nent full time Benefits. Fax information to 905+ 683-9492. REQUIRE RELIABLE MATURE person for pan time chambermaid and front desk clerk. Call 985- 7111 VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to help with school programs at the Scugog Shores Museum. Anyone who is interested (including high school stu- dents) should contact the museum at 985-3589. WANTED 6 - 8 SERIOUS people interested in losing weight or having an income. Call 728-3594 BOBCAT SERVICE - With backhoe attachment, posthole digger, setting of fence posts. Cheap rates. Boom and auger truck service also available - 986-5900 or 986-1405. COUNTRY CLEAN - Cus- tom cleaning, personal- ized service. Reliable and trustworthy, excellent ref- erences. We get homes "Cleaner than Clean so try us, for that Springtime Fresh" - 905-985-1614. NEED SOME HELP? Mature man available for alll manner of odd jobs. Minor plumbing repairs, yard work, very reasonable rates. 985-0422 Ask for Al "A Family Tradition for 130 Years" .. Work Wanted Attached garage/workshop area. AL'S MAINTENANCE - Fall yard and garden clean-ups, eavestroughs, garbage removal, cut and trim, painting, fences and more - 985-4879. 'CLEANING SERVICE: House cleaning, yard clean-up and garbage removal... Move outs. Regular or one time - 985- 0314. NEED A HAND? Call Murray. Eavestrough cleaning, papering, paint- ing, garage, attic, yard cleanup. 985-2183. SCOTT PROPERTY SERVICES - Grass cut- ting, gardening, hedge and tree trimmings, yard clean-ups, snowplowing, blowing, sanding/salting - 985-2535, 435-3098. SCUGOG PROPERTY MAINTENANCE - Yard clean-ups, grass cutting, Dave Ballingall 985-2834. available from the office of the Clerk of the Township of Scugog, located at 208 North St., Port Perry on Tuesday, October 1st, 1996, during normal business hours. Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents, will be received at the Office of the Clerk, no later Ear S. Cuddie, AMC.T. CMC. AdministratorClerk Township of Scugog 985-7346 QUOTATION SEALED QUOTATIONS will be received in the envelopes provided by the undersigned until 3:00pm local time on the specified closing date QUOTATION 96-71 Snowplowing 1996 - 1998 Two year term at various schools & properties. Closing Date Tuesday, October 22, 1996. Quotation documents will be available from the Purchasing Department on Friday, October 4, 1996 The lowest or any Quotation not necessarily accepted. DM. Homeniuk, CPP, CPPO Manager of Purchasing The Durham Board of Education 400 Taunton Rd., East Whitby, Ont. L1R 2K6 $1 DAY, FORK LIFT available, tractor trailer size lots or more. For more information call - 905-986-0345. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS © AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FREDERICK KITCHENER SUMMERS, DECEASED. All persons having claims. against the estate of Fred- erick Kitchener Summers, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 8th day of July, 1996, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of October, 1996, after which date the aforementioned estate will be distributed by the undersigned having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 19th day of September, 1996. FOWLER AND KELLY Barristers and Solicitors 175 North Street Port Perry, Ontario LoL 1B7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PETER WALLEY. All persons having claims against the estate of Peter Walley, late of the Town- ship of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on September 11, 1996, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of October, 1996, after which date the aforementioned estate will be distributed by the undersigned having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 23rd day of September, 1996. FOWLER AND KELLY Bamisters and Solicitors 175 North Street Port Perry, Ontario LoL 187 WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2 SALE TIME: 4:45PM. Auction sale of fumiture, antiques and collectables from a Port Perry estate selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., comer of Hwy. 47 and 12. TO INCLUDE: Pine chest from clothing store, press- back chairs, bedroom suite, desk, office chair, chesterfield and chair, brass chandelier with wall scones, color TV, art glass, golf clubs, off paint ings and water colors, prints, books, copper and cards (1970s), Cobalt jars, fire grenades, pin cushion doll, doll books, tins, stoneware, linen, 3 old baseball gloves, large quantity of collectables and glassware, plus many other quality items Sale managed and sold by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. - 905-985-1068. SATURDAY, OCT. 5 SALE TIME: 11 AM. AUCTION of Fam Equipment and Livestock for the late CLARENCE SMOCKUM of Sutton. Take Hwy. #48 east of Sutton to the Granit Res- taurant corner. Go south 2.5 miles; or 2 miles east of Baldwin toward Egypt. Watch for signs. SALE INCLUDES: MF. #240 diesel loader tractor with 3 buckets (1150 hrs), Ford 4000 diesel tractor, Massey Ferg. #65 trac- tor, diesel skid steer, 1984 Ford diesel truck, #480 J.D. haybine, MF. #33 seed drill, 2 flatrack wagons, 8' cull, har- rows, 6' chisel plow, M.F. #12 baler, N.H. #510 ma- nure spreader, 3 fur. plow, NH. 7 mower, grain auger, rd. hay feed- ers, 30" elevator, 150 gal. sprayer, hand & garden tools, scrap iron, lumber, 1970 Ski Doo, plus more. FEED & LIVE- STOCK: 10 ton mixed grain, 1,000 sq. bales hay, 280 rd. bales hay, 300 sq. bales straw, 14 Hereford cows bred Charloais, 14 Limo cross calves, 2 Limo cross bred heifers. ANTIQUE TOOLS: broad axe, hay knife, coal bucket, draw knife, bag cart, sing. fur. plow, milk bottles, wood- en rake, cow bells, cream cans, Buffalo robe plus much more. NOTE: The late Mr. Smockum was a life long resident of the area. An excellent variety of ftems™to be sold. TERMS: Cash or good known cheque Owner or auctioneer not responsible for any loss or mishap occurring to the public. GARY MILL AUCTIONS Sunderland 3 1-705-357-2188 -- SATURDAY, OCT. 5 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Auction sale of farm machinery. The property of the estate of WESLEY DOWN, 113 Down Rd., Lot 29 and 30. Broken front Concession Munici- pality of Clarington, 1/4 mile south of 401 on Cour- tice Rd. to Darlington Rd. and west 1/4 mile. 1991 JD tractor 2550 diesel with canopy - 4 WD - 1569 hrs.; JD 2120 tractor diesel with 175 loader and hay fork; Int. seed drill 510, 16 run; New Idea manure spreader, 2 Tum- co grain boxes - 5 ton gearing; bush hog disc - 10 ft; Stang cultivator, 10 ft. with levelers; 2 cultiva- tors; McKee snowblower 877; steel packer - 12 ft. Kvid. 3 furrow plough, semi-mount, spring reset, 16s; 2 hay wagons; West- field auger, 40 ft. 8" plo; Int. harrows - 12 ft; 10 ft. auger; Gehl forage har- vester, bin sweep, bale buncher; fanning mill; 2 round bale feeders; bale fork; cattle oiler; headgate; lamb feeders; pig feeders; grain feeder; hydraulic ram; tractor weights; antique wooden wheel wagon; sleigh; quantity hay and straw; very few small items. Terms: Cash, no reserve. Lunch available. Sale time 11 am. ARNOT R. WOT- TEN AUCTION SER- VICE, R.R. #1, Hampton, LOB 1J0 - 905-263-2512. SATURDAY, OCT. 5 SALE TIME: 10:30 AM. Auction sale of antiques, fumiture, tools and equip- ment, selling the estate of MARGARET FREW of Claremont, Ont. Located at 3965 Paddock Rd. Take Brock Rd. to Durham Rd. 31 tum east to Paddock Rd., turn south. Included: 8 pc. walnut dining room suite, mahogany flat-to-wall china cabinet, mahogany silver chest - claw feet, mahogany panels, linens, quilts, fridge, stove, bone china, cups and saucers, collectable glass- ware and dishes, house- hold contents, 8N Ford tractor, Allis Chalmers rid- ing tractor, new gas trim- mer, scuffler disc, 3 PH. blade, chainsaw, drill press, sander, cement mixer, assortment of power and hand tools, plus a good selection of other antiques, collectable and household items. See last weeks issue for full details. Terms: Cash or approved cheque. Lunch available. Owners or auctioneers not respon- sible for any accidents or . injury in conjunction with this sale. Selling in 2 rings. PHIL FAULKNER AUCTIONS - 905-852 9631. SATURDAY, OCT. 5 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Public auto auction at PETERBOROUGH AUC- TION CENTER, Peterbor- ough (2 miles east of Hwy. #7). Approx. 40 cars, vans, pick-ups, 4Xd4s, RVs, boats, riding lawn- mowers, etc. Selling for Sheriffs office - 1979 Chev. Corvette. Also sell- ing for a secured creditor - 1990 Ford Diesel 16' cube van, 1993 Chev. Cavalier, 1993 Ford Escort, 1993 Chev. Corsica, 1992 Chev. Cavalier - 2 door, 1992 Olds Royal LS, 1992 Ply. Voyager SE van - loaded, 1991 Buick Park Ave., 1991 Geo Sprint, 1991 Mazda MPV van, 1991 Ford Tempo - 4 door, 1991 Dodge Spirit, 1990 Chev. Cavalier wagon, 1990 GMC 4X4 - 3/4 ton pick-up, 1989 Chry. Dynasty, 1989 Issuzu Trooper 4X4, 1989 Pont. Tempest, 1989 Ford Mustang, 1987 Pont. Grand Am, 1986 Nissan Maxima, 1986 Buick Park Ave., 1987 Mazda RX7, 1985 Chry. Laser, 1985 Ford LTD wagon, 1985 Ford Bronco, 1982 Ford F150 pick-up, 1980 GMC Sierra 4X4 pick-up, 1980 Chev. van, 1972 Win- nebago 23' motorhome, JD 322 liquid cooled 18 HP. tractor w/mower deck, front-end loader, rear weights and tiller. Partial list. Subject to additions and deletions. ALL VEHI- CLES GUARANTEED CLEAR TITLES. $200 DRAW. Consign now. Bring your vehciles Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (not Saturday). Terms: $500 cash, Visa or Mastercard at sale. Balance by cash or certi- fied funds within 5 days. To consign call 705-745- 5007 or 1-800-461-9499. ORVAL MCLEAN AUC- TIONS LTD. RR. 7, Peterborough. al SATURDAY, OCT. 12 SALE TIME: NOON ANGUS SALE At PHOENIX SALES ARENA, Uxbridge, Ont. Selling 80 tots of quality Angus cattle. 3 egity sisting of 50 purebred Angus females plus 30 commercial cows. Many with calves at foot and rebred. All cows will be pregnancy checked sale day. This is a great group of cattle that will work well in either a purebred or commercial operation. Sale sponsored by the Eastern Ontario Anugs Association. For cata- logues or information con- tact Sale Manager and Auctioneer - ROSS BAI- LEY, Port Perry - 905-985- 0697. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 9 SALE TIME: 4:45 P.M. Auction sale of fumiture, antiques and collectables for the estate of L. LAROCHE of Toronto, selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., comer of Hwy. 47 and 12. TO INCLUDE: 3 pc. Jacques and Hayes settee set, immaculate 5 pc. walnut bedroom suite, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table, ant. refinished wheelbarrow scales (ex.), Grandfather clock, Hoosier cupboard, drop front ball and claw foot secretary, 2 harp side tables, carved Chinese trunk, lingerie chest, what- not, single drawer lamp table, blanket boxes, 4 harp back chairs, oak buf- fet, brass music stand, fancy tables and shelves, Curio cabinet with plate rail, old hats, 2 pc. Moor- croft, regulator clock w/music box, 1850 Flo Blue pitcher, Majalta, Blue Willow, Beswick, Doulton, 3 handle trophy mug, 3 pc. servers, 1840 Zither wicase, 1910 brass baro- graph, steam pressure device, amber rummer, postcard album, Robert Gagen water color, J. Cole (large oil w/animals), Thomas Garside (oil), Marion Scott etching, Howard Atkinson (oil 20x24 see API), Cock- shutt print, R. Farber heli- copter, miniature oil lamp collection including ban- quet, sunlight, improved banner, skaters, milk glass, Cobalt blue, floral china, green, little butter cup, Vapo, Creso- lene, Eskimo carvings, early pedal car, silver overlay and plate pes., miniature disc gramo- dolin, amethyst, Wedge- wood pes., Doulton flambe rabbit, 75 pcs. of Comn- flower, 7 biscuit jars, Limo- ges pcs., coco set, Mary Gregory pitcher, AM bisque doll, other dolls, quantity of linen, large quantity of jewellery from the estate including ster- Simpson's quarter century Gruen 14 kt. Curvex watch, 14 kt. pocket watch, sterling coins, Vic- torian fans, bank notes and other jewellery pcs., old pens plus many other interesting items. NOTE: Don't miss one of the highest quality autumn antique and collectable sales. Sale managed and sold by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. - 905- 985-1068. . wardrobes, nursery rock- * Primiative tools and quilts, bles, car and more. Property of MR. AND MRS. CLIFF MOUNSEY of R.R. 1, og sold. And the estate of late FRANK PORTER of Coboconk. Selling at the MABEE AUCTION CEN- 3 TRE on Hwy. 35, 1 mile Sona north of Rosedale. Includ- ~~ ing - (Parital list only). ANT. FURNITURE pine og kitchen hutch, ant. pine | vest type table, games table, old beds, ant. jam cupboard (painted), ant. pine wood box, oval maple lamp table, ant. pine Deacon bench, er, ant. pine pub bench, old rugs, old elect. icebox. CHINA, GLASS AND COLLECTABLES - 8 place setting of dinnerware, B & C France, gold trim, Aladin pattern (77 pes.), 2 pes. cande- labra set, end of day vase, Royal Doulton, fine china cups and saucers, Coal port, amber glass, Depres- sion, collection of oil (duck heads), old toy clown (battery), old radio, crockery, jewellery, gold, 90 pes. of Limoge gold crust pattern. WORK- SHOP TOOLS - 1/2" floor model drill press, Rockwell Beaver saw, 3 spd. bench bandsaw, 6" jointer wood planner, Stihl chainsaw, B & D Workmate router, belt .and power sander and lent tools, Canadian blower - 8 HP. (elect. start), gas Weedeater. ESTATE CAR: 1984 Ford sander/stand/motor, router, 14 ft. cedar ¢ Don't miss this one. Lunch available. No reserve. Cash 7 CALVIN MABEE AUC- TIONS, MOVING AND STORAGE, R.R. #1, Lind- say - 705-374-4800 or

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