"A Family Tradition for 130 Years" The annual Blackstock Tractor and Truck Pull on Friday and Saturday, evenings enjoyed excellent weather, fine crowds and keen compe- tition in the many classes. As usual the MC's Harold Wright, Steve Grove and Harvey Graham kept the crowds entertained as well as informed. The event conclud- ed with the thrilling Heavy pro-stock -class 'when « Blackstock's Earle Trewin on his "Killer Allis" defeated Bruce Gowland of Grand Valley on his "Red Rooster" with the clouds of smoke and fire flying. So pleased to report that Murray Byers is progressing well following his hip surgery in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. He is currently in Hillcrest Rehabilitation Hospital in Toronto. Best wishes Murray from your many friends. Members of the Blackstock Fair Board are reminded that the regular meeting will be this Wednesday evening at the Town Hall. Please try to attend. A barbecue chicken dinner was enjoyed by nine ONO Hope everyone is enjoying the glorious summersveather! Happy birthday wishes go out this week to Lawrence Nicolls and Clarke Ross and to all oth- ers not known to us. Congratulations to Don Bea- cock and Betty Lou Preston who were married last Saturday, July 6 at Pontypool. Much hap- piness and best wishes from the community! Congratulations to Mrs. Lin- da Dignem who graduated from York University with a B.A. Health Studies Theme. Contin- ued success and best wishes from the community! : There will be a community miscellaneous Bridal Shower members recently at Barb Byers' Cottage at View Lake. Six-spent overnight and lots of chatter. After a relaxing breakfast all vowed that the event would be hald again next year. On Sunday afternoon a sur- prise 40th Wedding Anniversary was held at Port Darlington Marina for former residents Shirley and Bev Black of Oshawa. Attending from here were their daughter Deb and Gord Bryans, and granddaughters Leanna and Christina and Nancy and Bob Bryans. Congratulations Bev and Shirley. * On Thursday Gary and Janice Beechey, Nicole, Natalie and Rachael enjoyed a visit with Gary's niece Kelly Cooke of Sudbury when she was enroute to the Toronto Airport to leave for Korea. She will spend the next year in Korea teaching English. What a wealth of experiences await this young lady, a recent university graduate. There are still openings for the ONO Swim bus to Uxpool on August 12-23. What an opportunity to have your child learn to swim! Call Nancy Seagrave by Diane Cooke for Kent Sweetman and Cathy Norris at the Seagrave Church on Friday, July 19 at 8:30 p.m. Ladies are asked to take lunch. All are welcome - including the men! The Men's group will meet for their breakfast meeting this URAL | Another successful truck and tractor Blackstock Bryans at 986-5530 for more information. Tye Blackstock United Church Sunday School is offering, "Children's Stories in the Bible" on Sunday morn- ings during worship through- out the summer. Last Sunday they read David and Goliath. and played games based on the story. Next Sunday the story is about Samuel becom- ing a prophet. Remember summer time for the church service is 10:15 a.m. An enjoyable weekend camping at Balsam Lake Provincial Park was enjoyed by Nathan and Emma Alpe with Uncle Steve and Aunt Lorina Bryans and Mark of Courtice. There were 10 tables of euchre at the weekly Tuesday Saturday, July 13 at 8:30 a.m. at the Seagrave Church. Church News Rev. David Shepherd's ser- mon on Sunday was on, "Paul on Jesus." Shannon Pickford read the Hebrew scripture on "Saul's jealousy of David." Mar- garet Ingram gave the minute for mission regarding spiritual and personal growth. The ser-- vice closed with the blessing Go Now in Peace. Everyone is reminded that Ann and I will continue to do the Seagrave News for July, but will not be writing for the month of August. Please phone Ann at 985-9440 with your news for next weeks' column. Canada Day picnic was great! The Rev. Karen Hincke was the guest speaker at Burns Church on Sunday in the ab- sence of our minister, Rev. Shei- na Smith. Next Sunday, July 14, Grant Parrott will conduct the service at 10 a.m. For any pastoral needs during the month of July contact Moyra Dobson. Everyone who attended the 10th annual Canada Day Picnic at the park on Monday enjoyed the many activities for all ages. Mayor Tom Edwards was present and brought greetings Florence Ashton from the town of Whitby and he and Lois Daw led in the singing of O'Canada. It was nice to chat with some of the former Ashbur- nites. And the weather? It couldn't have been nicer. Spe- cial thanks to the Ashburn Community Centre Board and to all those who helped organize this event. Visiting with Bernice and Jean Gardner over the weekend were Linda Cunnington, Guelph, Deward Wideman, Pef- ferlaw and Betty Mann, Oshawa. Sorry folks, that's all I have for you this week. Take time to enjoy some of the summer activ- ities in your area. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- evening cord pat wih the N following"winnérs - Verna Robinson, Elwood Manns, Richard Potter; Alma Manns, Kay Brown, Doris Hill and Grant Bright. Lucky draws "were won by Edna Manns, Verna Robinson, Grant Bright, Carl Gimblett and Harold Crawford. Andrea Weir enjoyed her sons Jim and Liz Weir and son Fraser of Bowmanville, Russell and Kim Weir, Jamie, Greg and Trevor of Lindsay for Sunday afternoon and sup- I. Marion Hodge celebrated her 80th birthday on July 1, Canada Day. The choir and congregation ef St. John's cel- ebrated this event after the June 20 service with a rousing chorus and hugs ete. On Sunday, July 7 Charlotte Rutherford was, in her turn, acclaimed in song for having reached 51. She got hugs ete. too! A guest at St. John's on Sunday was Father Hugh's cousin Rodney, in £anada on a visit from Ballymena in Northern Ireland. Hugh's son Neill, who lives in Cambridge, Ont. came along too. Community bridal shower's on [We're laying plans | for the '96 regatta | My! Isn't it nice now that summer is here? My next wish is to see it rain at night and be good during the daylight hours. We were out over the weekend selling our Regatta raffle tickets at Canadian Tire # Port Perry and each day we ._ would have sprinkles of rain. Run and get the tarps and cov- er everything up and then un- cover it after a few drops. However, it was great to see all of our old friends come back and try their luck again. Iwas sorry to hear that Mar- . ion Biggs fractured her arm. It seems she had her dog on a leash and another dog ap- peared on the scene and sud- denly there was a quickthrust onward and Mariofi went down. I can well realize how this can happen as my hound dog has four short legs and is low to the ground with lots of pull. Hope you are feeling better soon Marion with no after af- fects. Beth Stewart is another one down with a fracture of a toe. I can imgine how sore that is with every step you take.. Wishing you the best Beth. I called on a client regarding an ad for the Regatta program on Wednesday and he in- formed me he couldn't see me now as he was on his way to a pull held -- "Both St. John's organists' attended the week long ses sions of the Summer Institute of Church Music held in Whitby last week. Catherine Corden and . Lin McLaughlin were delighted with the progra despite long hours and hard work. They say they learned | a great deal and were thrilled | to work with some of the top- flight faculty. They also: brought back a lot of new music, so the choir is probably going to be busy again soon. Several people have remarked on the flower gar- dens in front of St. Johns. Don and Grace Proutt have | done a great job on the two flower beds by the front door. The rose garden under the | church notice board has been planted as a memorial for a= niece who recently passed away. people of St. Johns really appreciate the thought- 'fulness and hard work of the Campbells and the Proutts. On Sunday, Harold and Lois Luke attended morning service in Eldad United Church when their niece | Pamela Luke was baptized. i. funeral. It was then that I heard it was Harold McLaugh- lin's funeral. I met Harold for the first time on one ofthe Pine Ridge Garden Club bus out- ings and between the two Ei- leeng, Harold and I we had a most enjoyable day. He was quite a good horse shoe pitch- er. My sincere condolences to Eileen and the family. . Do you know why we cross. our fingers for good luck? Car- ly Christians secretly made the sign of the cross this way to ask for devine assistance with- out attracting the attention of the pagans. Joke of the week - At a busi- ness seminar, "I like the meat loaf kind of convention. Half the time you meet - half the time you loaf." Saying of the week - A ma about to speak the truth should have one foot in the stirrup. : ou Indian proverb