30- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, June 1, 1996 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" PORT PERRY STAR PHONE (905) 985-7383 Fax (905) 985-3708 For Rent For Rent Work Wanted Auctioneers Auction Sales 1 BEDROM APART- NEWLY DECORATED 1 AL'S MAINTENANCE - | THURSDAY, JUNE 13 MENT in Port Perry - 705 bedroom apartments, Lit. Spring clean-ups, eave. | IN EIL & SALE TIME: 5,00 P.M. 357-3911. tle Britain, $449 and $549 stroughs, garbage Furniture, appliances, 1 BEDROOM APART- MENT, clean and quiet, first and last, $495, Black- stock - 986-5197. 2 BEDROOM APART- MENT, large bright, prime Water Street location, washer and dryer hook- up, available July 1, 1996, $794 plus hydro - 416- 264-4916. SEMI-DETACHED OLDER farm house, Brooklin, 2 bedrooms, $700/month plus utilities. Available July 1 - 655- 4966. UXBRIDGE - 2 BED- ROOM walkout basement apartment, fridge, stove, fireplace, parking for 2 cars, non-smoker, first and last, employer reference. $950 - all inclusive - 852- 9099. DOWNTOWN LITTLE BRITAIN, 4 bedroom spa- cious apartment, first floor, walkout to yard, appli- ances included, $1,000/month - inclusive (negotiable with refer- ences). Available July 1 or sooner. Call 1-416- 208-7910 or 705-786- 1979, Julie or Ann. DOWNTOWN PORT PERRY apartments avail- able. Call9am.-5pm.- 985-4808. DUPLEX - 2 BEDROOM, 2 level, walkout to own deck and private fenced yard, 1 block from down- town, water and parking "included, $790 plus utili- ties. Available July 1. References preferred - 985-9447. KINSMEN HALL - Avail- able for dances, meetings, receptions. Kitchen & bar. Plenty of parking. 985- 3736. LARGE, BRIGHT 3 bed- room apartment in down- town Port Perry, $795/month plus hydro. 985-3011 days, 985-3128 evenings. LARGE, CLEAN 1 bed- room apartment in down- town Port Perry, $575/month plus hydro - 985-3011, days, 985- 3128, evenings. STORAGE Mini & Maxi Port Perry 143 Reach Industrial Park Rd. (905) 985-7622 plus electric. 1 month free - 705-786-2514. OSHAWA - LARGE 2 bedroom apartment close to amenities, separate entrance, laundry, appli- ances, $725 inclusive - 434-2901. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in the Port Perry area. $900/month plus utilities - 985-7813. BACHELOR APART- MENT - One person only, suits quiet person, no smoking, upstairs, close to downtown, available Jul 1 - 985-3907. - BROOKLIN - 2 BED- ROOM apartment $675; utilities included, parking, walk to shopping. 416- 868-0413 or 905-649- 3073. CONDOS - 1 BEDROOM, 5 appliances, some with lake view. Call Gary - 985-0718. removal, cut and trim, sod- ding, flower beds and more - 985-1557. BRICK WORK, fireplace, chimney, etc. Licensed bricklayer, quality work, 15 years experience, refer- ences available. Phone Gerry 985-3584. COUNTRY CLEAN - Cus- tom cleaning, personal- ized service. Reliable and trustworthy, excellent ref- erences. We get homes "Cleaner than Clean so try us, for that Springtime Fresh" - 905-985-1614. CUSTOM HAY BALING, Twine or net wrap, 4 ft. wide X 4 feet to 6 feet, J.D. 435 - Bob Kyte - 905- 986-5200. HOUSE CLEANING - One time or regular basis. Stove and fridge only! Or just windows! Or the whole house! Your Choice Clean-Up Co. - 985-0314. Day Care LOCAL PRIVATE DAY- CARE is now accepting September registration for children 15 months and up. Part and full time placement available. For information please call Yvonne - 985-8522. ACCOMMODATION FOR you or your horse, in - exchange for managing small barn. Summer stu- dent accepted - 705-357- 1890. ALOE VERA BASED skin care and cosmetics com- pany requires full and part time beauty consultants. No investment. No inven- tory. No delivery. Full training provided. For more information, please call 579-1949. DRIVING INSTRUCTOR REQUIRED. If you enjoy meeting new people and have a clean driving record, this may be the career for you. For more information please call Joe Aston - 905-436-9402 - Provincial Driving School. DUE TO OUR EXPAN- SION, the following posi- tions are available at our Uxbridge location: Hair stylist, nail technician, esthetician and massage therapist. Flexible. hours. All calls confidential - 905- 852-5155, ask for Anthony or Arlene or fax 905-430- 3281. ODD JOB MAN - Farm help, garden help, clean- ups. Name it - it's done - (705)432-2295. DOWNTOWN PRIME RETAIL STORE ON QUEEN ST. Approx. 1,000 sq.ft. Available July 1 985-7102 NEED SOME HELP? Mature man available for all manner of odd jobs. Minor plumbing repairs, yard work, very reasonable rates. 985-0422 Ask for Al NEED A HAND? Call Murray. Eavestrough cleaning, papering, paint- ing, garage, attic, yard cleanup. 985-2183. ROTOTILLING - Done dirt cheap. Why rent? Give us a call - Fred - 985- 4987. SCOTT PROPERTY SERVICES - Grass cut- ting, gardening, hedge and tree trimmings, yard clean-ups, snowplowing, blowing, sanding/salting - 985-2535, 435-3098. SCUGOG PROPERTY MAINTENANCE - Yard clean-ups, grass cutting, hedge trimming, odd jobs. Dave Ballingall 985-2834. YARD CLEAN-UP, GRASS CUTTING. Will remove your junk and garbage - 985-0314. while on the Tour of Homes, ladies prescription glasses with light blue frames. Call collect - 416- 497-5539. NOTICE TO CREDITORS RE: ESTATE OF EVELYN ADELL VOKINS "All persons having claims against the estate of Eve- lyn Adella Vokins (com- monly known as Adele), deceased, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on October 19, 1995, are hereby notified to send them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before July 4, 1996. After this date, the assets of the above named estate will be distributed among the persons entitled to them, having regard only to claims of which the execu- tor shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, on June 4, 1996. Harris, Fletcher, Tesluk Associates Barristers and Solicitors 70 Albert St. Oshawa, Ont. L1H 4P9 Solicitors for the executor." BACON \ AUCTIONS PO Box 220, Greenbank, ON. fL0C 1Bo (905) 985-1068 J Auction Sales FRIDAY, JUNE 14 SALE TIME: 5:30 P.M. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN, 3 miles east of Lit- tle Britain on County Rd. 4. The estate of the late ELLEN FOSTER of Little Britain plus others. 2 pc. pine flat-to-wall cupboard, 6 matching pressback chairs, 7 pc. toilet set, washstands, oak dressers, tin toys, pine drop leaf table, oak Library table, blanket box, Gun stock chairs, square oak dining table, walnut par- lour table, oak icebox, 4 pc. bedroom suite, wicker chair, wicker settee, rock- ing chairs, end tables, wal- nut vanity dresser, modern dressers, treadle sewing machine, 5 stacking oak bookcase, 5 ft. pine table, Grand Trunk playing, Canadian 3 speed drill press, 6 in. Vancouver jointer, Dewalt radial arm saw, McCullough chain saw, 16 1/2 x 6 1/2 tan- dem axle trailer with 3 1/2 ft. sides, plus a qty. china, glass, household and col- lectable items. DON AND GREG CORNEIL, Auc- tioneers, R.,R. #1, Little Britain - 705-786-2183. . SATURDAY, JUNE 15 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale of contents, antiques/tools at 776 \ OSBORNE ST. BEAVERTON. Owner moving. Partial list: Hoosier cupboard w/flour bin, hall extension table, Canadian pine jam cup- board, washstand, GSW tin churn, drop leaf table and chairs, rocker, blanket box, china, stamps, col- lectables, lawn tractors (8 HP. and 12.5 HP, 42" cut, like new), 10" table saw, hand and power tools. Please call MACMILLAN AUCTIONS - (705)374- 5511 or 374-4852. some antiques, vehicles. Estate auction at ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER - LINDSAY. Selling property of the late RICHARD BUCK and oth- ers. Excellent Hotpoint refrigerator and electric range, under counter Woods refrigerator, white Westinghouse auto wash- er, auto dryer, dehumidifi- er, color TVs, pine TV stand, RCA VCR, good modern chrome suite, din- ing table, modern button back chesterfield and chair, fancy am chair, oak cane loveseat, what not stand, blue sectional chesterfield, sofa sets, cof- fee and end tables, bar stools, wicker divider, modern chests, dressers, beds, new Jacuzzi style tub, office desk, 2 drawer file cabinet, steel shelving, mens Norco mountain bike, water pump, heaters, some tools, hundreds of household items. 1992 Honda Civic 2 door, excel- lent estate car, 1992 Buick LeSabre LTD, loaded, cer- tified, 1990 Chev. Lumina van, loaded, 1983 Lionel hardtop tent trailer, well equipped, tent trailer, excellent 9 pc. modern dining room suite, excel- lent 4 pc. modern bed- room suite, brass top plant stand, glass top coffee and end tables, lamps, Kenwood stereo system, electric organ, desks, lawn ornaments, skill saw, patio furniture. Partial list. To consign full house or apartmentfulls, estates, quality items, tools, etc. call MCLEAN AUCTIONS - 705-324-2783 Lindsay or 1-800-461-6499 to list your sal on site or at the barn. Orval and Barry McLean, Auctioneers. SUNDAY, JUNE 16 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Poultry and livestock auc- tion. Accepting consign- ments of poultry, small livestock and related arti- cles. Sale starts at 11 a.m., 5055 Simcoe St. N. For more information - 655-8480. CLASSIFIED PORT PERRY STAR Long Distance 1-800-561-6698 Auction Sales THURSDAY, JUNE 20 SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Complete herd dispersal for "LYNLODGE HOL- STEINS", Graham Hall, Earlton, Ont. at PHOENIX AUCTIONS, Uxbridge, Ont., on Thursday, June 20, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. An impressive, young, com- pletely home bred herd. 35 cows and 30 heifers. Cows are mainly sired by Broker, Lindy, Stonetown Pete and Astro Jet. Many cows with over 200 BCA. Heifers are very wall grown and in excellent condition. Low S.C.C. and are vaccinated for B.V.D. and 1.B.R. Monthly con- signments to follow with purebred and grade, fresh and springing cows. 50 bred and open heifers. Something for everyone. Call us with your consign- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 SALE TIME: 4:45 P.M. Auction sale of furniture and books from a North York home, selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., corner of Hwy. 47 and 12. TO INCLUDE: Bedroom suite, kitchen suite, chesterfield, tables, chests, coffee and end tables, prints, lamps, old models, jewellery, quantity of glassware, lawn items, quantity of hockey cards including several 1970 rookies, check lists, wax boxes, approx. 2,000 books from a private library including such top- ics as military, childrens, letters to the U.S. Presi- dent, antiques, war, Harlequin, Uncle Tom Cabin, plus many other interesting items and books, 10 Royal Doultons, SATURDAY, JUNE 15 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Auction sale at PETHICK AUCTION BARN, 2498 Conc. Rd. #8, Bow- manville (Haydon). This week we have to be sold a large variety of antique and modern fumiture, col lectable glass and china, lawn and garden equip- ment, tools, Ltd. Edition art, appliances and many other interesting and unusual items. Large sale, viewing from 5 p.m. Terms are cash, Visa, M/C or Debit card. For more info. call (905)263- 4252. Sale managed and sold by GARRY K. POW- ELL AUCTIONS, APPRAISALS AND LIQ- UIDATIONS. Spring sale dates available, your place or ours. Clean consign- ments welcome. Note: Stouffville. Held quantity ant. only. Lunch available. Saturday, June 15 at 10:30am For Malcolm (Mac) and Fern Keith of at the Community Centre, 4kin west of Brock Rd. via Durham 21. An excellent offering of antiques, handcrafted quilts, furniture, large glass collectibles and memorabilia, Crazy Block quilt w/feather stitch, Autumn Leaf quilt C.N.E. prize winner 1950s, 9 patch. pieced quilt, many other quilts, handmade rugs and acc., most never used, 9 piece dining room suite w/Duncan Phyfe table, ant. baby cradle, ant. auto harp, blanket box, harvest table repo, ant. dressers w/inirrors, chests of drawers, mah. tea trolley, treadle sewing machines, church pew, old pictures, document boxes, wool winder (unique), ink well w/pens, ant. 6 piece Grindley wash basin and pitcher set (ex), china table lamps, oil lamps, Rogers silverware, Stouffville cream can, cow bells, brass bells. crockery, lamp, leather tooling kit and acc., ant. dolls, many old tools, Note: Mr. & Mrs. Keith have been long time in Stouffville residents. Mrs. Keith has enjoyed many years of quilting, having taught quilting for 19 years and was very involved with leather tooling and other crafts. Very clean sale, worthy of your attendance. Terms: Cash or good cheque CLARKSON AUCTIONS 905-640-6411 Goodwood & china, good graniteware, bridge ments. Sale managed rocker, stereo. Sale man- Starting time of 6:30 p.m. and sold by: JIM aged and sold by NEIL PHOENIX, PHOENIX BACON AUCTIONS LTD. AUCTIONS, R.R. #2, -905-985-1068. Uxbridge, Ont. Home 905-852-6936. Bus. 905- 852-6277. Fax 905-852- 0401. "AU 1 Dal SATURDAY, JUNE 15 a.m. sale day. for terms on Real Estate. SALE TIME: 10 A.M. Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, Antique Stationary Engines, Lumber, Tools & Moto- rhome for the late IVAN FAIRBARN (Newmarket), and CHARLES KERSWILL (Stouftville), plus some additions held at Wilsons Sales Arena, Uxbridge, 2 mi. north on Main St., or Hwy. 404 north to Davis Dr. at Newmarket. Go east 24 km. ANTIQUE STATIONARY ENGINES: Fairbanks 1-1/2 hp. dbl. flywheel, Int. 1-1/2 hp. single fly- wheel Monarch 2-1/3 hp. db. flywheel, Mogul 2-1/2 hp. & 1-3/4 hp db. flywheel, Fair- banks Morse 2 hp., Little' Jumbo 3/4 hp. J.A. Fellows & Co. Brantford 1-1/2 hp., Sto- ver Engine Works 1-1/2 hp. db. flywheel, T. Eaton 2 hp. dbl. flywheel, L.B. Int. 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 sing. flywheel, IM 3 hp dbl. fly., Monitor upright 1-1/4 hp, Int. 1-1/2 hp db., |' fly., Fairbank Morse 1-1/4 hp., Tom Thumb Motor, Fairbanks Morse wagon, 2 cycle Model A St. Lawrence, Tecumseh air cooled eng., Hall 1 hp. air cooled eng., old Briggs & Stratton eng., qty. gas powered engines, Johnson 4 cycle eng., Johnson air cooled eng., Sylvestor 3 hp. Ig. qty. of Magnetos coils, crank shafts, M.H. turnip pulp- er, old sea horse outboard, McDougall pump jack, plus more. FARM EQUIPMENT & TOOLS: A.C. #185 diesel tractor with Allied #594 loader (good), Farmall Cub gas tractor with Woods finishing mower (ex.), A.C. Gleaner F gas combine 13 ft. grain head, 4 row A.C. #438 corn head (good), Case #650 combine, J.D. 4400 diesel Combine with grain pickup head, White 252 db. disc 12 ft., Liembauch line 8' db. disc., Int. 16' cult., Allied cult, A.C. 22 ft. cult., Massey sycle mower, Int. #550 plow 5 x 14", Case 3 pth. plow, M.F. 3 fur plow 3 pth. trip beam, 4 sect Diamond harrows, J.D. 3 pth. db. disc 6 ft., Ransome 3 pth. plow 3 furrow, 12 ft. drag cult., Kverneland 4 furrow 3 pth. plow, ant. riding scuffler, White #540 corn planter WR., Agro Trend 150 gal. sprayer, Calsa 3 pth. sprayer, J.D. seed drill FBI77B.1, M.H. seed drill on steel, N.H. #519 & #512 manure spreader, JD #34 man. spreader, N.H. #469 & #477 haybines, MF #81 haybine, M.F. #200 forage harvester, Int #37 baler, N.H. #316 bal- er, M.F. baler, M.F. 5 bar hay rake, Allied hay elevator on carriage, Dion self-unload forage wagon, 6 ft. Bush Hog mower 3 pth., Howse 5' rotary bush hog mower, J.D. hyd. 3 pth. posthole digger, Fleury hiller/digger walking plow (rare), Gale mixmill, log- ging tongs, single horse syrup sleigh, Lincoln 225 welder (new), port. air comp., bale & grain combo elev. on wheels, Zero graze wagon, gravity wagon, J. B & D sprayer 3 pth., 3 drum roller, flat rack wagon, self locking headgate, qty. garden tools, qty. hand tools, approx. 200 cedar rails, buzz saw, ext. ladder, 3/4 hp. air comp., Stihl cutoff saw, Stihl chain saw, 45' Silo cord, elect. welding cord 85' & 120', acetylene welding hose 100°, Briggs & Stratton snowblower (fits garden tractor, 1 yr. old), qty. construction equipment (ducting, door trim, butyl caulking (new), gas power trowel for concrete finishing, parquet flooring) plus much more. MISC.: 1987 Citation 21° gas Motorhome, air, auto, new awning (excellent shape), 1981 Yamaha 650 motor- cycle (excellent shape), 12' wooden flatbottom boat (ex.), canoes, Ig. qty. oak, cher- ry, cedar, birch & ash ready for work (some kiln dried). NOTE: A fine selection of farm machinery, tools & engines. TERMS: Cash, Visa, M/C or Interac. VIEWING: 8 SATURDAY, JUNE 22 SALE TIME 11 AM. ESTATE AUCTION of Real Estate and Contents for the ESTATE OF MARGARET MARK, 156 Munro Street, Cannington. Take Hwy. 12 north through Sunderland to Reg. Rd. 12, go east to Albert St., south to Munro. REAL ESTATE: 3 bedroom bun- galow on 57° x 132' corner town lot, being Pt. Lot 105 & 106, Plan H-50055, Twp. Brock. Wheelchair accessible, town water & sewer. Open Houses Wednesay, June 12 - 7-9 p.m. and Friday, June 14 - 1-3 p.m. Call for full terms and conditions. Agents call for co-operating commission program. Real Estate sells at 1 p.m. First Time Buy- ers or Investors - Don't miss this opportunity to puchase affordable housing. Must sell to settle the Estate. Check out government incentives & low interest rates. AN- TIQUES & HOUSEHOLD: Oak sideboard (bev. glass, pillar front, orig., carved, ex.), carved flat to wall cupboard with pie shelf & 2 glass doors, walnut china cabinet (bow sides, bev. glass), ant. oak beaufront dresser (oval bev. glass mirror), ant. dressers, sewing machines, ant. tables, oak 5 leg table (2 leafs), walnut gateleg table, oak ta- ble & 4 chairs (barley twist leg), 3 pc. walnut veneer bedroom ste. (db.), walnut plant stand, accordian student Il in case, walnut upright piano, Realistic Concertmate 660 Electronic keyboard, ant. shield back chair, shellback arm chair, steamer trunk, old music & records, qty. quilts, bedding, linens, old dolls, ant. postcards, crocheted bed- spread, Westinghouse washer, GE dryer (new), Kenmore fridge, Kelvinator fridge, Moffat stove, Sanyo color TV (2 yrs. old), Mclary apt. size deep freeze, Woods freezer, Ig. qty., antique glass & china, cut glass, crystal, qty. ant. silver, Royal Win- ton cream & sugar, over 100 collector spoons, garden tools, rototiller, lawnmower, chain fall plus much more. NOTE: A good old fashioned country auction right at the home of the late Mrs. Mark. TERMS: Cash or good known cheque on chattels. Call GARY HILL AUCTIONS (Div. of 1081454 Ontario Inc.) Sunderland 1-705-357-2185 or Toll Free 1-800-654-4647 | j : :