---- 2- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, June 11, 1996 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" = Talk's on fraud prevention Fraud detection is the topic of a meeting later this month at Durham College. The Bureau for Excellence in Durham Region (BEDR) in partnership with the Durham Regional Police Services's Major Fraud Squad. The Police Learning Centre and Davis and Henderson Inter- cheques will host a network meeting on the deception and detection of fraudulent documents. The presenters will discuss how frauds occur, who is doing it, how to identify fraudulent documents and preventative measures. The information is particu- larly relevant to people who handle cheques and fi- nancial documents in the course of their business. The network meeting will take place in the Com- munity Room, Durham College from 8:30 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, June 26. Attendance is limited to 30 participants. To register call the BEDR office at 665-7944. (Fax 665-8007). Serving you for 42 years. <> RQUERT cll Jef {30 FIV IVH SS West side on Hwy. 12, 1/2 mile north of Thickson Rd. Intersection 655-4411 traditional or the unusual...you'll find your © ial best selection here. spec IMPATIENS PETUN IAS 99 00 5 2 4o0r6 a plants per p> BEAUTIFUL SEANO BASKETS many colors to HANGING AY choose from BAGS AND OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 19, 1996 Young Drivers of Canada NEXT COURSE... June 25 to June 28 4 days - Tuesday to Friday 9: 00am to 4: 20pm ENROL NOW 15 Brock St. W. 852-9705 Uxbridge GM urges stability in contracts But union vows to do what it takes in disagreements By Jeff Mitchell Port Perry Star When they go to the bar- gaining table this sum- mer, members of the Ca- nadian Auto workers here will have on their agenda issues like working times and outsourcing. And they could resort to one-year contracts to keep management in check if their demands are consid- ered seriously, delegates at the CAW's bargaining conference in Toronto last week declared. Delegates to the confer- ence last week expressed frustration over corporate measures such as out- sourcing and worker treat- ment, and targeted a pro- vincial government which they say is infringing upon their agreements by way of its legislation. A spokesperson for Gen- eral Motors in Oshawa, on the other hand, said the workers would be better off sticking to their stan- dard three-year agree- ments... Workers in Oshawa will begin talks next month on a new con- tract to replace the one that expiresin July. "Our feeling is that for both employees and our- selves, a longer-term agreement would lend more stability for opera- tions, and for (workers") personal lives," said Greg Gibson of GM. "From the employer standpoint and the worker standpoint it's better to have stability, which is what a longer-term agree- ment allows." Creating instability, counters CAW spokesper- son Jane Armstrong, is what the resolution made Surprise Dad this year with ct gift he can use! from VAN & TRUCK Truck Caps Box Liners Hood Guards Trailer Hitches Driving Lights Running Boards OE CUCHTELE & Much More! Mon-Wed. 9-6 Thurs.-Fri. 9-7, Sat. 9-4 ~~ SB cod NOW 4 LOCATIONS [(OXS1321"/=R (OV OSHAWA: 1670 Simcoe St. N. PICKERING: 1050 Brock Rd. S. (905) 579-6868 (905) 839-8771 SCARBOROUGH: 1498 Midland Ave. (416) 759-5001 BELLEVILLE: Hwy. #62 North (613) 962-1811 ! THE ORGINAL | THE ORIGINAL 20 pe. Bigfoot® EAI )S i PIZZA & SU BS Ew pizza vith 49 | 200. Bigtootpizza with 'Ind us 1ast in : Cc ) 80 Water Street, Port Perry "Free Delivery sili he " Fellow, 4 Coke® Li order of pe garlic 085-8448 . a | we gs avaible biniind last week is what it's all about. "That's the idea," she said from Toronto. "If we can't bargain the kind of security normally we can bargain for... then the corporations are going to have to live with the in- security of the one-year agreements." CAW's membership is upset over management practices such as out- sourcing, which sees parts and services supplied by outside companies. Workers are also rankled over increasing demands for more time on the line; they say they are dealing with deteriorating work- ing conditions that create stress. That's not neces- sary at a time when there are thousands of unem- ployed workers ready to step in and take up the slack, says the union. The union claims that's borne out in a recently- completed study of condi- tions for auto workers. "The over all theme of . convention delegates was a message to the corpora- tions that workers are not going to give security to the corporations that pay exorbitant salaries to ex- ecutives and make mas- sive profits while workers are told to accept insecuri- ty, fewer jobs, longer hours and a gutted social safety net," says a state- ment issued by the CAW last week. Also targeted is the pro- vincial government, which. the union says has intro- duced legislation that al- lows the corporations to circumvent workers rights and collective agreements. They've _ vowed to make the auto makers pay because "the corporations have been cheer-leading the govern- ment," said Ms Arm- strong. Mr. Gibson said GM is asking workers to be flexi- ble, but questions the find- ings of the CAW- McMaster University re- port on working condi- tions on the line. He said he's unfamiliar with the methodology used to ar- rive at the report s conclu- sions. begin in July. says the president. | alternative." CAW adopting tough policies From Page 1 contracts, because it provides them with stability. The current contract expires in September. Talks In fact, Oshawa workers would likely hit the picket line before opting for the short-term contract, "I think you'll see a strike before you see a one- year-agreement," said Mr. Kovacs. "We've got to the point now where we've got no INSURANCE ASSIGNMENT ACCEPTED | EVENING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE pe (WE COLLECT FROM INSURANCE COMPANIES) WR DENTISTRY WHILE YOU SLEEP - : MPAYMENT PLANS ARRANGED © WSEMIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT © GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE NEW PATIENTS WELCOME co BLE ZL 462 PAXTON ST. (ACROSS FROM PORT PERRY HOSPITAL) = {5% |= MEDIUM PIZZA 12 pc. pizza with 3 items. Additional items available for ONLY 9° x dona oping aaiabe ee emp gp------