"A Family Tradition for 130 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, April 16, 1996 - 11 inn © (Erg) From idea to implementation let these area businesses help you with all your home and garden needs this spring. Every garden is affected by three main kinds of pests; insects, diseases and weeds. Any of these can wipe out a crop or consider- ably reduce the yield of the entire garden. All must be controlled. Begin garden pest con- trol with simple cultural measures, continue with environmentally sound mechanical techniques and finish by utilizing chemical controls properly as they're required. For example, simple sanitation will reduce insect, .disease and weed pests. Never let weeds go to seed. Don't compost dis- eased plants or weeds with mature seed. Turn crop residue under in the fall so theyll have time to decay before spring. Practice crop rotation in the garden. Grow adapted, disease resistant varieties and plant at recommended planting dates. Use mulches to control weeds and fertilizer and irrigation to promote vigor- ous, healthy growth of plants. Space, prune and support plants properly. Secondly, walk through your garden frequently with an eye toward discov- ering developing problems early. Remove germinating weeds mechanically while they're small and well before they begin to com- pete with vegetable plants for nutrients, moisture and light. Rogue isolated diseased plants. Hand pick occasion- al squash bugs or potato beetles. Maintain plant supports and spacing to reduce potential problems. Keep tomatoes tied up, for example, so that fruit doesn't begin to rot. Eventually some pro- blems will call for stronger measures if production is not to be lost. Realize that agricultural chemicals are safe if they're used as they're supposed to be used. Read chemical labels and follow them precisely at all times. Utilize the safest chemi- cal that will handle the pro- blem and, above all, begin early. Perhaps a minor infestation of aphids cover- ing only a few plants can be PLEASE 2] Ao) Jo -- THIS NEWSPAPER controlled with a jet of water or insecticidal soap before damage becomes severe. Waiting until infes- tation is more widespread will produce more damage and require stronger con- trol measures. Good green news for lawns Homeowners are always looking for ways to grow a healthy, greener lawn. Rather than reach- ing for the chemical fertil- izer, why not first try out some of the following sev- en environmentally friend- ly tips for your lawn and garden e Always aim for diversity in your lawn and garden. Plant a variety of grass seeds in your lawn, The Likewise, a fungicide treatment early may reduce damage and prev- ent ever having to treat edible plant parts. Remember that the key to properly treating any problem is to know exactly and companion plants in your garden. e Cultivate plants which are indigenous to the area in which you live. * Dig or pull out unwanted weeds. * Make sure that insects really are unwant- ed "before you get rid of them. * Mix 2 tbsp. (30 mL) pure liquid soap and one quart (1 litre) of water and utdoor doctor .. we make house calls barbeque refurbishing * cedar out-buildings s english garden sheds cabanas * gazebos lawn cutting ° trimming snowblowing ¢ powerwashing New Sales & Service HOMESTEAD * PROCHEF BARBEQUES BARBEQUE & FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES HARRY HUDSON 905) 852-6539 164 Brock St., Uxbridge WINDOWS & PATIO DOORS ENERGY EFFICIENT WINDOWS REDUCE DRAFTS and INCREASE WARMTH. ALCAN VINYL AND dl ALUMINUM WINDOWS SINCE 1969 [nr | Sales & Installation DOORS * WINDOWS TROUGH * ADDITIONS ® SOLARIUMS PORT PERRY e (905) 985-3333 LINDSAY « (705) 328-1402 « 1-800-734-1666 Reach Industrial Park - Reg. Road 8 (1/4 mile east of No. 12) fathered Doeir "S.A.W.D. A.C. Gg SAI AR) WANE XO 1 Ad SENIORS wen DISCOUNT SNF: [of [NNN | Y=] = {eT 0d | od M = J 5 HOME (ENERGY SAVING) RENOVATIONS on ALL ALCAN PRODUCTS HELMETS, GOGGLES, GLOVES, T-SHIRTS PLUS... what the problem is. Learn to identify common insects and diseases and you may find that a specific insect is really beneficial rather than harmful and that treatment is not only unne- cessary but undesirable. LICENSED MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC SAFETY CHECKS NORM'S FIX-IT + 1223 KING ST., MANCHESTER 985-9909 spray as an repellent. * Compost lawn, gar- den and food wastes for a dirt-cheap supply of natu- ral soil-enriching fertilizer. * Remember to be cau- tious - especially around children - when using any pest-control substances. insect REAL ESTATE & CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINES for the Port Perry Star and Star Marketplace REAL ESTATE ADVERTISING - 5:00 P.M. Thursdays preceeding next publication. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING - 12 Noon Monday It's e to get attached. If you're attached to the idea of owning a versatile lawn and garden tractor, the GT242 is it. With the Quik- Tatch mounting system, you can hook up an implement in 5 minutes or less. Plus you get: * High-torque |4-hp engine : * Cast iron cylinder liners and full-pressure lubrication for longer engine life * Heavy-duty, welded steel frame * Durable 6-speed, shift-on-the-go transmission * Tight 20-inch turning radius Plus, The John Deere Promise makes the GT242 a risk-free purchase. Try it for 30 days, and if you're not satisfied, we'll repair it, replace it, or give you a full refund. Novis e Ress Line A Deer Ask about our special financing options available during Deere Season, and we'll show you just how easy it is to get attached to a Deere. UTICA FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED 2 miles west of Manchester on Durham 21 985-9701 DEERE SEASON SALE ENDS JUNE 30, 1996 A