Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 27 Feb 1996, p. 17

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"A Family Tradition for 128 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, February 27,1996 - 17 Rc PORT PERRY STAR < URAL RoorTs Adam, Eve and The Snake... They're all in kids' 'Garden' Quite a few residents at our Community Nursing Home will be busy this week getting ready for their "Dream Trip." We hope you have a safe and wonderful holiday! Scugog Island United Church Our annual Thinking Day Service was held on Sunday at our regular time. We were pleased to have the Beavers, Cubs, Brownies and Guides in attendance with their leaders. The groups participated in the service with the theme, "In the Garden." The children enjoyed a skit put on by three group leaders. They portrayed Adam and Eve and the snake. It was an opportunity for the children to realize they have to make the right choices in their liv The U.C.W. groups pried refreshments following the ser- vice. Thanks for providing this time of fellowship. The flowers that adorned the sanctuary were placed in loving memory of Elsie Angus. Her fu- neral was on Saturday. Elsie was the sister of Nelson Reader and Dorene Ashbridge. Our sympathy is extended to Nelson and Dorene at this time of be- reavement. The Sunday School Teachers and Support Group would like to thank everyone who support- ed and helped out at our recent Shrove Tuesday Pancake Sup- per. This was a great opportuni- ty for a Christian Education event and learn more about our season of Lent. Special thanks to Elaine Barber for conducting VY] Scugog Island the meaningful "Ash Wednes- day Service" following the sup- per. The Lectionary Bible Study Group will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 27 at 1:30 p.m. The High School Supper Club will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 27 from 6 to 8 p.m. The Stewards will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 28 at 7:30 p.m. Choir practice will be held on Thursday, Feb. 29 at 7 p.m. The Youth Group will meet on Friday, March 1 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Coffee Hour will be held fol- lowing our service on Sunday, March 3. Our charge i 18 responsible for the service at the nursing home and villa on March 3 at 3 p.m. Please mark your calendars. The Sunday School Teachers and Support Group will meet on Monday, March 4 at 6:30 p.m. Traditionally in the life of the church Lent is a time for deep- ening cur spiritual life. Elaine will be holding four sessions called "Learning About Our Faith" Monday nights, March 11,18, 25 and April 1. This is for nyone considering baptism or onfirmation or if you just want 0 explore with others what we delieve and what difference it ran make in our lives. If you come regularly to church and you are not baptised or con- firmed this is just fine. But if you would like to think about taking the next step these class- es just might be for you. If you were baptised and confirmed years ago and can't remember much about it and you would like to deepen your spiritual life why not come out on Monday nights. Call Elaine at 985-4094 if you are interested. Junior Choir practice will be held on Friday, March 8 at 4:30 p.m. Don't forget to get your tickets for the St. Patrick's Day Ham and Scalloped Potato Supper and Talent Auction held on Sat- urday, March 16 at the Island Hall at 6 p.m. For tickets call Florence at 985-9346. A fun time of entertainment is also planned. This event is spon- sored by the Grace U.C.W. with proceeds going to Scugog Island United Church. We are looking for donations of talent or crafts for the talent auction. Please sign up on the list on the bulle- tin board at the church. For pastoral care call Elaine Barber at 985-4094. Call 985-8871 with your news for next week's column. Last Sunday, being the first Sunday in Lent, it was nice tc have the Beavers, Cubs. Scouts and Venturers take part in the church service and share something of their goals | and purposes. Reading the scripture was Adam Sonley and Michael Graham. Came- ron Nixon played a selection on the piano. Instead of the regular sermon, Moyra Dob- son told, "The Story of the Sneaky Snake." Afterwards, everyone enjoyed refresh- ments downstairs. Rev. Shei- na Smith will be away for the next 10 days. Anyone requir- ing the services of a minister should call Moyra Dobson, Clerk of Session. The guest speaker next Sunday will be the Rev. Karen Hincky. This Friday, March 1, we are invited to join in the World Day of Prayer service at St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Brooklin at 1:30 p.m. On Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 20, Florence Ashton hosted the Ladies' Bible Class group with eightladies present. The presi- dent opened the meeting read- ing a poem. The hymn, "Safein the Arms of Jesus" was sung. Scripture, Proverbs 29:1-18 was read by Grace Hopkins. Aldine Wick's meditation was titled, "Vision", based on Prov- erbs 29:18 and 1 Samuel 3:1 followed with prayer, "When He Cometh" was sung. Lexie Pettus was in charge of the programme and gave us a talk on "Bible Translations". Lunch was served by the hostess enjoying a nice chat over the teacups. Western is where it's at for Saturday dance Ashburn Florence 1% 4) (o]q] Brooklin Horticultural Soci- ety will hold their first meet- ing for this year on Wednes- day, Feb. 28 - 8 p.m. at Brooklin United Church. The topic will be "Constructing and planting moss-hanging bas- kets." Thursday, Feb. 29 is euchre night again at the Ashburn Community Centre at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. On Saturday, March 2 is the annual fundraising dance, sponsored by the Community Centre Board, to be held at Thunderbird Golf Club from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sounds like an interesting, fun evening. Western wear, popular music, prizes, with chow down at 11 p.m. Tickets are $12.50 per couple. Last Saturday evening, Feb. 24, Doug and Florence Ashton entertained friends. Bill and Doris McAndless, Scarbo- rough, Carl and Glenna Mill- er, Oshawa, and Grant and Sheila Parrott, Uxbridge. : Our special thoughts and good wishes are with Hilda Hopkins, as she underwent finger surgery last week at Port Perry Community Hospi- tal. Don't forget hall board meeting on Sunday night Don't forget the Caesarea Hall Board meeting this Sunday, March 3 at 8 p.m. Bring your thoughts and ideas as to what we can do to improve the hall with special events and etc. See you there Sunday. Gardeners don't forget the Pine Ridge Garden Club's pot AQuck supper, Nestleton Hall on Tuesday, March 5 at 6:45 p.m. Also it is membership night for the year with one annual fee of $6 for singles or $9 per family. Fishermen - you're on your last few days of ice fishing for the winter season of '95-96. I hope we'll have appropriate weather to allow you to remove your huts in a safe manner. Deadline Feb. 29. I attended the Alex Shepherd meeting last Wednesday night at Port Perry, dealing with the Canada Pension Plan. As you all know the age of our population is out of step with the plan income. Too many of us have entered or are entering our retirement years faster than the working population whom are the ones who must sustain the plan at this time. The majority of our retirees are liv- ing longer today than they were 20 years ago. This causes a bigger strain on the plan. The following ideas were brought forth with lots of dis- cussion from the floor. Raise the age limit to 67 from 65 before you can go on pension. Increase the monthly premiums or payments per employee to the plan. Take steps to prevent employers from extending the hours per week per employee. Thus giv- ing more employment and more employees individual pay- ments into the plan. This would mean a maximum number of Caesarea Albert Putsey hours per week an employee can work without a special per- mit in all of Canada. Employers are going to these two - twelve hour shifts per day, seven days a week with employees working 60 hours when their maximum payment into Canada Pension Plan, Ontario Workmen's Compensation and other plans have been met around the 40 hour level. This 1s short chang- ing a number of agreements and plans. Reduce the monthly pay out to new retirees coming into the retirement period of the plan. It was made clear the Canada Pension Plan has never received one cent from the Federal government of your tax dollars. The plan must stand on its own laurels through employers and employ- ees contributions and interest around 10 per cent but when these notes or bonds come due you can be assured this will drop around 7 per cent if inter- est rates remain at present levels. I found it odd that 95 per cent attending were over 55 years of age. It was a great meeting and our thanks to the principals involved. From The Scouting Corner Beavers weekly meeting Thursday night 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Caesarea Hall. Scouts and Cubs will now meet at the Nestleton Hall on Monday nights 6:30 to 8 p.m. The north Nestleton Scout Hall has had the axe. The Cubs are planning an outing for the whole Easter weekend at Camp Samac in Oshawa, April 4, 5, and 6. The Scouting movement are planning an all you can eat spaghetti dinner from 6 to 8 p.m. on April 26 at the Nestleton Hall. The kids are busy building home made wooden carts for their auto rally on March 30 to be held in Port Perry. Joke of the week - Did you hear about the woman who sent out 40,000 Valentine cards doused in French perfume and signed "Guess Who?" ...She"s a divorce lawyer. Saying of the week - When something (an affliction) hap- pens to you, you either let it defeat you, or you defeat it. Rosalind Russell

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