6- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, January 23, 1996 A, Editorial Comment Ode to the winter season Blowing snow and cold wind creeping past the weather stripping. Flu bugs and colds and grippe and ague. Long nights of pitch blackness and mornings when the sun comes slowly, if at all. Welcome to Winter in Canada. It's not something we rhapsodize about, generally. It's more a matter of endurance, as sed to romance. Maybe it's the fever associated with the latest round of illness brought home from school by the kids; but here and now, with the majority of January behind us, it seems appropriate to ponder Canada's unkind season, and look for the reasons we all endure it. We do have a choice; there are alternatives, such as moving for good to Victoria, or the southern U.S. We could turn our backs for good on this land and the screaming white hell- hole it becomes every year. And yet, we do not. There is pride to be gained by toughing out the season. There is accomplishment in the endurance of weeks of sub-zero temperatures, frozen water pipes, and vehicles that do not work. And there is beauty to be found on those mornings when the sun does show its face, rising with an almost unearthly crimson glow over fields of ice and snow. | And when the long weeks of winter have finally unwound and a gentler season approaches -- slowly -- there is the sense that once more, we have run the gamut of the dark, cold months, and emerged with our sense of national identity, and, God willing, all of our marbles. Winter in Canada: some season, eh? REMEMBER 45 YEARS AGO Thursday, January 25, 1951 Fred G. Christie was re-elected president for the 10th consecutive year at the annual meeting of Port Perry,- Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society. After 41 years of service to Cartwright Township, Fred A. Hyland was honored at a birthday and retirement party at the home of Reeve and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. He served the township first as auditor for 13 years, councillor nine years, reeve three years and assessor 16 years. It was Mr. Hyland's 80th birthday. 30 YEARS AGO Thursday, January 27, 1966 Ontario County Junior Farmers' debating team won another round of provincial competition against Welland County in Midland. Team members were Anne Dryden, Brooklin, June Parliament, Cannington, Bob Barlow and Neil McLeod, Blackwater. RA BLUE RIBBON AWARD PHOTO COURTESY SCUGOG SHORES MUSEUM VILLAGE y "Gee AWM [ee - ~ GTA have-nots sho = re -- To the Editor: Anne Golden's report on restructuring the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is now in circula- tion, and the great debate on our future has begun. We have the rare opportunity to modify our political structure. Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge are in a position to launch a campaign to realign our geopoliti- cal boundaries to a more natural and purpose- ful affiliation. Our three townships are located north of the Oak Ridges Moraine and have very different economic, social and environmental The Squirt softball champions were also taken to Oshawa to see the Generals uld band together needs than our neighbors to the urban south. Organizations in our three townships often have to collaborate to get our voice heard over the more highly populated south. Our economy is primarily agriculture and also includes tourism, light manufacturing and aggregate extraction. We need to establish development strategies that nurture, support and are compatible with this economic base. Our political affiliation with the urban south encourages us to suburbanize, to succumb to Turnto Page 8 ~ WHEN....? defeat Peterborough 5-2. Captain on the Squirt team was Ken Nightingale and making the presentation of jackets was Legion sports officer Bill Taylor. 20 YEARS AGO Wednesday, January 28, 1976 Donna Gould, of Caesarea, leveled a charge of discrimination against the fire chief after her name and a number of other female applicants were turned down by the department. Council upheld the fire chief's authority to set his own hiring policy. Dr. Cam MacMaster, a veterinarian in Port Perry for 37 years, announced his retirement from practice as of January 31, 1976. 10YEARS AGO Tuesday, January 28, 1986 Community Memoria! Hospital was closed due to a severe flu outbreak. No visitors or patients were being allowed in. Miss Canada Rene Newhouse, of British : \ A horse and buggy on John Street north. The Anglican Church is visible in the | tail end festivities of Ski Week. entertained and received Jackets by Branch | background. The passenger In this 1903 photo Is Dr. S. J. Mellow, who came to Leslie Karacs caught a 14.5 pound 419, Royal Canadian Legion. The boys were | Port Perry In 1894. The driver of the buggy Is unknown. Columbia, was at Dagmar to take part in the pickerel some 200 yards off Scugog Point.