22- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, November 21, 1995 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" R > PORT PERRY STAR < URAL RoorTs Bazaar planned for Nov. 30 at the hall November Trees are brown and bare, Skies are dull and gray; Leaves are scattered everywhere, Birds have flown away. Flowers no longer to be seen, Faded is the frosted green. November will soon be over we are happy to say - a bleak month - an undistinguished month! Reading The habit of reading is the only enjoyment I know in which there is no alloy. It lasts when all other pleasures fade. It will be there to support you when other resources are gone. It will be present to you when the ener- gies of your body have fallen away from you. It will make your hours pleasant to you as long as you live. Yours truly is an avid reader - I'll admit! The Court Lady Snowbird's Bazaar and Lunch will be held on Thursday evening, Nov. 30 in the Nestleton Community Centre at 8 p.m. A Bake Table will have delicious baking the Courts have made for sale. There are tables for rent at $10 a table for any type of craft, etc. Very best wishes for better health to all those who are ill in the hospital or at home. We are thinking of you folks! Sympathy Our deepest sympathy to Marjory Jackson and family of Port Perry in the passing of a fine person - Kenneth F. Jack- son. Husband, father, brother as well as grandfather! Ken was well-known and well liked by many people. When the Caw- kers resided in Port Perry, our son Ralph taught Ken to play the saxaphone, and we enjoyed a visit when Ken called in every Saturday for his lesson. He will be sadly missed! Nestleton United Church On Sunday, Nov. 19, with greeters Henry and Effa Stain- ton at the door, Rev. David Shearman took the Service and opened with the approach, Plan to attend next Scugog history talk The important meeting this week is Paul Arculus" talk on the early history surrounding Lake Scugog. Be sure to join us this Thursday at the Museum Church, Scugog Island at 7:30 p.m. I "know you'll enjoy- the slides and talk on the subject. Parking off the side street at the rear of the church. The Firefighters Association are stagi ng a turkey roll at the Caesarea Hall, Saturday, Dec. 2 at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome - come on out and enjoy the fun. Firefighters - don't forget your association meeting this Sunday. As most of you know on the last Saturday of May the Lake Scugog Regatta Association car- ry out a great mammoth all day yard sale. We have on hand at present three items at $10 each which are out of season in May. 1. a pair of skates like new size around nine or 10 adult. 2. pair of skis and poles good for a per- son eight to 14 years. 3. six foot artificial Christmas tree - call 905-986-0181. Last Monday I walked into the news room of one of the pa- pers and a little slip was handed to me from a Mrs. Reeves with telephone number and ladder back woodpecker written on it. Oh! Oh! did Albert make a mis- take a few weeks back in nam- ing that bird we saw as a pine grosbeak or what? I phoned Ken Carmichael my dean of orni- thology and asked whether we had made a mistake? No was the reply, then he phones the Reeves and then called me [= Caesarea back. With the confidence I needed behind me I called Mrs. Reeves who lives on a country road right on the west side of Lake Scugog south of Valencia. She told me each morning at 7:30 a.m. she fills the bird feed- er. Then between 8 and 9 a.m. this pretty bird turns up. Ken diagnosed it as a Red Bellied Woodpecker. Between them it was reported to the Durham Bird hot line 576-2738. Thisis a continuous tape changing from time to time but giving us all the unusual sightings of odd birds or flocks of birds people are cur- rently seeing. Isn't it wonderful that nature during the bleak winter gives us so much color in this manner with blue jays, car- dinals, downy woodpeckers, pine grosbeaks, and now red bel- lied woodpeckers. But don't for- get if you start off feeding birds, keep it up otherwise the poor creatures go hungry and then they try to find another feeder where the current birds do not make them welcome. Thanks Mrs. Reeves for your interest in my column. Nestleton hymn and confession. Organist was Karen Yellowlees. Rev. Shearman had a good message and Scripture reader was Rob- ert Mairs from Scripture Isaiah. A lovely duet was sung by Regenia and Shirley in the choir entitled "Cover Me" with Karen at piano. Offering re- ceived by Henry and Effa Stain- ton. The service closed with prayer, benediction and Go Now In Peace. Baptismal of Alanna Janice Williams, daughter of Anne- Marie and David Neil Williams. Rev. David assisted by Rob Mairs. The Cartwright High School Commencement was held on Friday evening Nov. 10 in the Port Perry & Prince Albert UNITED CHURCHES Central Public School in Black- stock. During the evening the prin- cipal Leo Plue spoke about the Henry Thompson Award spon- sored by the Nestleton Women's Institute, which was presented to Jean Parsons by Mrs. Neta Fish who has been President of the Institute and has presented the awards each year for some time. Due to the Institute dis- banding this year, the award will cease. In appreciation the principal Leo Plue presented Neta Fish with a pin and a lovely bouquet of roses and baby's breath for her long service, re - the work and the presentations to Grade 11 students over the years. What a fine gesture! On be- half of the school principal and Neta is really appreciative! Her warmest thanks and she really enjoyed taking part in the com- mencement! Nestleton Presbyterian Church The regular morning service was conducted by Rev. Wm. Fairley, with Joyce Taylor was organist. Ushers were Oliver Roher and Sandra Sorley, and the Sunday School class was taught be Dorothy Lee. Responsive Psalm was #46 and the Scripture readings were from Isaiah 65, and St. Luke 12. Speaking to the Sunday School before going to their class, Rev. Fairley spoke of keeping Christ and the nativity, in the centre of our preparations for Christmas. In the sermon, Rev. Fairley spoke of the last Sunday in the Christian year - then a new be- ginning - The Alpha and Omega - but always God is still in con- trol. Next Sunday service at the regular 11 a.m., and Commun- ion on Sunday, Dec. 3. Nestleton Women's Institute Three Nestleton Tweedsmuir History books assembled by Cu- rators of the Branch, have been catalogued and xeroxed, and are available for use - "In the Li- brary". A letter of appreciation was received from the Librarian of Scugog Memorial Library by Mrs Gwendolyn Malcolm, cura- tor for making this material available for use to those doing historical research of the com- munity. W. Davison, P.R.O. =]I-Yol <=} (oT ol RN N53 {Wp {ol UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. Robert J. Le Page 985-2801 NDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Nor Perry - 10 a.m. Morning Worship & Combined Sunday School Prince Albert - 11:30 a.m. Morning Worship Nursery care always available in both churches BAHA'I FAITH How you can investigate THE BAHA'I FAITH! Inquire: about Baha'i Information Meetings on various topics, or a topic of your choice, by dialing 985-4582 Call an automated info line: 1-800-433-3284 (it's free) Call to chat: 985-4582 Borrow: books from Scugog Memorial Library Watch: Baha'i Perspective - 1st Wed. of month on Vision TV Write: Baha'is of Scugog, Box 1153, Port Perry LOL 1A9 | NESTLETON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Wm. Fairley - Minister 11am. Sunday School Provided r All Welcome rt t---- WY, ANGLICAN CHURCH REV. DAVID SHEARMAN B.A., M. Div. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26 10 a.m. Blackstock United Church 11:15 a.m. Nestleton United Church The Rev'd Roy Shepherd Interim Incumbent ST. JOHN'S, BLACKSTOCK SDAY, NOVEMBER 23 & 10:15 a.m. Holy Communion SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26 9:30 a.m. - Holy Communion ASCENSION, PORT PERRY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 10:15 a.m. Holy Communion SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26 8 a.m. - Said Eucharist 11:15am. - Holy Communion & Baptism (oo NVI V[=1VEN ele iI IV] (Th A 4 UNITED CHURCH A Community Church For All Rev. Jack Griffen B.A., M.Div. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26 "Jeremiah, Church and State" 10 a.m. Morning Worship & Sunday School Nursery care always available MYRTLE UNITED CHURCH MINISTER - REV. GLEN EAGLE Service - 9:30 am Sunday School "A Hearty Welcome To All" GREENBANK PASTORAL CHARGE Pastor, Rev. David Shepherd NOTE: Service Time Changes | ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN THE NEW ls deisagelN[oNe] 10] 2{0], 180 Mary St., 2nd Floor YOUR LOCAL FAMILY CHURCH - REGULAR SERVICES - Sunday 10:30 a.m. & 5 p.m. Wednesday 8 p.m. For further information call 985-2794 comm T-- SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Pinedale 9 a.m. Seagrave 10 a.m. Greenbank 11 a.m. | ETa [aE] CIE. BS Ted Ve [oe Te REE: Ta Lo UNITED CHURCHES Minister Elaine Barber 985-4094 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Scugog Island: 9:45 a.m. Manchester: 11:15 a.m. Sunday School & Nursery Care Provided oN Minister: Rev. D.A &, (Sandy) Beaton SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26 10 a.m. Service Sunday School Nursery Care Available Dunng Worship For turther information call 985-3881 or 985-4746 All are warmly welcome x) ( PPT -- - a es .