"> ™ "A Family Tradition for 128 Years" CHRIST ns GIFTING DAYS Saturday, Nov. 25 wis SHUT CLAWS ® _ 3 : Reg. Rd. #8 p= = === == = STARTS AT 2:00 PM. - N\ A: 1, FROM PORT PERRY ANT (FZ 5 FAIRGROUNDS _ > RN 2 3 i) iy 4: oR > g 3 ZA & I 2: 9) «, ZR .] £2 7% N - y >; N EA Queen Street EE oS Sy <5 o AN J > PN The Santa Claus Parade is organized and sponsored by the Scugog Chamber of Commerce. po ZN ) > 1S ec Forbdows oummotuns y JOE'S NZ ~e'/ y pCR IN Z . Delectable Desserts 4am SL. Unit 1. Pon Petry 985.5786 PIZZERIA X FR Sl erry St., Unit 1, Port Perry 985- RES N Brand New Dinner Men , , warm up after the Res | Country Collectables || Come in for a slice of de with \ RN parade with our New December Hours - (starts Dec. 7) 7) 4 & D ecor. ative ) Pi J . i > \ 23 Mon. to Wed. 10:00am to 9:00pm Joes 1224 after ine lunch specials! HF v2. Thurs., Fri., & Sat. 10:00am to 10:00pm see us at our new location. B& NY ° 7 Sunday 10:00am to 5:30pm f or Crrricarss Santa Clas P ar ade! ] $ ig A Book now for lunch and dinner VAILABLE Hf wy. 7A - 1869 Scugog St. x Cah AS 0 Clhiristimas Pty Seating: ® Folk Art Supplies ® Stencils 985-3700 de * | r' TT TT 1 11 TT 1 @ Old Tyme Teddies & Santas =A | °C ® Wood Products ® Scented Candles 79 House Pub SS ( Le Zot 1%. rt wi We will willingly order any craft yy Ne RD) Z) | supplies that you may need. 5 & NG A Fine Country lSistro Come & visit us after the parade! ve 2 "4: 187 Queen St., Port Perry (905) 985-7224 136 Water Street 985-8853 BR 2; Fd ) Anniversary al x's. 2 # J Santa Claus 2% 2 on FF 3 v 1 OPEC f Is Coming To BN We've got o O el y 9 " NN Christmas pita = "The Santa Clause" | Town!! AY Cc , merchandise = Visit us after the [&° ® ideas you never (excluding accessories) a Miracle on 34th de for hot ve Great Christmas oh Street" parade or © oN %: thought of... Gift Ideas 4B i for only $2.00 mulled cider, 23 XO Lomas in and Na =i Nov. 25/95 only! goodies, candy QF 3s 2 see us after the = R CAN canes for the kids BPE ON » parade! Wied - : " Eon RD 74. RY a \"A{s [To] 0 and agoodold [RES yo Jayson ( allan 2 (E10 d Jag OIC] § LINE) CA fashioned shopping [IE [) rot A . = yA . . , ppl | Hwy 7A at 1874 Scugog St, : = experience! eg Music Le ll. Ao Port Perry 985-4459 | P 2% toni Irwin Smith Music Ltd. Sale Ende Nov. 30/95, a BR@®CK' S BR@CIS : ~ ) 305 Queen St., 985-2635 ok pd 168 Queen St. 985-2521 for Kids ON L fd Mon.-5at. 9:30-5:30; Fri. til 8:00; Sun. noon-5:00 fefazsl 778 Queer §. 985-8797 BRS Ny ry aa Sv TA TTTIIEY - wo" .. "Al ' wih Ss \ \ ce 7, AAR . : ££, . / 2) Aves ) ap HE