WR ERT ARERR "A Family Tradition for 128 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, November 14, 1995 -19 By Bob Brozina A monthly column on Financial Planning for Farmers OUT OF COUNTRY MEDICAL INSURANCE When the fall winds turn cold, more than just the geese fly south. Increasing numbers of Canadians, most of them elderly, are exchanging their earmuffs for sun hats, spending anywhere from one to six months every winter in the sunny south. Unfortunately many of these "Snowbirds," received an icy shock in 1991 when many Provincial health plans capped their out of country health benefits at $100 per day. Even this year's increase by OHIP to a cqyerage cap of $400 per day does little to help with US hospital charges that can easily exceed £2000 per day! Many private group insurance plans, plans associated with credit cards or other membership groups stepped in with supplementary health coverage for their members. However the quality and extent of protection varies and most are limited to a maximum of 31 days. Overnight, an explosion of demand created an industry in private out of country health coverage. It also created a stressful part time job Be hansen s of Canadian seniors every year...shopping for health plans! Coverage for a man age 70 staying out of the country for six months can vary from $497 to $2,037! Generally, the less expensive the plan, the better health you will need to quality. More expensive plans are usually less discriminating. Different plans may also have different deductible amounts (charges that the consumer is responsible for before the insurance kicks in). Some plans will allow you to "Top-Up," the short term (31 day) coverage available from group plans or credit cards. However, carefully check the provisions of the short term plan. Some of them become invalid if they are used in conjunction with another plan. These simply cannot be topped-up. The only thing sadder than stories of people who have lost everything they own to the cost of uninsured medical expenses while traveling are stories of people who have lost everything they own even though they bought insurance. Read the sales material carefully and answer the questions honestly. The two biggest reasons for claims not being paid are misstatements on the application and failure to recognize pre-existing conditions excluded from coverage by a particular plan. Most travel health plan applications are completed by the consumer and most telephone help lines lead only to a voice mail computer. It is rare to find help from a human advisor. It is therefore essential to read all material carefully. If you are unsure as to the answer on a health question, call your doctor for clarification as these must be scrupulously correct. Never assume that the company will not find out. Make sure you know your company's rules for obtaining medical services. Do you have to call them before obtaining medical attention? What are you covered for? What is excluded? What constitutes an emergency? Are you expected to pay the hospital and then apply for reimbursement or will the insurance company pay the hospital directly? If you are fortunate enough to have a financial advisor familiar with out of country medical insurance, seek their help in both choosing and applying for a plan. There is usually no charge for the service and the savings from avoiding a mistake could be enormous. If you have any specific questions or suggestions for future "Cash Crop" topics, please send them to Bob Brozina, c/o The Port Perry Star, 188 Mary St., Port Perry, Ont. LIL 1B7. " Bob Brozina is a practicing Insurance Agent with North American Life in Oshawa. He is a Chartered Life Underwriter, a Chartered Financial Consultant and Director of Training with NALACO for Central Ontario. CASH CROP FARM AND RURAL LIFE Kyle Vernest 4-H pres. Hello! This is Reba Raspberry reporting for the not-yet-named Black- stock Power of Produce 4- H club. There are two clubs, one after school and one from 7-9 p.m.1in the evening. The first meeting, only three people showed up for the after school club, so they waited until Oct. 5 at the Blackstock United Church to elect officers. Fortunately five more peo- ple came. Election of officers are as follows: president - Kyle Vernest, vice-president - Colleen Arbuckle, secre- tary - Kori Killen and press reporter - Sarah Sta- pley. Several club names were suggested but none selected. The eight members were split up into groups and mushroom soup, vi- naigrette dressing, green salad and fruit muesli were made. PHOENIX AUCTIONS HOLSTEIN SATE Thursday, December 14th at 12:00 noon. Selling a good selection of fresh & springing registered and grade cows. Also bred and open heifers. Consignments welcome. Give us a call. Sale managed & sold by Jim Pheonix. _ a > Pr sd +: Wo Rolls. ---- £ £ nti 2 sok Sete = RR i ------tt Phoenix Auctions (formerly Wilsons Sale Barn) =v ha RR#2 Uxbridge EPR hon (905) 852-6277 LLY. Fax (905) 852-9050 9650 (155hp) Powershift Demo unit 2.9% For 42 moftths " SERIES IN STOCK 0% Interest for 12 months! 40hp & up starting at $17,500.00 Call Bill Worden or Lloyd Trewin for a demo. TREWIN FARM EQUIPMENT BLACKSTOQCK LA.) accol 986-4283 slallis * Full 60° hopper * Maintenance free galvanized construction e 7 and 9 ft. dian eters * Capacities from 8 tonnes to 34 tonnes * Pneumatic fill system available * Full range of slide gate and auger boots availble = WESTEEL} Agricultural Products Sold and Installed by J.R. FORSON EQUIPMENT Sales R.R.#2, Dunsford Home: 793-2065 Mobile: 749-8293 OAKWOOD ELEVATOR DIVISION OF co-op SUNDERLAND CO-OPERATIVE offers: e Complete Elevator Facilities (drying and conditioning) e Grain Marketing (including forward contracts) e Handling: Oats, Barley, Soybean, Corn & Canola e Agents for Ontario Wheat (red & white) e Off Farm Grain Marketing e Also Feed & Farm Supplies "HARVEST HOURS AT HARVEST TIME! Before you buy - give us a try OAKWOOD 705-953-9660 SUNDERLAND 705-357-3491 1-800-668-2626 LE ¥t " STEEL ROOFING AND SIDING SALE AXIX 20) DURIAM METAL M7 LRAAALL o Agricultural / Residential * Re-roofing * New Construction o Sales / Installations * Pre Engineered Roof Trusses * Garage Doors WV ALL INCLUSIVE Pre-fab Garage Packages Business Hours: 8:30am - 5:00pm inquiries After Hours: Please leave message, call will be returned at your convenience. Specialists in Metal Building Products 2142 Rundle Road, Courtice, Ontario 1-800-637-9379 local calls (905) 697-2428 SIDING & ROOFING BY METAL SALES MFG. CORP.