Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 3 Oct 1995, p. 25

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Arn AI PNR TISAI RE ATP RI Er 10 Jah de ne we. "A Family Tradition for 128 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, October 3, 1995 -25 STAR CLASSIFIEDS Auctioneers Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales NEIL N BACON N\A UCTIONS LTO PO Box 220, Greenbank, ON. LOC 1B0 (905) 985-1068 + Auction Sales SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8 SALE TIME: 11 AM. HOLIDAY AUCTION SALE Antiques, collectables and household effects. View- ing 10 a.m. Sale to be held at the Agriculture Building, Orono fair- grounds. Take 115/35 Hwy. to Main Street, Orono and follow signs. This Sundays auction fea- tures a quality selection of articles from the past to the present, furniture, col- lectables, glass and china including 5 pcs. of Moor- croft, plus many rare, unique and useful articles with something for one and all. Call for all your auction needs. MACGRE- GOR AND WEST AUC- TIONS. Mike MacGregor 905-987-5402, Junior West 905-983-5556. Tenders SNOW REMOVAL The Hospital is receiving bids for the removal of snow from all paved areas (including the helicopter pad), and public building entrance ways (4) as well as the _ sanding and salting for the same, for the 1995/96 season. Please submit your SEALED BID, specifying your equipment, and the associated hourly rate, as well as your WCB number and insurance liability to the attention of the: Director of Finance - Community Memorial Hospital 451 Paxton St. Port Perry, LOL 1A8 no later than Monday, October 16, 1995 at 1500h. Direct inquiries to JOHN GIBBONS 985- 7321. Lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. SATURDAY, OCT. 14 SALE TIME: 11 A.M. Commercial real estate auction at CAMBRAY GENERAL STORE, CAM- BRAY. Selling 1,400 sq. ft. Victorian century store with 3,000 sq. ft. living area. Excellent corner location. Ideal for country store, retail, or antique sales or apartments. Terms: selling as is, sub- ject to low reserve bid $5,000 at sale, balance 30 days. Don't miss this excellent opportunity. To view call MCLEAN AUC- TIONS 705-324-2783 or 1-800-461-6499, Lindsay. SATURDAY, OCT. 7 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Large antique and modern sale at BANKS GENERAL STORE, Pine St., HAL- IBURTON. Complete con- tents of Heritage Building - furniture, appliances, many antiques and col- lectables, store refrigera- tion, freezers, coolers, antique store counters, cash registers, electric meat slicer, island shelv- ing, antique store scale, antique large safe, old mail sorter, cupboard, antique curved glass dis- play counter, old fire hose, old pop cases, some lum- ber, antique picture frames, old flour box, old advertising posters, toys, shutters, calendars, maga- zines, comic books, old ladies hats, '65 and '68 maple leaf calendar, butter presser, Tec computer- ized store scales, shrink wrappers, tins, crocks, Beaver sealer, milk bot- tles, washboards, 1937 hand telephone, Hussman 8' reach-in display cooler, antique office desk, Ruddy 6" display cooler, General 6' 2-door cooler (2), Find lay #5 turtle stove, chesterfield, refrigerator, stove, TV, filing cabinet, washer, dryer, wall safe. Hundreds of collectable items. Don't miss this one of a kind century store closeout sale. 10:30 a.m. sharp. Cash or cheque with |.D. MCLEAN AUC- TIONS 705-324-2783 Lindsay or 1-800-461- 6499 Call now to list your sale. Tenders LIQUIDATION AUCTION SALE FOR GAY CONSTRUCTION SATURDAY, OCT. 14 (AT 2 SITES) SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Office Furniture 97 Athol St. E., Osh. Brunning Blue Print Ma- chine, 10 lool board room lable & 8 chairs, quantity of 2, 3 & 4 draw- er melal filing cabinets, Ideal paper shredder. Canon NP 270F photo copier, drafting board, quantity of metal & wooden desks, slacking office chairs, eleclric lypewriters, calculators. Motorola Cell Phones Canon Fax 730 fax ma chine, IBM PC20 com puter with printers & Ba sic Four Printer, bar fridge, computer paper. miscelleanous office re lated items. 11:A.M. A Motorola UHF Repeal er Radio System, with seven hand held unils. five desk units, one mo bile unit and aerial Move to second site. TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: HWY. 2, COURTICE (Quarter-mile west of Roy Nichols Motors) SALE TIME: 12 NOON Three sets of acetylene torches (one propane), quantity of air tools, three spader & rotor drills, six skill saws, air compressor, one ton electric hoist, quarter ton air hoist, mall saw, elec- tric chipper, propane heaters, electric cords, grinders, tarps, safety belts, three farm wag- ons, two 190 propane tanks, shovels & brooms, railway ties, chain link fence & parts, cement blocks, wheelbarrows, concrete push buggy, qty. gas cans, air com- pressor hoses, quantity of | beam, lumber, bags of construction additives, A 36 foot by 108 foot storage shed to be re- moved from site Plus a quanity of other con- struction related items. DON & GREG CORNIEL AUCTIONEERS, RR. 1, Little Britain. Phone or Fax 705-786-2183. THURSDAY, OCT. 19 SALE TIME: 5 P.M. At the ISALNDER BAN- QUET HALL, Scugog Island. Furniture, appli- ances, antiques, Consign- ments welcome for this sale. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 1-905-655- 8073 'crocks & jugs, SATURDAY, OCT. 28 SALE TIME: 10 A.M. Consignment auction at MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER, Lindsay. Accepting tractors, farm machinery, cars, trucks, trailers, RV's, boats, rid- ing lawn mowers, con- struction equipment, shop equipment or tools. CON- SIGN NOW. Bring to bam or call 705-324-2783 or 1- 800-461-6499 to list your sale. THANKSGIVING DAY SALE MONDAY, OCT. 9 SALE TIME: 11 AM. Auction sale al the Pe- thick Auction Barn, 2498 Conc. Rd., 8, Bowman- ville (Haydon). Come join us for our annual Thanksgiving Day Sale, as we have to be sold a large variety of antique & modern furniture, collect- ables, horse drawn equipment, pickup truck, snowmobile, Canadian- na crocks & jugs & lots more to include: Bed- room suites, Victorian oak hall seat, Ig. spin- ning wheel, 2 wicker prams, dining room suites, oak church pew, chests of drawers, knee- hole desk, occ. chairs, tables, dressers, collec- tion of Canadianna horse drawn farm equip. to in- clude Massey single plow, 2 furrow horse plow, corn scufflers, mower, culdown wheel wagon, 2 furrow 3 pt plow, harrows, 2 wheel sleel utility trailer, 1989 1/2 ton Chev. pickup, 6 cyl. standard, Olympic snowmobile and lots more interesting and un- usual items. Large sale. Viewing from 10 a.m. TERMS are Cash, Visa, M/C or Debit Card. For more info. call 1(905) 263-4252. Sale man- aged and sold by GAR- RY K. POWELL AUC- TIONS, Appraisals & Liquidations. Auction Sales DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE SERVICE TENDER DRP 14/96 ICE VEHICLES Sealed Tenders will be received at the office of the Chief of Police, hand delivered to 19 Courtice Court, Courtice, Ontario, or by mail to 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, up until 1000 hours, Thursday, October 17, 1995, for the supply and delivery of Police Service Vehicles. Tender forms may be obtained from the office of Deputy Chief R.F. Jarvest, between 0800 and 1600 hours, Monday through Friday. Telephone 579- 1520, extension 278 (Superintendent Derek Denson). Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Trevor McCagherty, Chief of Police. BLONDE BRE 5th Annual Blonde d'Aauitaine Production Sale CERS Saturday, October 7th, 7p.m. Morrow Building, Exhibition Grounds, Peterborough Offering some of the finest fullblood, purebred and percentage Blonde cattle including polled fullblood genetics. * Pre-sale supper at S5p.m. + Cattle available for viewing from Friday night FOR MORE INFORMATION OR CATALOGUE CALL MARTIN FEAVER (905) 655-8846. SATURDAY, OCT. 14 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. SHARP Auction sale at WILSON'S SALES ARENA, Uxbridge, Ontario. Selling 40 lots, plus calves Angus cattle. Sale consisting of cows and calves, bred and open Heifers. Many 4H prospects. All cows pregnancy checked day of sale. This is an excellent group of cattle. For cala- logue or information, please contact SALE MANAGER AND AUC- TIONEER - ROSS BAI- LEY - 905-985-0697. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11 SALE TIME: 4:45 P.M. Auction sale of 1950s hockey card collection, fur- niture and antiques for the CHILVERS ESTATE, Oakville, selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., corner of Hwy. 47 and 12. TO INCLUDE: "Jacques and Hayes side- board with original paint (ex.), old clocks, chest of drawers, dressers, table top gramophone, jew- ellery, military buttons, china, old skates, old baseball gloves, approx. 500 old 1950s and 1960s collector cards including Parkhurst rookies (Tim Horton, Ken Wharram, Lou Fontinato, Don Sim- mons, Dave Keon, Provost, Frank Maho- volich, Johnny Bucyk), 1964 Gordie Howe tall boys, 1957 Howe, 1955 checklist, Tim Horton all- star, also Toe Blake, Arm- strong, Dickie Duff, Imlack, Plante, Harvey, Crosier, Selke, King Clancy, Belle- veau, 22 Beehive cards, baseball cards (1958 Ted Williams, Hank Aaron, Willie Mayes), sheriff coins, 1950 Davey Crock- ett cards, rare frontier cards, 1950 Elvis Presley cards, 50 rare non-sport cards, plus many other interesting items. Note: This is an exceptional quality card collection belonging to the Chilvers Estate. Sale managed and sold by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. - 905- 985-1068. "FRIDAY, OCT. 6 SALE TIME: 5:30 P.M. Auction sale at Corneil's Auction Barn, 3 mile east of Little Britain on County Rd. 4. Sale includes: 9 pc. walnut dining room suite, 2 sels of flat top farm scales, wicker chairs, modern dressers & chests of drawers, an- lique platform rocker, pine chest of drawers, wool winder, parlour ta- bles, crocks, chesterfield & matching chair, walnut what-not stand, odd wooden kitchen chairs, coffee & end tables, coal oil lamps, wooden rock- ing chair, round maple dining table, pressback rocker, accordian, an tique dolls, bell from steam locomotive. rail- way lantern, odd press back chairs. large lea wood conference lable & 8 chars, oak office desks. Beaver 10 in ta ble saw. wheelbarrow. 1982 - 4x4 - 1/2 ton Toy ota, plus a qty china glass, household & col lectable items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUC TIONEERS, RR 1, Little Britain 705-786-2183 WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4 SALE TIME: 4:45 P.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques and collectables for an Oakville home, sell- ing at NEIL BACON AUC- TIONS LTD., corner of Hwy. 47 and 12. TO INCLUDE: Kenmore fndge and stove (6 months old), 7 pc. black oak dining room suite, 5 pc. black and burgundy bedroom suite, 27" Sony color TV, black leatherette 3 pc. chesterfield suite, black/hunter green coffee and end tables, entertain- ment unit, Sony 20" color TV, Mitsubishi VCR, vari- ous baby items. Note: All above items are immacu- late and less than 2 years old. Also selling are lamps, picture frames, tables, chests, hockey cards, large quantity of collectables and glass- ware, Noma 16 HP. twin cylinder tractor with 46" mower, rear bagger (mint condition - only 31 hrs), plus many other interest- ing items. Sale managed and sold by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. - 905- 985-1068. Business Services CONTINUOUS FEED sta- tionery printed-letterhead and envelopes, 20 Ib. bond, black or colored ink. Port Perry Star, 188 Mary St. 985-7383 INVITATIONS - wedding, anniversaries and all accessories. Three books to choose from. (A book may be taken out ovemight). 10 per cent off wedding orders. Wedding photo and write-up in the Port Perry Star at no charge. Port Perry Star Co., 188 Mary St., 985- 7383. LETTERHEAD AND ENVELOPES - business and personal, many styles to choose from (3 books). Port Perry Star Co., 188 Mary St., 985-7383. PERSONAL ADDRESS LABELS - self-adhesive or gummed, white, clear, gold, silver and four other colors. Plus monogram or logo can be added. Port Perry Star Co., 188 Mary St., 985-7383. fice Centre 108 BAY #7. PORT MWY . 1 mA Ta) has been selected asa GANPAR SHIPPING COUNTER for all your personal or business parcel and letter delivery requirements Call today for more details (905) 985-7383 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7 SALE TIME: 10 A.M. LARGE Antique & Collectible ESTATE AUC- TION for the late LUELLA ROBERTSON of Port Perry, and the late FRANCIS SHERIDAN of Newmarket, held at Wilson's Sales Arena, Ux- bridge, 2 mi. north on Main St. to Davis Dr.; or Hwy. 404 north to Davis Dr, turn right & go easl 24 km. SALE INCLUDES: Pine flat to wall cup- board, 8 pc. white oak dining rm. ste. (4 chairs, 2 arm chairs, glass front china sideboard, 6 mths. old), teak dining rm. ste. (china buffet, 4 rattan back chairs), 7° walnut glass front bookcase, 2 Mission oak arm chairs, walnut hall table, wicker ottoman. tapestry footslool, sellee, sofa & chair (new), sofa bed (new), coffee & end tables, Lazy Boy recliner, platform rocker, pressback high- chair, oak 5 leg table, cast iron parlor stool, wrought iron coffee table with glass, bedroom ste. (db.) bed, hiboy, 3 drawer dresser, (6 mths. old), oak 3 pc. bedroom ste., cedar chest, ant. Singer sewing machine, silver tea service, 1847 Rogers chest silver, ant. artwork, quilts, bedding, linens, Seth Thomas Peterborough mantle clock, ant. dishes & china, wheelchair lift, 13 cu. ft. freezer, stacking washer & dryer (new), Ken- more washer, Simplicity dryer, stove, fridge, dishwasher, hand '& power tools, plus much more. JEWELLERY: Ladies 18 kt. diamond soli- taire, 10 kt. onyx, 14 ki. engagement & wedding band set. TOYS & COLLECTIBLES: cast iron bus, windup rooster, tin Police Man (Germany), old pull toys, 2 Kiddie Kar Tricycles, Jetlliner 34 wagon, walnut gramophone, old records, old books, butter press, hooked tablecloths, White Rose gas cans, plus many more collectibles too numerous to mention. RIFLES: Stevens, Cooey, Enfield, Remington (12 ga., 22 cal.) Bayonels, db. edge sword (17th Cent.) NOTE: The late Luella Robertson was a lifelong Claremont resi- dent. The late Mr. Sheridan was an avid collec- lor. Viewing: 8 a.m. sale day. Terms: Cash, Visa, M/C or Interac. THANKSGIVING MONDAY, OCTOBER 9 SALE TIME: 10 A.M. SUPERIOR HOLIDAY AUCTION of Antiques, Tin Toys and Collectables for FLORA PIERRE (formerly of Zephyr) and DOUG & KENT FARN- DALE of Port Perry, held at Wilson's Sales Are- na, Uxbridge. ANTIQUE FURNITURE: 5 flat- back cupbrd. (2 glass doors, painted), flat to wall cupbrd. (ex.), 5° walnut dining table; 5° harvest table, tapestry sofa (Scotland), walnut sidebrd. (lamp shelf), Eastlake platform rocker, barley twist bonnet chest, oak sidebrd., ant. parlor & li- brary tables, Ig. qty. ant. chairs, Eastlake chairs, oak library tables, oak butlers table, primitive gossip bench, pine demi-lune table (Nova Sco- lia), pine rope bed, iron beds, oak bedstead, brass bed, Jenny Lynde beds, blanket boxes, washstands, what-not stand, church pews; ant. tin signs, Gingerbread clock, oil lamps, ant. brass lamp (electric), early Cana. finger lamps, barrel churn, ant. treadle sewing machine, stained glass windows, Beaver maple sugar molds, pine dough mixing bowl, hand-made grain scoops, butter bowl & press, document box, Uxbridge cigar box "Plank House Special," Whirlygigs by Armour McMillan, ant. music cabi- nel, Bowmanville pump organ, old postcards, Beatle records, ant. oak stereo console Cap- tain's chair, child's sleigh, plus more. GLASS- WARE & DISHES: qty. green depression, pressed glass, carnival glass, Austria Bridle 'Rose covered veg., Limoge platter, cruet sets, Flow blue, Nippon, Occupied Japan, Forget Me Not Cup - Germany, Black Satin footed bowl, Opalescent 3 flule epergne, Mary Gregory, Signed Moorcroft bowl, Cobalt blue vase, Royal Beyruth pitcher, R S Germany miniature cup, compoles. Brides baskel, Blue Willow & Spode buttercup dinner plates, blue graniteware, Ig. qty. Ironstone, plus much more. TOYS: Mer- cedes Benz lin pedal car, Minnitoy trucks (BA Tanker, coal & wood dump truck), Ertl trucks & farm implements, Case backhoe, Nylint trucks & tankers, Nylint Fire Dept. ladder truck (orig. box), Tonka fire ladder truck & dump truck, Buddy L Coke truck & jeep, Hubley touring car, Wyndotte car carrier & windup boat (1940s), mechanical Monkey Bank & Jonah & Whale, cast iron horse drawn fire reel toy, Ig. gly. matchbox, tootsie. Majorette and Lincoln (CP express, dump, tow & flatrack trucks), HO train set, erector sel, 2 Mec- cano sets (NNIB), marbles plus more. CROCKS: Blue flowered (WE Wilding, Brant- ford, Morton & Co.. Brantford C.W., B L Farrar, Quebec). Blue bird (Whites, Utica & open crock), grey/beige McArthur Irwin Ltd., Montreal, Red- ware open crocks, blue pottery pitcher, Benning- ton pottery bowls plus more. NOTE: Mrs. Pierre, the Zephyr librarian for years, is over 90 and has moved to a nursing home A huge auclion of primitives plus quality pieces from the Farndale collection Two auction rings VIEWING: 8 am Sale Day. TERMS: Cash, Visa, M/C or Interac GARY HILL AUCTIONS (Dw of 1081454 Ontario Inc) Gary & Nancy Hill. RR 1, Sunderland Sunderland 1-705 357-2185 { Toll Free 1-800-654-4647 PP TE Pt. ar. TA, hd A Wy

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