8- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, September 19, 1995 It's hard to believe that we have been back at it for two weeks. Were we ever really away for the sum- mer? The school is in full swing with a multitude of activ- ities and a few new faces. We welcome three new staff members to CHS this fall, teachers Gloria Woodside and Linda Courtney and Chris Northey, our new edu- cational assistant. All three are finding the small school with a big heart a unique and rewarding place to work. The Outers' Club, under Mr. Scott's leadership, has its first bike hike planed for Wednesday, Sept. 20 af- ter school. The first camping trip for the group is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 29 to Sunday, Oct. 1 for all the grade nine and ten club members. The grade nines will have completed their three day excursion to Camp Samac so they should be well versed in the camping experience. The Samac experience proved once again to be a great success under the able leader- ship of Mrs. Ellis, Mr. Costescu, and Mr. Fletcher. Our first dance will be held this Friday at the Rec Centre to welcome the grade nine students to CHS. Tickets are available from the office along with guest passes. Over the years this dance has proven to be great fun with special events and prizes. The senior concert band has had its first rehearsal and is preparing for its initial public performance on Report from Cartwright High school The school year's in full swing October 10 when a citizenship court will be held at CHS where new Canadian citizens will be formally recognized as Canadian citizens. This is the earliest the band has ever performed in a new school year but they are up for the challenge. The band is holding its first fundraiser, a car wash at the school, on Satur- day, Sept. 28 from 9 - 12 a.m. Tickets can be pur- chased from any band member for $5 or simply show up at the school. One new activity offered at CHS this year under the leadership of Mr. Costescu and Mr. Morrison 1s fitness and aerobics. The response has been quite re- warding with enthusiastic students working up their heart rates three afternoons a week following classes. With girls' basketball and boys' volleyball in full swing, coaches Moynes, Morrison, Costescu and Fletcher are looking forward to some very fit players. Mr. Plue, our principal and one of the organizers of the Terry Fox Run, has coralled many of the students to improve their fitness levels by participating in the Terry Fox Run. Those who could not participate were gently encouraged to contribute to his sponsorship to- tal. Time flies when you're having fun and are busy. Parents are asked to circle October 11 on their calen- dars, Parents' Night. We look forward to seeing many of our parents on that evening. Arson was cause of $2 million blaze Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police are asking for the public's help in solving an arson which occurred in Newcas- tle on July 27 of this year. At approximately 4.50 a.m. members of the Clar- ington Fire Department were dispatched to the Home Hardware Store sit- uated at 361 King Street East in Newcastle. On ar- rival the business premise and lumber storage shed were observed burning out of control. Firefighters battled flames for approxi- mately four hours before containing the blaze. Both buildings and their con- tents estimated at approx- imately $2,000,000 were DURHAM REGIONAL 1-800-978-8477 totally destroyed. A joint investigation by Durham Regional Police and the Ontario Fire Mar- shals Office have deter- mined that the fire was de- liberately started. Crime Stoppers will pay DJ TAYLOR G.I.C. INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. FIVE gy 169 North St., Port Perry LL 1B7 / Guaranteed Investment 7 " 5 0 Certificates PHONE 985-8416 Rates Subject to Change without Notice Siksay & Fraser J AI TURN O 2 BY A Bo I Real Estate, Corporate & Commercial Law, Municipal & Development Law, Wills & Estates Branch Office « Port Perry Main Office - Whitby 204 Casimir Street, Port Perry 618 Athol Street, Whitby Phone: (905) 985-4141 Phone: (905) 666-4772 Fax: (905) 985-4598 Fax: (905) 666-3233 a cash reward of up to $1,000 for any information that leads to an arrest of the persons responsible for this incident, or any other serious offence. You never have to give your name or testify in a court of law. Stopping crime is a com- munity concern. Help pre- vent crime in your commu- nity. Give Durham Region Crime Stoppers a call where long distance ap- plies call toll free at 1-800- 978-8477 or locally at 436- 84717. Sergeant Kevin Slaney is the coordinator for the Durham Region Crime Stoppers program and submits this article in the interests of solving crime. e PUBLIC INVITAION ° Annual General Meeting for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of North Durham TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26TH, 1995. @ Emiel's Restaurant, Queen St., Port Perry 9. DINNER: 6:30 pm (at your own cost) MEETING: 7:30 pm New Committee Members needed. Term Is to September 1996 For more information call 985-3733 HELP US HELP THE CHILDREN "Jrom Empty To Jull ... The Journey Through Spousal Grief..." Presented by: The Durham Grief Resource Centre & The Armstrong Suneral J[lome Guest Speaker AT PEGGY ANDERSON |i Bereavement Consultant Educator, Author Author of "Wife After Death" OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE |(%' 62 RUSSETT AVENUE |% (Taunton & Simcoe) oY TUESDAY, SEPT. 26th, 1995 |i 7:30 P.M. (Pre-registration Required 433-4711) [E2220 + NSE NO ADMISSION FEE PEGGY ANDERSON ETT $ 5 A SR IT'S TIME TO MAKE YOUR MOVE TO A LATE MODEL PRE-OWNED CAR OR TRUCK! PRE-OWNED USED CARS 94 BUICK LESABRE CUSTOM SEDAN low Km, ONE OWNET .......oueiiiiriiieieieieiiiees 23,500 94 BUICK REGAL CUSTOM SEDAN keyless entry & all the extras........................ 1 9,900 94 PONTIAC GRAND AMS 4 to choose from priced from... 1 4,900-1 6,900 94 CAVALIER COUPE automatic, Cassette...........cooeveriirriiiinieneieene 9,900 93 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE SSE. SSE motors and options............cccceeeeieurinne 21 900 93 BUICK REGAL SEDANS 2 to choose from custom & limited, priced from... 1 4,900 93 BUICK SKYLARK 4 DOOR low Km, ONE OWNET .....veeniiieiiciienieieeieienes 1 3,900 93 PONTIAC SUNBIRD 4 DOOR automatic and air conditioner ..................c..... 1 0,900 92 BUICK PARK AVENUE 4 DOOR nicest luxury car in inventory ...........ccceceeenne 1 7,900 92 BUICK LESABRE LIMITED light blue finish, lots of Xtras. ..............coee. 14,900 92 PONTIAC SUNBIRD LE COUPE automatic and air conditioner ............ccccee.... 10,500 91 OLDSMOBILE 98 REGENCY all the extras inc. slider roof ............cccoovunnee. 1 5,900 91 BUICK REGAL LIMITED fully equipped, low KM .....c.covuminiiiiinns 1 2,900 91 PONTIAC SUNBIRD LE 4 DOOR V6, automatic, air and more ...........cccceeeeeenenes 1 0,900 91 BUICK CUSTOM 4 DOOR high km, inc. powertrain warranty .................. 1 0,500 91 CHEVROLET CAVALIER RS COUPE V6, automatic, as is special ..........ccooeriincnnnes 7,500 91 FORD TEMPO L 4 DOOR 4 cyl., automatic & air.........ccovorvrieininiiciciinnnns 6,900 90 OLDSMOBILE 88 ROYALE all the options + + .....ccvvveiiiiiiiiiee, 1 3,900 90 TOYOTA CAMRY 4 DOOR V6, automatic, air conditioner ........................ 1 0,900 90 BUICK LESABRE LIMITED sold new by us, original, one owner .................. 9,900 90 CHEVROLET SPRINT COUPE economy plus, 5 speed, radio ..............cccooveee. 4,700 89 BUICK LESABRE LIMITED fully equipped and ready t0 go .........c.ccocevnenne. 7,800 89 CHEVROLET CAMERO RS COUPE V8, automatic, air & more ...........cccoeooviiieinnnenn 6,900 89 CHEVROLET CORSICA 4 DOOR V6, automatic, air, certified... 6,900 89 PONTIAC 6000 STATIONWAGON V6, automatic, fully power equipped ................. 4,900 88 PONTIAC 6000 LE automatic, air conditioner ...............c.cccceeeenenes 3,600 87 OLDSMOBILE 98 REGENCY looks and drives good! ............cccoooiiiiiiiiennn. 5,900 87 CHEVROLET CAPRICE BROUGHAM V8, automatic, air & more ............cccoeeiienes 6,900 RELL, PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 10 Vanedward Drive, Port Perry 985-8474 "Serving Port Perry & Durham Region since 1976"