4- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, August 29, 1995 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Durham police to cycle in MS challenge The Peel Regional Police have challenged the Dur- ham Regional Police to a 60 km bike tour in the area of Canada's Wonderland on Sunday, Sept. 17. The event will be part of the Noranda Forest M.S. Bike Tour, which started on Aug. 12 and finishes at Can- ada's Wonderland. The purpose is to raise funds for the Multiple Sclero- sis (M.S.) Society. This is the seventh year for the bike tour, and to date more than $7 million have been raised. Anyone wishing to sponsor a participating officer can do so by going to any Durham Regional Police Station, by calling Cst.Pat Mills at Ext. 235 No sign of 'playground' drugs here By Jeff Mitchell Port Perry Star Durham Regional Police haven't encoun- tered any of the play- ground drugs that are described in a photo- copied memo being circu- lated in Port Perry. Locals have been alarmed in the past week by the appearance of the one-page reproduction, supposedly issued from a drug treatment centre in the U.S., which warns parents of children being sold and given blotters and cartoon figure tattoos that contain the hallu- cinogenic drug LSD. A copy of the warning * 3 Years and up * R.A.D. & I.S.T.D. exams IN-TA Kids Dance Co. | * Adult Country Line Dancing, Jazz & Tap "The Only Studio in Durham with a staff of professional adult teachers" The Studio of Dance & Performing Arts * BALLET ¢ JAZZ + TAP - MODERN (1.S.T.D. & Limon) LYRICAL - MUSICAL THEATRE - DRAMA * MODELLING - BOYZ KLUB * Competition & performance opportunities with the gold medalist Brand New Location - Community Centre (beside Scugog arena) Reg. Rd. #8, Port Perry 905-666-1528 ¢ Artistic Director: Inta Leja Registration: September 5th 5-9pm: Classes commence Tues. Sept. 12, 1995 Proud was brought to The Star last week. It bears simi- larities to other memos that have been circulated in the area in the past couple of years. It's proved to be a hoax in the past. , Craig Hudson, an offi- cer with the Durham Regional Police Drug Unit, said that while sim- ilar scares have surfaced here inhe-past as a result of circulated memos, the drugs described in this one aren't in evidence in the area this summer. "There's no incidence of this in Durham Region," he said. The memo, which bears the name of a hos- pital in Columbia, South Carolina, warns parents that 'blue star" blotter acid is being sold to school children. B It also claims that car- toon character tattoos bearing images of Mickey Mouse, clowns, and Bart Simpson, are soaked with LSD and can be absorbed through a child's skin. There is also a note that the memo should be copied and circulated. "Please feel free to reproduce this article and distribute it within your community and work- place," the memo says. "Get the word out about this danger to our chil- dren!" Drug Unit officer Hudson said that despite similar scares in the past, there has been no evi- dence of drug-laced tat- toos being given to chil- dren. 'He added, however, that parents should always be on the look-out for drug use by the chil- dren, particularly serious drugs such as LSD. For All Your Back To 8chool Supplies 188 Mary St., Port Perry (905) 985-7383 Hometown