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A report of this event willbe in next weeks' column. 'On. Saturday afternoon a ) beautiful wedding took place in St. John's Anglican Church when Sue Talbot became the bride of Brent McLaughlin. The reception and dance was held at the Guild Inn, Scarborough. Best wishes are extended to Brent and Sue from this com- munity. | A very successful swim bus program to Uxpool for two weeks of lessons was attended by 38 swimmers and sponsored by the ONO Club. Registration for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers will be held at the Blackstock United Church on Thursday, Sept. 7 from 6 - 8:30 p.m. These are certainly signs that the summer season 1s speeding to a close. Of course this week- end are both Port Perry and Kinmount Fairs which many lo- cals enjoy. Sympthy is extended to Lau- ra Taggart and her young fami- ly Jesse and Kaitlin on the pass- ing of her husband Dave Taggart after a lengthy illness. The family resides in Cadmus. The funeral was held at Low and Low Funeral Chapel, Port Perry with interment at Union Cemetery. Our sympathy is ex- tended to Dave's family and many friends. As a result of one of the items at the United Church Auction in the spring recently Dale and Janet VanCamp hosted a picnic and delightful gathering at El- gin Park, Uxbridge. This fun event was attended by Sandy and John Churchill, Kathy and Fred Taylor, Tim and Leanne Lang, Deanna and Steve Grove and Kelly and Terry Gatchell and families. © Nancy and Bob Bryans were. guests at Bob's great niece's . + wedding in Fenelon Falls when ... Jennnifer ~~ George Sharp of Haliburton at Curlew = married the United Church with the re- : "ception following held at the Le- "o.gion Halk, © oT ER Sorry to see Roy Bradburn sporting a cast for a broken arm which recently happened. Hope it soon mends but of course it does take time! There were 11 tables at the Tuesday evening card party with the following winners - Jean Porrill, Vera Fawns, Marie Geer, Bernice Loudfoot, James Emerton, Grace Bassant and Paul Mucha. Lucky draws were won by Bernice Renton, Ruby Cochrane, Muriel Butson, Ner- ta Masters, Ruby Smith and Grace Bassant. A barbecue supper was host- ed by Patti Alpe, Nathan and [Xmma for Debbie Bryan's birth- day on Sunday. In the afternoon Gord and Debbie, Ieanna and Christina and nephew Mason Strata enjoyed the circus in Oshawa. Other supper guests were Lisa and Marty Strata of Little Britain and Nancy and Bob Bryans. Dor Fall show is held in Brooklin church Last Wednesday evening, Brooklin Horticultural Society met at Brooklin United Church. Due to the lack of rain, the num- ber of show entries was consid- erably down compared to last year, with only a total of 117 en- tries on the show bench. It was disappointing to see only eight gladiolus exhibited. I know in my own garden, on some of those extreme humid days, the miniature glads were actually wilting on the stalk. However, looking at the brighter side, we always have some winners. Congratulations to the fol- lowing people: Iileen Slute won the special award to the best specimen flower (not gladiolus) with her coral colored perennial phlox. Carol Cattan won the best specimen gladiolus with herlovely red stalk. Richard Woolgers pumpkin was the best specimen vegeta- ble. Best decorative won by . Mary Housego with her beauti- ful pink and wine colored mass design, "Decisions". Our guest speaker for the eve- ning, Shirley Mohammed gave us a very interesting talk on "Pressed Flowers'. Her favorite flower for pressing is the pansy. The chrysanthemum and vege- table show is scheduled for Sep- tember 27. Speaker to be an- nounced. We extend birthday greetings and best wishes to a lovely lady, Mrs. Violet Oliver of Myrtle, who will be celebrating her 92nd birthday on September 1. Ashburn We hope she enjoys her special day with her family. We have just been informed that Lexie Petters who was travelling with her husband in England recently underwent surgery. I believe she returned to her home in Brooklin on Fri- day. We hope that she will make a quick recovery, now that she is home. Looking ahead to Saturday, September 9 at 7 p.m. The Women's Missionary Society will hold a special evening at the church. Debbie Batten will be on hand as she shares with us some of her experiences while travelling with "Up with Peo- ple". Everyone is invited. Re- freshments will be served. Plan to join with us. If you have any news of inter- est would like to share with us, why not give me a call at 655- 4240. It all helps to make an in- teresting column. Some weeks not too much news comes my way. x x Rapin Our sympathy is extended to the Crozier family on the death of Don Crozier. The funeral was on Monday, August 28. Don't forget to check out the many activities at the Port Perry Fair during the Labour Day weekend! Good luck to all the children, youth and teachers as they pre- pare themselves for the begin- ning of another school year! Scugog Island United Church The cool weather brought the worship service indoors for our last joint service of the summer. George Barrass sang two solos for our ministry of music. Kate Barber shared some of her expe- riences with us from her trip to Guyana with Youth Challenge International. Thanks George and Kate. Special thanks goes out to all those who supported and helped with the Chicken Barbe- 't forget Port al fair Bougoy Islan cue. Choir practice will be held on Thursday, August 31 at 7 p.m. at the Church. Next Sunday we will begin our regular church services at 9:45a.m. For pastoral care please call Elaine Barber at 985-4094. Please call 985-8871 with your news for next week.