Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 18 Jul 1995, p. 26

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26- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, July 18, 1995 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" PORT PERRY STAR DEADLINE - 12 NOON MONDAY CLASSIFIED For Rent Work Wanted Help Wanted WEEKEND STAR DEADLINE - 10 AM WEDNESDAY 'Legal Notices Auctioneers Auction Sales PERSONALITY PLUS KITTENS from very affec- tionate stock, beautiful markings. $5 each includes vet health check and first shots, litter trained. For more informa- tion please call 985-1238. POODLE PUPPIES, APRICOT, females, dewormed - 1-705-786- 2833. 1,500 SQ. FT. BASE- MENT apartment, 3 bed- room, 4 pc. bath, floor to ceiling fireplace, w/o to lake, $850/month indudes utilities - 705-786-1576, Little Britain area. 2 BEDROOM APART- MENT, downtown, avail- able August 1. Refer- ences required, first and last - 985-8629. ROTWEILLER PUPPIES - 1 male, 1 female, 7 weeks old, first shots, ready now - $250 - 985- 7846. Wanted to Buy 12" WOOD PLANER and 6" jointer - reasonable - 1- 705-786-1522. JACK'S AUTO PARTS - cars, trucks including 4x4"s for recycling. Top prices paid. Will pick up. Call 985-8160. MANILLA AUTO WRECKERS will pick up scrap cars, trucks, farm and construction machin- ery - 705-357-2644. TOP DOLLARS PAID for heavy trucks for wrecking, also buying scrap bulldoz- ers and heavy equipment. Call Provincial Truck Sal vage - 905-836-3506. Shared Accommodation ROOM - SHARE FACILI- FEMALE NON-SMOKER, prefer in-law, granny apartment or small flat. Furnished or unfumished. Would consider house sit- ting. Uxbridge and sur- rounding area - 905-985- 1 AND 2 BEDROOM CONDOS, 5 appliances, available immediately. Call Cheryl at 985-0718, Sutton Group Lifestyle. 1 BEDROOM APART- MENT in town, $590 month, all included - 985- 2067. 1 BEDROOM BASE- MENT apartment avail- able September 1. Par- tially fumished, non-smok- ing, w/o pets preferred. References required. $575/month induding utili- ties. Call (905)985-0059 after 6 p.m. 1 BEDROOM, south of Manchester, fireplace, sliding door, private entrance, no pets, suits one, first and last, $5625 per month all inclusive - 985-9029. STORAGE Mini & Maxi PORT PERRY 143 Reach Ind. Park Rd. (905) 985-7622 LINDSAY 50 Greenfield Rd. (705) 328-0061 3 BEDROOM APART- MENT, close to amenities - 985-2067. 3 PLUS 1 bedroom house in Port Perry, available immediately, finished basement with airtight, w/o to deck, $975 plus utilities, references, first and last - 579-7904. 4 BEDROOM HOUSE in Victorian Village. Family room with fireplace, mas- ter bedroom with ensuite whirlpool bath, central air and vac, swimming pool, $1,250 monthly plus utili- ties. No pets - 985-7436. BROOKLIN - BACHE- LOR APARTMENT, also 1 large room, close to shopping, in quiet area. Available now - 655-5539. DUPLEX - DOWNTOWN, Perry St., 2 bedrooms each side. Available September 1, $750 and $650 plus heat and hydro. 985-0410 or 985-3261. KINSMEN HALL - Avail- able for dances, meetings, receptions. Kitchen & bar. Plenty of parking. 985- 3736. LAKEFRONT - GILSON POINT, 1 bedroom apart- ment, $675, first and last, appliances not included, available August 1, refer- ences, no pets - 705-786- 9004 evenings. MASONIC HALL - avail- able for dances, recep- tions, parties and meet- ings. Kitchen & bar. Call 985-8912 or 985-8973 (leave message). ONE BEDROOM, Black- stock, dean and quiet, first and last. 986-5197. PRINCE ALBERT - CLEAN 2 bedroom apart- ment including fridge and stove, parking, quiet area, September 1, $645 plus hydro. Mrs. Evans - 655- 3047 or 1-416-698-2589. STORE FRONT available in downtown Port Perry. For more information call 705-448-2474. Work Wanted BABYSITTER/NANNY Qualified in safety emer- gency procedures, leaders swimming licence, tutor- ing. References available. 986-0257. BRICK WORK, fireplace, chimney, etc. Licensed bricklayer, quality work, 15 years experience, refer- ences available. Phone Gerry 985-3584. COUNTRY-CLEAN: A1 custom cleaning. Trust worthy, excellent refer- ences. "For a cleaner house - don't trust your spousal" - 985-1614. HUG LANDSCAPE & PATIO - Interlocking stone, retaining walls, landscaping. Free esti- mate. Andreas Hug 705- 357-1889 Sunderland. LARGE SQUARE BAL- ING, $4.50/bale, hay or straw. Also round baling - wal or dry. Call Mark - 985-7568 or Wells - 985- 9842. NEED A HAND? Call Murray. Grass culling, snowblowing, window & eavestrough cleaning, gar- dening, hedge & tree trim- mings, paper & painting, garage, attic, basement & yard clean-up & removal. Call 985-0069. SCUGOG PROPERTY MAINTENANCE - Yard clean-ups, grass cutting, hedge trimming, fertilizing, odd jobs. Dave Ballingall 985-2834. DURHAM COTTAGE RAISING Foundations Septic Systems Driveways and Excavating Call aos 985-9829 person required for com- munity paper, must have 'reliable car, sales experi ence an asset. Please forward resume to Port Perry Star, 188 Mary Street, Port Perry, LOL 1B7. Attention: Anna Jackman. No phone calls please. CAR ATTENDANTS/ COUNTER reps required, experience an asset but will rain. Send resume to: Discount Car and Truck Rentals, 218 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontario, L1N 2H8. COMMISSIONED hairstyling positions avail- able in salon, downtown Port Perry. Call 905-436- 9327 to arrange an inter- view. PAULA LISHMAN LIMIT- ED requires home knitters with machine experience, willing to work a minimum of 30 hours per week. Please call Dawn - 986- 5096. Dynex Engineering Inc. requires: Manual Boring Mill Operators CNC Horizontal Boring Mill Operator Fanuc 9M Controls CNC Operators Lathe & Miling Machines Fitters Top Rates, profit sharing & benefit package. Call: 905-721-1200 FREELANCE COACHES NEEDED at Newcastle Figure Skating Club on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Please send resume to: Newcastle Figure Skating Club, 103 Caroline St., Newcastle, Ontario, L1B 1H1. Atten- tion: Paula Parks. MATURE, LOVING, RESPONSIBLE person for care of 1/2 children, 3 days/week, sleepover, flexible/reliable - 705-786- 1949 - leave number. Day Care NEW HOME DAYCARE - E.C.E. qualified. Safe, caring environment, fan- tastic convenient location. Summer program. Limit ed spaces. Call 985-1902 between 9 am. - 7 p.m. TENDER LOVING CARE PROVIDER - E.C.E. quali- fied and mother of one, full time, Scugog Island - 985- 2299. HOUSE CAT - WHITE PERSIAN with grey tail and grey markings - "Puffy". Apple Valley area - 985-9698. LADIES GOLD BAND ring at IGA, Wednesday, July 12. Large reward. Call 985-2965 after 6 p.m. MANS WEDDING BAND, plain gold, 14 karat, engraved. Lost at Sunny- brae Golf Course or Port Perry Driving Range in Prince Albert area on Sat- urday morning, July 15. Sentimental value. Reward offered. Please call Cheryl or Keith at 905- 985-4418 after 6 p.m. or 416-321-1546 betw 8 am.and 5 p.m. LOST 8 week old female Calico "kitten from Scugog Island/Sunrise Beach last seen Friday morning. Please call 985-0864 MISSING - Nestleton Area "DUSTY" Eemale Shepard/Husky ix, black with tan markings, yellow eyed, friendly, could be in pup, Good Reward 986-5318 or 986-5580. some of Canada's most is important to this position. expectations to: KEY ACCOUNT SALES REPRESENTATIVE Old Port Marketing imports and distributes nationally ular giftware lines. We are an innovalive, growth onented company. Your excellent interpersonal skills, and a natural sales ability will quality you lo join our team of professionals. In Key Account Sales you will provide personal representation to some of our largest accounts. Experience in self organization and dealing with senior buyers is a definite asset. Frequent travel across Canada This is a salaried position and ajcompany car is provided. Please reply in writing stating your OLD PORT MARKETING L 16050 Old Simcoe Rd., Port Perry, ON LOL 1P3 Fax No. (905) 985-0676 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the estate of WILLIAM THOMAS HARRIS, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of WILLIAM THOMAS HAR- RIS, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who dled on or about the 17th day of June, 1995, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned.on or before the 11th day of August, 1995, after which date the aforementioned estate will be distributed by the undersigned having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 30th day of June, 1995. MICHAEL L. FOWLER & ASSOCIATES Barristers and Solicitors 175 North Street Port Perry, Ontario LoL 187 Solicitors for Miriam Labanovich, Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the mat- ter of the estate of ALBERT AUSTIN WATTS, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of ALBERT AUSTIN WATTS late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 24th day of June, 1995, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 11th day of August, 1995, after which date the aforementioned estate will be distributed by the undersigned having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 29th day of une 1995. MICHAEL L. FOWLER & ASSOCIATES Barristers & Solicitors 175 North Street Port Perry, Ontario LoL 187 Solicitors for Manuel Saltariche Executor. Business ALL PURPOSE LABELS - 2 sizes (2-1/2" x 1" and 3-1/4" x 1") and available in 5 colors (gold and silver foil, white, red fluorescent and clear). Port Perry Star, 188 Mary St. 985-7383. COLOR PHOTOCOPIES - CANON Laser Copier for color (and black and white) photocopies - now available at Port Perry Star, 188 Mary St. 985- 7383. MAILING LABELS - regu- lar and computer, 4 designs. Port Perry Star Co., 188 Mary St. 985- 7383. THERMAL BINDING - reports, documents, pro- jects, etc. Up to 120 pages (8-1/2" x 117), clear cov- ers. Port Perry Star Co., 188 Mary St. 985-7383. THRIFTY BUSINESS CARDS - 500 cards with black ink for $25 and red or blue ink for $37. Many other colors and paper stock available at various prices. Port Perry Star Co., 188 Mary St., 905- 985-7383. NEIL BACON N\A UCTIONS| LTO. PO Box 220, Greenbank, ON. LOC 1B0 (905) 985-1068 - Auction Sales WEDNESDAY, JULY 19 SALE TIME 6 P.M. Farm machinery, market garden equipment and tools for the Estate of the late Mr. Norman McKay of Stouffville, plus a Zephyr Estate to be held at the Wilson's Sales Arena, Uxbridge. Take Hwy #404 north to Davis Dr. at Newmarket. Tum right and go east 24 km. SALE INCLUDES: Ford 3600 diesel Tractor with Allied loader, 275 orig. hrs. (Ex), Int. #624 diesel Tractor with 590 Allied quick attach loader (good), Cockshutt #1650 diesel Tractor (Allied loader, 18.4 x 34 tires, overhauled, Ex), 1950 Case gas tractor, M.F. Super self-propelled combine, Case 3 pth. 3 fur. plow, Ford 4 fur. 3 pth. plow, Int. #510 semi- mt. 4 fur. plow, Ford 10' cult., Kongskilde 9' 3 pth. cult, Int. #37 db. disc 10", Dearborn 2 fur. plow 3 pth., diamond harrows, IHC seed drill, RZ60 Bu- shog posthole digger, 6 3 pth. Bushog rotary mower, Bushog LS 18A 3 pth. log splitter, 1 & 2 row transplanters, 2 row Ford plate corn planter, Orbit planters, Ritten- house 3 pth. sprayer, N.H. #476 haybine 7 (good), M.F. #12 square baler (good), rnd. bale fork, J.D. 8 ton flat rack wagon, trailers, forage wagon, N.H. #25 Whirl- A-Feed forage blower, Int. C32 p.t. hay mower, ~ MF side del. rake, N.H. 237 manure spreader, Gropp tandem db. reach wagon gear (new), 3 pth. blade, Allied Idr. manure forks and forklift attach (new), horse show wag- on (good), J.D. 260 snowblower 7° plus more. IRRIGATION: Hale 4" pto irrigation pump (Ex), qty. Royal Coach sprink- lers, 3" x 30" alum. irriga- tion pipe (approx. 45 lengths), qty. irrigation fit- tings., cucumber washer. TOOLS: power hack- saw, power washer, spray gun washer, 2 gal. pressure pot sprayer, 5 ton arbour press, hyd. floor jack, transmission jack, chain fall, qty. pres- sure gauges, elect. weld- ing gun, high pressure hose, hand shear metal trimmer, acetylene torch- es, air polisher, hand fork truck, shop vac., qty. hand, garden and power tools, office chairs, fire ext. plus much more. NOTE: Few smalls. Be on time. TERMS: Cash or good known cheque. GARY HILL AUCTIONS (Div. of 1081454 Ontario Inc.) Gary & Nancy Hill R. R. #1, Sunderland: Sunderland: 1-705-357-2185 1-800-654-4647 Auction Sales FRIDAY, JULY 21 SALE TIME: 5:30 P.M. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN, 3 miles east of Lit- tle Britain on County Road 4. The contents of a LINDSAY home plus oth ers. 6 matching gun stock chairs, cedar chest, Find- lay oval cookstove in excellent condition, wicker chairs, oak china cabinet, 5 pc. walnut modern dinette suite, lreadle sewing machine, antique dresser with moustache pulls, 5 pc. modern bed- room suite, walnut smoker cabinet, banquet lamp, brown chesterfield and chair, walnut 1/2 moon table, occasional chairs, walnut corher what-not shelf, bed chesterfield, walnut drop front desk, 2 oak office desks, antique dressers, milk cans, cabi- net radio, washstand, coal oil lamps, crocks, plus a qty. of china, glass and household and collectable items. DON AND GREG CORNEIL, AUCTION- EERS, R.R. #1, Little Britain - 705-786-2183. WEDNESDAY, JULY 26 SALE TIME: 4:45P.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques and collectables for a BOWMANVILLE ESTATE, selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., corner of Hwy. 47 and 12. TO INCLUDE: Hoosier cupboard, oak library table w/claw feet (mint), ash dresser, pine washstand, old wingback chair, 2 gramophones, Columbia grafonola (mint working), walnut drop leaf table, Birdseye maple desk (1910 Waterloo County), pine and mahogany bonnet chest, Eastman view camera No. 2 (1898 with case), tool box from Beaverton (J. Skitch), several wall clocks including E.N. Welch, National C. Sessions, and 400 day clock, brass microscope, 1 drawer lamp table, sterling can- dlesticks, figurative doorstops (buttonshoe, trumpeting elephant, sit- ting rabbit, gnome), oil paintings by A. Dawson (Aurora 1900 - 1935), 1920 French telephone (mint), 2 smoker stands, Stewart Warner radio, plant stand, childs sleigh, childs pull dog sleigh, rocking chair, half moon table, cast iron tractor seats, cast iron pots, 1937 large Coke sign, several milk bottles (Cousins and Coles, M. Taichman, Beechwood, C.A. Cooper, M. Stem), German plates, crystal, Depression glass (pink and green), bowtie comport, 2 Bullseye com- ports, oil pinwheel water set, blackeyed Susan cream and sugar, 6 pc. R.S. Germany, 10" cran- berry vase, pickle cruet, Limoges, Noritake, Nip- pon, coffee, tea and tobacco tins, 30 cups and saucers, 22 pc. Cornflow- er, Ironstone pcs., biscuit barrels, 2 soapstone carv- ings by Josh Richard and Jean Baptiste, Canadian soldier cast bank, trunks, flat irons and ftrivets, vari- ous old tools, old paddles, small collection of Ameri can and Canadian coins, plus many other interest- ing and quality pieces. Note: Don't miss this large antique sale of unusual and quality items. Sale managed and sold by NEIL BACON AUC- TIONS LTD. - 905-985- 1068. WEDNESDAY, JULY 19 NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. will be closed for vacation and there will be NO SALE. SATURDAY, JULY 22 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Auction sale at PETHICK AUCTION BARN, 2498 Conc. Rd. #8, Bow- manville (Haydon). Each week we have a large variety of antique and modern furniture, col- lectable glass and china, lawn and garden equip- ment, many other interest- ing and unusual items to be sold. For info. call (905)263-4252. Viewing from 5 p.m. Terms are cash, Visa, M/C or Debit. Sale managed and sold by GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS, APPRAISALS AND LIQ- UIDATIONS. Please call us for all your auction needs, your place or ours. THURSDAY, JULY 20 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Estate auction at MYLES KING AUCTION HALL, 33 Hall St., Oshawa. The estate of RALPH SCHOFIELD, Oshawa. Antiques: Oval dining table w/6 chairs, buffet, drop front desk, 4 centre tables, hall table, maga- zine tables, 2 bedroom suites, marble top table, 2 night tables, dressers, chests of drawers, vanity, 2 spool beds. Modern fur- niture and appliances: 2 door refrigerator/matching stove, automatic washer/dryer, chesterfield suite, glass top dinette suite w/4 chairs, dehumidi- fier, color portable TV, sin- gle orthopaedic bed (like new), oil paintings, Limited Edition prints, Persian rugs, sterling silver flat- ware and case, bedding, linen, crystal and china. Interesting sale. Plan to attend. Terms: Cash, no reserve. MYLES KING, AUCTIONEER - 725- 5751. MONDAY, JULY 24 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale at MACMIL- LAN AUCTION CENTRE. Located 6 kms. east of Argyle (Highway 46). CONTENTS of Beaverton home plus others. ANTIQUES/COLLECTA- BLES: Breadmaker, but- ter churn, copper boilers, lanterns, washboard, washtub bench, Sunshine wash bench w/T. Eaton Co. wringer, flat irons, ladies speed skates, assorted glass and china, pictures, Cantilever hook, stained lead glass Tiffany style light, electric replica cookstove, wood/electric cookstove, etc.... Sofas, Lazyboy chairs (pair in good condition), old beds, corner cabinet, wooden chair, pull-out loveseat, dressers, color TV, VCR, 6 ft. snow blade, cistern pumps, pedestal sink, dishwasher, assorted hand tools, IBM word pro- cessor, old printers, old coins, plus MANY MORE INTERESTING items. For information call/fax' (705)374-5511 - JIM MACMILLAN, AUCTION- EER. 'PORT PERRY STAR' CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINES MONDAY - 12 NOON

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