Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 13 Dec 1994, p. 25

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a TD Pons ARS Cy "eo hp" io SR Eu rs ntsc cont SE SRD 157 or 0 t ¥ & RT RE ---- SINE NE PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, December 13, 1994 - BS "A Family Tradition for 128 Years" CATHY OLLIFFE / PORT PERRY STAR Cutting edge style High fashion? Well, maybe not now, but this animal muff and fancy hat kept 1800s women on the cutting edge of style, while keeping them warm. Above, Victoria Dykes tries them on for size during a tour of Scugog Shores Museum her grade one class from Cartwright Central Public School made last Friday. Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de I'Ontario Ontario Al he request of the following parties, he Minister of Municipal Altai s has referred 1 the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 17(11) of the Planning Act, R.S.0. 1990, cP. 13, porfons of the Official Plan kr the Regional Municipality of Durham (1991) as they apply 10 the specific policies of land use designalions within the Plan Ministry File No. 18-OP-0012 PART "A" - Municipality of Claringon (Map AS) Referral No. 1 - OMB Fle No. 0940118 Kingsberry Properties re: Major Open Space System designation Referral Nos. 6 & 37 - OMB File No. 0840119 M. & G. Tomina re: Major Open Space System designation and Sec. 20 Referral No. 10 - OMB File No. 0840123 811461 Ontario Limited re: Permanent Agricultural Reserve designation Referral No. 16 - OMB File No. 0940129 Mosport Park Limited re: Reglonal Node designation Referral No. 17 - OMB File No. 0840130 168215 Canada Inc. re: Hamlet designation Referral No. 20 - OMB File No. 0840133 Eyman Estates Umited re: Major Open Space System designation Referral No. 22 - OMB File No. 0840135 841221 and 841222 Ontario Limited re: Major Open Space System designation Referral No. 23 & 24 - OMB File No. 0040136 James Lovekin re: Special Study Area Referral No. 27 - OMB File No. 0840139 Bramalea Umited re: Population target for the Newcastle Village Urban Area set out in Table 3.3.5 Referral No. 30 - OMB File No. 0940142 651183 Ontario Ltd. & Ray Abbot et al re: Sections 13.3.5, 13.3.8, 13.3.9.a, 13.3.10 and 13.3.21.h as they pertain to the Hamlet of Tyrone Referral No. 36 - OMB File No. 0940147 Laidlaw Waste Systems (Durham) Limited re: Major Open Space System and Permanent Agricultural Reserve designations and related polides for Waste Management Sites PART "B" - Policies in the Official Plan (1991) Referral No. 3 - OMB File No. 0940148 Macklock Developments Limited re: Section 16.3.32 in its entirety Referral No. 8 - OMB File No. 0840121 The Aggregate Producers' Assodation of Ontario re:Section 19A.3.11 in its entirety Referral No. 26 - OMB File No. 0940138 The Metrontario Group, The Kose Group et al re: Section 8.2.1 and Deferral No. 13 PART "C" - Town of Ajax (Map A4) Referral No. 12 - OMB File No. 0040125 G. Templeton for the Estate of Emest Stroud re: Major Open Space System designation Referral No. 13 - OMB File No. 0040126 636450 Ontario Limited re: Major Open Space System - Waterfront and Environmentally Sensitive Area designation and Sections 2 and 14. Referral No. 14 - OMB File No. 08040127 Ontado Inc. rs aa ty gly a tate PART "D" - Town of Whitby (Map A4) Referral No. 4 - OMB Fille No. 0040149 James Dick Construction Limited re:Major Open Space System and Environmentally Sensitive Area designations. Referral No. 18 - OMB File No. 0840131 Lebovic Enterprises Inc. re:Road No. 36 over Highway 401 (Map B2) Referral No. 32 - OMB File No. 0040144 Cobourg Regional Property Inc. re: Major Open Space System designation Referral No. 33 - OMB File No. 0040145 Bay Green Developments Ltd. re: The. Employment Area designation Referral No. 34 - OMB File No. 0040146 Trowbridge Developments re: Major Open Space System designation PART "F" - Town of Pickering (Map A4) Referral No. 8 - OMB File No. 0940122 Richard Ward re: Living Area designation Referral No. 15 - OMB File No. 0040128 Edbro Developments & Bitondo Markets Ltd. re: Major Open Space System designation Referral No. 25 - OMB File No. 0040137 908127 Ontario Limited re. Major Open Space System designation PART "F° Township of Uxbridge Map A2) Referral No. 19 - OMB File No. 0040132 Lakeridge Resort Ltd. and Lakeridge Farms Ltd. re: Major Open Space System designation - Oak Ridges Moraine - and Sections 2.3.14, 14.3.4 and 14.35 Referral No. 29 - OMB File No. 0040141 Wydiffe Foxbridge Group re: Major Open Space System designation - Oak Ridges Moraine Referral No. 31 - OMB File No. 0040143 763706 Ontario Limited re: Special Study Area designation slejE|e|e(e@]|e|e|@]|o(@]|@]|a]|s 60 Vanedward Dr. = 985-0715 SH Unit 7, (a] Port Perry 0 0 rare | EMBERS | (iris 0] Enjoy Christmas with a (8) Sl New Fireplace or Stove. [© Sil YOUR CHOICE... Sine oonons = 1. NO PAYMENTS until , 5 June 1995. = = 2. FREE Installation for - 3 Remainder of 1994. a Of 3. HUGE Cash & Carry oO 0 DISCOUNTS. ®) ru id Fa 8 gl CNRPOLEON) WATERFORD a) FIREPLACES (W) a2 [Pacific - --> ENERGY HF AR TH SY <1 OF ous 0 (@] I TO TT DE DCCECCCoCECooD oD Referral No. 7 - OMB File No. 0940120 CCIL Ltd. and LCLL Ltd. re: Living and Employment Area designations and Augley Road as a Type B Arterial Road NOTICE OF PREHEARING CONFERENCE The Ontario Municipal Board will conduct a prehearing conference respecting this matter. if you do not attend the prehearing conference, the Ontario Municipal Board may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice of proceedings. TIME AND PLACE OF PREHEARING CONFERENCE A bites conference will be held at: COUNCIL CHAMBERS, REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS BUILDING, 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, TOWN OF WHITBY on MONDAY and TUESDAY, the 30th and 31st day of JANUARY, 1995 at 10: O'CLOCK in the forenoon. PURPOSE OF PREHEARING CONFERENCE The conference will deal with preliminary and procedural matters, including the following: * |dentification of parties - these persons have the right to participate throughout by presenling evidence, questioning witnesses, and making final arguments. In order for the board to determine your stalus for he hearing, you or your representative should attend the prehearing conference and ask to be added as a party. Groups, whether incorporated or not, who wish to become parlies should name a representative. Parfies do not need lo be represented by lawyers. * |dentification of participants - persons who do not wish to participate throughout the hearing may attend the hearing and make a statement to the Board. Such persons should also attend he prehearing conference. * Identification of issues. * Consolidation of matters. + Start date and duration of the hearing. * Direclons for pre-filing of witness lists, expert wilhess statements and written evidence. * Possbillly of setiement of any or all of the Issues. * The hearing of motions. * Such further matters as he Board considers appropriate. Everyone present should come prepared lo consider specific dates for proceedings in this matter. EVIDENCE Evidence or formal siatements may also be heard at the prehearing conference in an attempt to settie the matters in dispute. Note that even If no setement Is reached he Board may make a final decision on the evidence it has received. All parties or their representatives should attend the prehearing conference. Pour recevoir des services en krancals, veulllex communiquer avec la Division des audiences au (416) 326-6800, au moins 25 jours divils avant la date fixee pour audience. DATED at Toronto this 10th day of November, 1994. SECRETARY NOTE: Parts "A" and B" will be heard on MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1995 Parts °C", *D", °E" and °F" will be heard on TUESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1685 Ie EXPLANATORY NOTE The purpose the the Prehearing Conlerence Is io deal with the Referrals to the Ontario Municipal Board respecting the Durham Regional Oficial Plan (1991). For the purpose of the prehearing Conlerence, each Referral has been grouped under the area municipality in the Region in which the subject of the Referral relates to. The following is a brief explantion of the subject of each Referral. PART "A" - Municipality of Clarington (Map AS) Referral No. 1: Requesting Living Area designation. Part of Lot 30, Concession 3 (Darlington). Referral Nos. 6 437 ~~ Requesting motel and restaurant development and referral of the severance implementation policies. Part of Lot 26, Conession 2 (Darlington) Referral No. 10 Requesting Living Area designation. Part of Lat 26, Concession 2 (Clarke) Referral No. 16 Requesting additional uses in Regional Node J - Mosport. Referral No. 17 Requesting the duster of Brownsville be recognized as a Hamlet. . Referral No. 20 Requesting Living Area designation. Part of Lot 26, Concession 3 (Darlington) Referral No. 22 Requesting urban designations to implement th Port Darlington Secondary Plan. Referral Nos. 23 424 Requesting Special Study Area designation. Part of Lots 32-35, Concession 1 (Clarke) Referral No. 27 Requesting increase to the population target of 17,500 for the Newcastle Village Urban Area as set out in Section 3.3.5. Referral No. 30 Requesting residential development in the Hamlet of Tyrone and referral of the policies relating development in hamiets. Referral No. 36 Requesting a waste management site and referral of policies relating to the establishment of waste disposal sites; the decommissioning of lands previously used for industrial purposes, prior,to the redevelopment of such lands; the requirement for the preparation of an environmental impact study for development applications; the requirement to have area municipal office plans include polides and designations for former and active waste disposal sites; regional structure policies as they fall to recognize waste management sites; the policy permitting the continuation expansion or enlargement of uses which do not conform to the Plan provided certain criteria are satisfied; and Sections 12 - Agricultural Areas and 14 - Major Open Space system as they relate to the referred area. Part of Lot 12, Concession 3 (Clarke). PART "B" - Policies in the Offical Plan (1991) Referral No. 3: Referral of Section 16.3.32 which requires a Regional Official Plan Amendment to establish gas stations and/: the Mejor Sy al ga 'or gas bar in agricultural areas and Referral No. 8: Referral of Section 19A.3.11 which permits resource extraction on agricultural land if agricultural rehabilitation of the site is carried out and Referral No. 26 substantailly the same acreage and average soil capability for agriculture are restored. erral No. 26: Referral of Section 8.2.1 relating to urban development policies insofar as It affects the Taunton community the City of Oshawa. PART °C" - Town of Ajax (Map Ad) Referral No. 7 Requesting the maintenance of theMajor Open Space System designation for those lands east of Carruthers C between Ti Highway No. 2 and the referral of Audley Road as a Type B arterial on Map B2. rook aunton Road and Referral No. 12: Requesting future urban area. Part of Lot 1, Concession 4 (Ajax), Part of Lot 35, Concession 4 (Whitby) and Part of Lots 1 and 2 Concession 1 (Ajax). fifo No a Requesting Living Area designation. Part of Lot 5, B.F.C. is ois Requesting residential development and the deletion of the requirement to develop a marina. Part of Lots 0 and 10, B.F.H. Il, at the foot of PART "D" - Town of Whitby (Map A4) Referral No. 4: Requesting a ready-mix concrete paint. Part of Lot 21, Concession 4. Referral No. 18: Requesting the deletion of the overpass of Regional Road No. 36 (Hopkins Street) over Highway 401 as shown on Map B2 Referral No. 32: Requesting ling Area designation for that portion of the property west of Lynde Creek. Park of Lots 31 & 32, Concession 3. Referral No. 33: Requesting commercial uses. Property on th north side of Champlain Avenue, immediately east of Durham College Referral No. 34: Requesting Living Area designation. Part of Lot 19, Concession 4. PART "E" - Town of Pickering (Map A4) Referral No. 9: Referral of lands in Part of Lt 30, Concession 2. Referral No. 15: Requesting indication of future urban area. Part of Lots 7-11, Concession 8. Referral No. 25: Requesting Major Open Space System designation and a cemetery development. Part of Lot 9, Concession 6. PART "F" - Township of Uxbridge (Map A2) Referral No. 19: Requesting expansion of ski hill and referral of policy requiring an envimomental impact study and policies the Region to prepare a study for the Oak Ridges Moraine and requiring an amendment ot the Plan for recreational uses in the Moraine. Sued HE Referral No. 29: Requesting a golf course development. Part of Lots 23 - 27, Concession 6, (Uxbridge). ' Referral No. 31: Requesting Living Area designation. Part of Lots 31 and 32, Concession 6 (Uxbridge). A Preliminary meeting of al parties and paticipants prior 1b the Prehearing Conference has been scheduled for Thur January 10, commencing Councll Chambers Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road Eas, Wiby, Ontario. Y + 10%, "1095404 ty ' For additonal information about the matters before the Ontario Municipal Board respeciing he Durham Regional Ofial Plan 1091), contact Kai Municipality of Durham Planning Department, 1615 Dundas Street East, Whitby, Ontario, LIN 6A3, Telephone (905) 728-7731, Toronto Line (905) 686-1651, a i. 436-6612 law Refer yd This Nofios is published in compliance with the directions provided by the Ontario Municipal Board.

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