"A Family Tradition for 128 Years" Scouter wins prestigious prize From Page 1 best District Commissioner voice, Ross invited his wife to come to Thursday's meeting and receive the coveted Medal for Good Service. 'I was just really surprised, shocked, that I'd receive such a great award," Delia said. She believes she said something like, "Wow! This is great!" At the meeting Thursday night, Ross explained to every- one all the contributions Delia has made to scouting, then pre- sented her with the medal and a certificate. "And then we had a real party, with ice cream, cake and cof- fee!" Delia said with a smile. Delia is the fourth person in the Port Perry area to receive the medal. Other receipientsin- clude Alf Huggins, Dorothy Beaumont and Ross himself. "It's nice to be rewarded for the efforts you put into scout- ing," Ross said. "It's nice to award the volunteers." In order to receive a medal, someone has to do a 'write-up' explaining why the nominee is worthy of such an honour. De- lia's write-up was done by Diane Blaylock, an Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Troup in Pine Ridge District. Once completed, the write-up was sent to the National Hon- ours and Awards committee for consideration. Receiving a medal isn't like earning a badge. "There's no specific task that has to be ac- complished," Delia explained. More than anything, medal holders are dedicated volun- teers to devote themselves to the betterment of scouting. Delia is now an Assistant Dis- trict Commissioner for the Bea- ver Colony in Pine Ridge Dis- trict, overseeing 11 colonies from as far away as Goodwood in the west and Cartwright in the east. She is also a member of the Service Team and a Girl Guide leader. Being a Colony Scouter is a "very big" job. "It requires con- stantly being in touch with peo- ple, coaching them, helping them. Whenever they call, I go, or a member of my team goes." Delia has been involved in scouting most of her life, start- ing out as a Brownie and a Girl Guide, then a Ranger. As an adult, "I started down in the Greater Toronto Area, helping start 10th Bendale", a Beaver colony. All this, and at the time, she had no children involved. "I do scouting for me," she said firmly. "I believe in what it stands for, its morals and its values." It was through Beavers that she met Ross, also a lifelong participant in scouting. "It's something we strongly believe in," he said, "what it does for our youth, and how it prepares them for the future." When they married and moved to Scugog, Delia became involved with the local scouting movement. Since then, she has Willicom Sandiford Strategies for Small Enterprises | Business Concepts & Solutions » Computerized Accounting set-up » Electronic Countermeasures * Local Area Networks (LAN'S) Software and Hardware * Training and Support (905) 985-1877 Agriculture - Commercial Industrial and Retail initiated many new ideas, in- cluding Winter Fun Day for the Beavers. "She has also put a lot of effort into a training program called Sharing Program," Ross said. "She's very dedicated to the pro- gram. She does the job well and tries to bring the leaders to- gether to make it as much fun for the leaders as the youth." There is always a need for adults to volunteer their time to scouting. Without encourag- ment and training, Ross said, "we'll lose the leaders. If you don't have leaders, you don't have anything for the kids." Delia's involvement takes countless hours, usually every spare minute she has in a week. "My family comes first," she said, "but sometimes it's diffi- cult" to juggle the needs of her family with the demands of scouting. She has no time for a 'paid' job outside the home. "I got 'paid' Thursday night," she said, referring to the medal. Delia and Ross agree scouting is a reward in itself. They are constantly meeting new people, and as Delia says, "Scouting holds the best people in the world." They appreciate the values taught by scouting: Honesty. Being trustworthy. Doing the best job you can. Plus a spiritu- al awareness Ross says is un- like religious awareness. Perhaps more than anything, scouting creates good memo- ries that last a lifetime. "It seems a lot of people re- member their scouting years," Ross said. "They come up to me sometimes and say, 1 remem- ber you, we were in scouting to- gether!' I think that's why they get their own kids involved." The proof of the Taylors' own " devotion to scouting is in their willingness to attend the 20th anniversary celebration of Bea- versin Canada: a sleepover this weekend at SkyDome for 10,000 Beavers. That's ten- thousand boys between the ages of five and seven, all under one roof. There are those who would look at such an event as some- thing to flee from, at top speed, 'screaming. Not Delia. "I look at it as a once-in-a- lifetime thing to do." AUTO ELECTRIC REBUILDERS/INSTALLERS BENEFIT FROM 16 YEARS EXPERIENCE Precision ~ Auto Electric & General Repair Alternators e Starters * Air Conditioning Rebuilt on the Premises Using All New Parts 80 Van Edward Dr., Full Warranty - Class "A" Mechanic Port Perry - 985-8406 RRs S---------- PORT PERRY auto glass & trim wi. 139 Water Street & 6 High Street, Port Perry -- . 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