Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 15 Nov 1994, p. 23

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"A Family Tradition for 128 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, November 15, 1994 - B3 Bazaar Nov. 17 Mabel (OF: 11" (= ¢ ott November is halfover and be- fore long the Christmas rush will be upon us. UCW Meetin Yvonne Priebe of Casares was the hostess for the Novem- ber meeting. Karen Yellowlees welcomed nine members and opened the meeting. The main topic of business was catering for the Cartwright High School Commencement dinner. Kay Notman gave the finan- cial statement which included a sizeable donation to the Church to help defray the electrical ex- penses. A card was signed for Marg France, in hospital. Gwen Malcolm conducted the devo- tional focusing on women of the Bible. Some humorous readings and prayer closed this portion of the meeting. Ina Davis gave out patterns to members for crocheted snow- flakes. Refreshments were en- Joyed and a social time conclud- ed the meeting. Nestleton United Church The morning service on Sun- day, Nov. 13 at 11:15 a.m. at Nestleton United was well at- tended. Greeting at the door were Ken and Barb Weir. Rev. David Shearman gave excellent thoughts on his ser- mon topic "The Church of the Future - New Birth", with Ken Weir the Scripture reader from I Samuel 1:4-20 and the respon- sivereading I Samuel 2:1-10. The Sunday School, with Kate Mairs at the piano, sang "Peace" and the choir trio sang Beyond a Dream" with Karen Yellowlee at the piano. The beautiful Sacrament of Baptism was solemnized at the service with Rev. David Shear- man officiating. Presented for baptism was Bailey Marie Ja- mieson, daughter of Julia and Lloyd Jamieson. We welcome this child into the family of God and ask God's blessing upon her and her family! Offering received by Arthur and Ken Weir. Service closed with hymn "O Lord, Thou Art My God". Benediction and Go No In Peace followed by Three- fold Amen. NOTICE Keep in mind the Court Lady Snowbirds Bazaar this Thurs- day, Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. at Nestle- ton Community Centre. Hope for good weather and a fine at- tendance. Joyce Kelly will open the bazaar, and the Good Time Cloggers will entertain. Draws on a TV, china doll and glass turkey. A great evening for young and older folk with tables groaning with goodies - items for sale, etc. - and finally topped off with a tasty lunch and a good cup of tea! Booster Card A Booster Card project is be- ing initiated at Cartwright High School, Blackstock. It is to encourage retired members of our community to attend school functions. The "Booster Card" grants free admission to the school's Christmas concerts, Band nights, Drama nights, and other similar events which run at the school throughout the year. On Nov. 23, 24, CHS is pre- senting three one-act plays at the Rec. Centre, Blackstock at 7 p.m. If you know of anyone who should receive a card, please drop by the school and pick one up, or call Leo Plue, the princi- pal, at 986-4241. Vocal recital is tonight The Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association will be sponsoring a vocal recital given by Christine Howlett, winner of last year's Provincial Young Artist Competitions. She is currently touring Ontario and will be performing in Oshawa on Tuesday, Nov. 15. She will be singing works by Purcell, Scarlatti, Pergolesi, Mo- zart, Faure, Wolf and Walton. The concert will take place at the Arts Resource Center at 7:30 p.m. Tickets available from ORMTA members or at the door. Adults $5, students and seniors $3. NEST, TH «TOWN HALL 1873 ry 4 Queen & Simcoe Streets, Port Perry presents THE CATHERINE WILSON TRIO An evening of traditional Christmas Classics SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1994 at 8:00 P.M. Tickets $20. Available at the door or at Irwin Smith Music 2nd of 4 CONCERTS ee ---------- DJ TAYLOR INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 169 North St., Port Perry L9L1B7 Guaranteed Investment Certificates (Rates Subject to Change without Notice) G.I.C. FIVE YEAR 8.3% 2) ERR LE CONSEIL SCOLAIRE DE DURHA SES RA ELECTION DU COMITE CONSULTATIF DE LANGUE FRANCAISE LE COMITE CONSULTATIF DE LANGUE FRANCAISE EST A LA RECHER- CHE DE CANDIDAT(E)S A 'ECOUTE DES BESOINS DES ELEVES DE NOS ECOLES. Les élections du Comité consultatif de langue frangaise (CCLF) du Conseil scolaire de Durham se tiendront le 30 novembre 1994 2 19 h 30 au Conseil scolaire de Durham, 400, rue Taunton est, Whitby (Ontario). Ce nouveau CCLF aura un mandat de trois ans. Tout(e) contribuable d'expression frangaise éligible a le droit de se présenter comme candidat(e) pour le CCLF. "Est contribuable d'expression frangaise éligible toute personne contribuable des écoles publiques qui posséde les qualités suivantes: i. a dix-huit (18) ans révolus; ii. est citoyen(ne) canadien(ne); iii. réside dans la région desservie par le Conseil scolaire de Durham; iv. peut se prévaloir des droits conférés en vertu de l'article 23 (1) ou (2)* de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés; v. est contribuable des écoles publiques. * L'Article 23 (1) ou (2) identifie, pour la définition qui nous intéresse, les citoyens(nes) canadiens(nes) (a) dont la premiere langue apprise et encore comprise est le frangais; (b) ceux(celles) qui ont regu leur instruction au niveau primaire en frangais; (c) ceux(celles) dont un enfant a regu ou regoit son instruction en frangais, au niveau primaire ou secondaire. Si vous désirez vous présenter A ces élections, vous &tes priés(es) de signaler, PAR ECRIT, votre intention 2 cet effet au plus tard le 22 novembre 1994, A Casey Daleman, Surintendant de I'éducation\études en langue frangaise, 400, rue Taunton est, Whitby (Ontario) LIN 5R5. Vous pouvez obtenir des renseignements a I'égard du CCLF au 666-5500, poste 5596. Durant la semaine du 28 novembre, le Conseil scolaire de Durham publiera dans les journaux et dans les écoles de Durham une liste des noms de ceux(celles) qui auront soumis leur candidature avant le 22 novembre 1994. N.B. IL. EST TOUTEFOIS POSSIBLE DE POSER SA CANDIDATURE LE SOIR MEME DES ELECTIONS 25 KINSMEN ART AUCTION or Pe 2 Proceeds to Uxbridge Cottage Hospital A fine collection of over 160 limited edition prints and collectibles by Canadian and International Artists including original watercolours, serigraphs, etching oils. SUNDAY, NOV. 20, 1994 Preview: 12:00 noon - Auction: 1:30 p.m. Complimentary Admission Uxbridge Music Hall Main Street South, Uxbridge Complimentary Wine & Cheese All proceeds to support Uxbridge Cottage Hospital Payment by cash or cheque, visa or mastercard For information call Paul siddall 852-5446 for the whole family | We provide our patients: : ¢ State-of-the-Art Care ¢ Comfortable atmosphere ® Relaxation techniques ® Nitrous Oxide (gas) ® Cosmetic Bonding ® Emergencies welcomed ® Insurance assignment (we collect from insurance companies) 56 DR. A. CHIA DR. J. COTTRELL DR. M. GARFAT DR. J. HARDY DR. T. KING (Orthodontist) CAN New patients always welcome! PORT PERRY DENTAL CENTRE 238 QUEEN ST. - PORT PERRY 985-8451 Evening & Saturday appointments available THE DURHAM BOARD OF EDUCATION EE ELECTION OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE THE FRENCH LANGUAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (FLAC) IS SEEKING CANDIDATES WHO ARE SENSITIVE TO THE NEEDS OF THE STUDENTS IN OUR SCHOOLS. The elections for the French Language Advisory Committee (FLAC) of the Durham Board of Education will be held on November 30, 1994 at 7:30 p.m. at the Durham Board of Education, 400 Taunton Road East, Whitby, Ontario. The term of the new FLAC will be three years. Any eligible French-speaking public school ratepayer has the right to offer himself\herself as a candidate for the FLAC. An eligible French-speaking public school ratepayer is a person who satisfies the following requirements: i. is eighteen (18) year$ of age or more; ii. is a Canadian citizen; iii. is a resident of the jurisdiction of the Durham Board of Education; iv. has the right under subsection 23 (1) or (2)* of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to have his or her children receive their primary and secondary school instruction in the French language in Ontario; v. is a public school supporter. * The relevant provisions of subsection 23 (1) or (2) of the Charter identify the following categories: Citizens of Canada (a) (b) whose first language learned and still understood is French; who have received their primary school instruction in Canada in French; of whom any child has received or is receiving primary or secondary school instruction in a French language school or unit in Canada. (c) If you propose to run in these elections, you are invited to indicate your intent IN WRITING no later than November 22, 1994, to Casey Daleman, Superintendent of Education\French Language, 400 Taunton Road East, Whitby, Ontario, LIN 5RS5. For information: 666-5500, ext. 5596. During the week of November 28, 1994, the Durham Board of Education will publish in Durham schools and newspapers a list of all candidates who submit their names by November 22, 1994. N.B. IT IS ALSO POSSIBLE TO SUBMIT YOUR CANDIDACY ON THE EVENING OF THE ELECTIONS.

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