} i i } PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, Sept. 27,1994 - 17a WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 SALE TIME: 4:45PM. Auction sale of furniture and antiques for a Claremont home sell ing at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., corner of Hwy. 47 and 12. TO INCLUDE: 2 solid mahogany bookcases, oak buffet, 8 ft. harvest table with 2 drawers, 10 chairs, Postmaster desk, Mission oak anmm- chairs, loveseat, desk, Filter Queen vacuum, Purple Martin birdhouse, air conditioner, color TV, aligator purse, shelf units, Susie Cooper pcs., Wedgewood, silver overlay, Moorcroft dinnerware, Wades Steins, Ainsley dishes, painted trays, linen, 1930s Women's Home magazines, plus many other items. Also Royal Doulton, ant. bed, oil lamps, patio furniture. Sale man- aged and sold by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. - 985-1068. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 SALE TIME: 10 AM. Large auction sale at 2198 Taunton Rd., 2 miles east of Cour- tice Rd. 30 x 60 circus tent, antiques, '49 Wurlitzer Jukebox, pin- ball, '49 Dodge convertible, '48 Olds 2 door, 66 Corvair sports coupe, '64 Chev. 2 door, '76 450 SL Merc Benz convertible, '75 Centurion 28 ft. Chev. motorhome, air and gen. only 40,000 miles, '82 Kawasaki 750 twin, farm equipment, two Ford 9N tractors, 35 Massey diesel, bush hog, '83 and '81 Chev. ramp trucks, 79 Dodge cube van, '80 Ford 1/2 ton, '87 Camaro T-tops,'87 Firebird, car trailer, hwy. trailer (storage), two utility trailers, Jeep, golf cart, Snap- On tool box, Iroc tires and wheels, hand tools, etc. Household: bed- room suite, stove, fridge, kitchen suite, VCR's, sofa, chairs, guitar, mixer, canoe, two riding lawnmow- ers, several bicycles, 10 speed, ski boots, chain saw, cedar lawn fumi- ture, windows and doors, barbecue, plus many misc. items. Office equip- ment: desks, files, typewriter, photo- copier, 35 stacking chairs, etc. Don't miss this large auction and yard sale. Something for everyone. MONDAY, OCTOBER 10 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale of antiques and col- lectables for MRS. MILDRED DEARBORN and the estate of EUGENE DEARBORN selling at the property in Greenbank. Take Hwy. 12 to the four corners of Greenbank then just east on Cragg Rd. TO INCLUDE: FURNITURE: Large oak sideboard, ant. dough box, 1 pc. pine flatback cupboard (8 panes), brass and iron bed (ex.), 8 hoopback chairs. oak china cabinet, oak sewing machine cabinet, par- lour tables, pegged dresser with mirror, bowfront washstand, iron bed, matching dresser and wash- stand, pine blanket box, drop front desk, pressback highchair, drop leaf table, jam cupboard, map chest, humpback trunk, ant. dome top trunk (Dovetailed), flatback top, 2 drawer pine table, oak buffet, medicine cabinet, small Harvest table, 6 walnut chairs. APPLI- ANCES: Kenmore fridge and stove (almond), Viking fridge, wringer washer and dryer, GE freezer, RCA color TV, bed chesterfield. COL- LECTABLES: Ant. wooden wash- ing machine, Huris Orillia milk bottle, old radios, cameras, Round Roger's gramophone, 1877 Ont. County map book, records, buttons, 1942 Lome McCoy calendar, handmade bedspread, hat boxes, pencil box, commode, bells, flat irons, kettles, stoneware creamer, partial toilet sets, oil lamps, lantems, Massey 44 toy tractor, picture frames, books, milk cans, wood clamps, crocks, tub stand, immac. ant. carpenters box, cast implement seat, scales, skuttle, milk sleigh, 40 pcs. of Copeland Spode cowslip dishes. HORSE RELATED ITEMS: Md aughlin cut- ter (was R.S. McLaughlin's persor- cutter the year it was new), double seater Democrat (Henry), cutter, wipple trees, horse collars. MISC. ITEMS: 1/2 HP. Massey Harris engine (running) cream separator, 5 HP rototiller, lawnmower, wrought iron railing, fanning mill, fibreglass canoe, Bobsled, wooden casting pattems, single plow, rotary potato digger, air compressor, large quanti- ty of antique tools, plus many other items. NOTE: Mr. and Mrs. Dear- born have been lifetime residents of this area. Sinoe moving off the farm in 1962, the antiques have been stored in a shed. The shed is packed and thus this is only a partial list. Owner and Auctioneer are not responsible for any accident, injuries, or loss incurred on day of sale. Lunch available. Sale man- aged and sold by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. - 905-985-1068. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 SALE TIME: 10:00 AM. Large auction sale of antiques, fur- niture, car, travel trailer, guns, canoe, Motocross bike, tools, china, dishes, collectables, sportscards, Ltd. Edition pictures, appliances, Findlay oval cookstove and more to be held at the MABEE AUCTION CENTRE on Hwy. 35, 1 mile north of Rosedale or 7 kms. south of Coboconk. Note: Partial list only. FEAUTRING: Contents of 2 full homes. Ant. Findlay oval cookstove c/w warming oven and reservoir, ant. Kitchen table, pariour table, ant. nak wall telephone, ant. water jug, old painting, 5' Harvest table, old books, ant. pine dresser, ant. Texa- co toy halmelt, ant. brass bed, ant. lamp, jewellery, coins, medallions, ant. collectable musical Jack-in-the- Box, Hiboy dresser, china, dishes, Gobel, crystal, Japanese coffee set, pine baby cradle, leaded lamp, set of 45 Beatle records, iron bank, 4 pc. bedroom suite, 2 chrome sets, dehumidifier and humidifier, air con- ditioner, freezer, H.D. washer and dryer, microwave oven, propane barbecue, bedchesterfield, sewing table, recliner, coffee and end tables, lamps, number of guns, pine gun cabinet, 22 repeater, 22 Mag- num c/w Bushnell 4x12 scope, 30/30 lever action Winchester (Golden Spike), model 66 nylon Remington 22, semi-double barrell side-by-side 12 gauge walnut stock, Ithaca pump shotgun, 45 Musket Hexagon barrell and others, hunting knives, 14' canoe, Skidoo helmets and suits, hand and garden tools, Nikon 35 mm camera, weight set, 1978 Suzuki 175 Motocross dirt bike, 29' Citation travel trailer in good condition c/w electric wynch, roof, air and many extras, other vehicles, number of Ltd. Edition pic- tures, Wildlife and Country, signed and numbered, sports prints, ball and hockey cards, new well pumps, dining tent, walking plow and more. DONT MISS IT. 2 very tidy offer- ings. No reserve. Terms - cash. Call CALVIN MABEE AUCTIONS, Lindsay 705-374-4800 or Rosedale 705-454-2841. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 SALE TIME: NOON Auction sale at WILSON'S SALES ARENA, Uxbridge, Ont. Selling 45 lots of Angus cattle. Sale consisting of cows and calves. Bred and open heifers. A number of calves suitable for 4-H work. Sale sponsored by Eastem Ontario Angus Association. For information and catalogues, please contact Sale Manager and Auctioneer - ROSS BAILEY - 905 985-0697. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale of farm machinery, fur- niture and antiques and real estate - 165 acre farm. The property of the late DONALD RUTHERFORD, Lot 11, Conc. 8, Fenelon Twsp., 10 miles north of Lindsay on Hwy 35 N. to Cameron - take Long Beach Road 2 miles east, turn north 2 miles (watch for signs). John Deere 920 diesel tractor, 1100 hrs., 3 pt. Int 2 furrow plough, 3 pt. 7 blade tiller, 3 pt Int. Vibra-shank 8' cult- vator, 3 pt. John Deere 14T baler. John Deere side rake. John Deere manure spreader - ground drive. Martin wagon with rack, 8'x16', wire gates, 3 pt. bale forks, some lum- ber, antique wagon and wagon box. 1985 Dodge Caravan, 4 cyl. auto. 1975 Dodge Club Cab, 318, V8, certified. Many other items. Brock cookstove, Findlay Condor cook- stove. Viking freezer, Frigidaire 30" H.D. stove, Tappan 20" H.D. stove. G.E. refrigerator, chesterfield, reclin- er, 2 section chesterfield with chair, iron beds, 2 antique dressers, chest of drawers, pine quilt box, trunk, dishes, small tables, chairs, coal oil lamp, many other antique articles. Real Estate: Approx. 165 acres (more or less), 90 workable, 70 pas- ture, 5 hardwood bush. Large bam, driving shed, 2 storey insulated brick house - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen, dining room, dosed-in sun- porch, east end of farm overlooks scenic Sturgeon Lake. Terms on farm - $10,000 down day of sale - remainder of half in 30 days. Ven- dor will take back mortgage on other half for 1 year at 7 per cent. Immediate land possession. Will be offered for sale at 2:30 p.m. Terms «cash - no reserve. Furniture and antiques at 11 a.m. followed by machinery. Famm will be offered for sale at 2:30 p.m. subject to realistic reserve bid. Sale managed and sold by CARL HICKSON AUC- TIONS, Reaboro, Ont., 705-324- 9959, mobile 749-7084. For inspec tion of property call Steven Reeds 705-799-0382. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. VIEWING: 10:00 AM. MACGREGOR AND WEST auction sale at AGRICULTURE BUILDING, Orono Fairgrounds. Take Main St, Orono and follow signs. This Sun- days auction features a quality and varied offering of articles from the past to the present with a large por- tion of the items from an older Blackstock home. Partial list includes old buffet, misc. dressers and chests of drawers, chairs and rockers, entertainment centre, misc. tables (kitchen, parlour, dropleaf, elc.), Limited Edition, Decorative and original artwork, old books, magazines (hard cover, 1950s Pop- ular Mechanics, catalogues, 1926 Eatons, etc.), plus a selection of older furniture and collectables still to be unpacked, Commodore com- puter (games, discs, etc.), garden tractor - 14 HP., 2 older snowmo- biles, chain saw, table saw, tele- scope, misc. garden tools, etc., old floor model radio, childs toys (iron and board, sewing machine, Tonka and toy trucks, etc.). This is a large sale with many treasures still to be uncovered. Something for every- one. (Plan on attending our Thanksgiving Holiday Auction next Sunday, October 9, 11 am). Call for all your auction needs. MAC- GREGOR AND WEST AUCTIONS, Mike MacGregor 905-987-5402, Junior West 905-983-5556. FY THURSDAY, SEPEMBER 29 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. BRAND NEW MENS WEAR INVENTORY at ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER - LINDSAY. Under instructions from a secured creditor we will sell the complete inventory of H.R. WICKS MENS WEAR, Lindsay. Consisting of: Suits, coats, slacks, dress shirts, dress pants, sportshirts, sweaters, underwear, ties, shorts, belts, knits, casual pants, chrome racks, cash register, manequins. Approx. $16,000 retail value. Don't miss this opportunity to buy name brand clothing at auction prices. No reserve. Preview all day. Sale 6 p.m. sharp. Also selling furniture, appliances, gold fridge and range, 24" white range, beautiful Gibbard 4 pc. modern walnut bedroom ste., modem 3 pc. bedroom ste., chrome ste., dressers and chests, White free arm blue jeans sewing machine, account books, column paper, office supplies, electric organ, lamps, bathroom vanity, Moulinex, electric typewriter, Colo- nial chesterfield and chair, shelf unit, cameras, books, qty. hand and power tools, floor jack, 1/4 ton block and tackle, hitches, outboard motor, auto repair manuals. Much more. Partial list. Terms: Cash or good cheque with I.D. ORVAL AND BARRY MCLEAN, Auctioneers, 705-324-2783 Lindsay, 705-745- 5007 Peterborough. Call 1-800- 461-6499 fo list your sale. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Exceptional quality household con- tents out of large home in Unionville. Owners moving out of country. Sale to be held at WIL- SON'S SALES ARENA, Uxbridge, 2 miles north on Main St. at Davis Dr. Quality furniture, household items, Lawnboy lawnmower. See next week's paper for full listing. STEVE SHELTON AUCTIONS, R.R. #1, Brechin, Ontario (705)426- 9351. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. MACMILLAN AUCTION CENTRE, 6 kms. east of Argyle (Hwy. 46). FEATURES ANTIQUES: Oak din- ing table, hall bench w/mirror, wash- stand, Eastlake armchair, wooden phone, wicker chair/rocker, poker table, watches, glass/china, fridge, stove, freezer, large asst. ceramic greenware moulds/bisque, plus MUCH MORE. Phone/Fax (705)374-5511. § KAWARTHA BLONDE BREEDERS ath Annual Blonde d'Aquitaine Production Sale Saturday, October 1st, 7:00 p.m. Morrow Building, Exhibition Grounds, Peterborough Offering some of the finest fullblood purebred and percentage Blonde cattle including polled fullblood genetics. Pre-sale supper at 5:00 p.m. « Cattle available for viewing from Friday night. For more information or catalogue call Martin Feaver (905) 655-8846 phar] TAM <n Swing A Deal! +i Port Perry Star & Scugog Shores News Classifieds a 4 are the best way 10 buy & sell around town! Port Perry & Prince Albert UNITED CHURCHES UNITED CHURCH MYRTLE "BAHA'I FAITH Minister: Rev. Robert J. Le Page SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2 Port Perry - 10 a.m. Morning Worship Prince Albert - 11:30 a.m. Morning Worship Combined Sunday School for both churches - 10 a.m. in Port Perry United Church Nursery Care MINISTER - REV. GLEN EAGLE Service - 9:45 a.m. Sunday School Always Available 2] W.Yol Ch [ole] 4 [SY AR [0], UNITED CHURCH REV. DAVID SHEARMAN B.A., M. Div. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2 Sacrament of Holy Communion 10 a.m. - Backstock 11:15 - North Nestleton Nursery During Worship GREENBANK PASTORAL CHARGE Pastor, Rev. David Shepherd SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2 Worldwide Communion Seagrave: 9:30 a.m. Greenbank: 11 a.m. Pinedale: 12:30 p.m. "Prayer for Results" 7:30 p.m. Greenbank United Church Tuesday, Oct, 4, 11, 18, 25, Nov. 1, 8. THE NEW y.o{oly fe Wiogei, [V]2{0, 180 Mary St., 2nd Floor YOUR LOCAL FAMILY CHURCH - REGULAR SERVICES - Sunday 10:30 a.m. & 5 p.m. Wednesday 8 p.m. For further information call 985-2794 "A Hearty Welcome To All" o1,]8]2101, Nol Helos) ' (7TH DAY) 10 Mary St. S., Oshawa, Ont. L1H 8M3 (905) 432-3091 When should we remember the Lord's Death? For the Bible's answer to this question write the Church of God (7th Day) or call 432-3091 and ask for Lord's Supper, The only Sign of Chnist the Messiah. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH 2210 Hwy. 7A - 985-8681 DAVID S. DANIELS, PASTOR 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship & Jr. Church 5:45 p.m. Prayer Fellowship 6:30 p.m. Worship Service TUESDAY 9:45 am. Between Friends (Women's Ministry) WEDNESDAY - 7 am. Men's Prayer Time 7-830 p.m. AWANA Boys & Glrls Clubs Opening & Registration THURSDAY -7 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Sidewalk Youth - 7.30 pm FRIDAY - 730 pm Jr. & Sr. Youth Call for information A warm welcome to all Nursery Available Wheelchair accessible Baha'i Information Meetings Every Sunday 8 - 10 p.m. 1667 King St., Prince Albert All Welcome. More information call 985-9339 or 985-4582 NESTLETON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Wm. Fairley - Minister 11am. Sunday School Provided All Welcome! VET EE CI RST Te oT MES ET To UNITED CHURCHES Minister Elaine Barber 985-4094 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2 World-Wide Communion Scugog Island 9:45 a.m. Manchester 11:15 a.m. Guest Minister: Rev. John Brown Sunday School and Nursery Care Provided COLUMBUS COMMUNITY UNITED CHURCH A Community Church For All Rev. Jack Griffen B.A., M.Div. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2 Service - 10 a.m. Morning Worship & Sunday School "So You Don't Go To Church" "Worldwide Communion" Nursery care always available ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. D.A. (Sandy) Beaton SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2 10 a.m. Service Sunday School Nursery Care Available During Worship For further information call 985-3881 or 985-4746 All are warmly welcome » | |