Livestock For Rent WASHER & GAS DRYER fridge and stove, contemporary oak dining room set, 4 chairs, table with leaf and hutch, immaculate condition. Call 985-0790. WANTED: CRIPPLED, INJURED and down cows. Highest prices paid at the farm. Emie Cochrane Livestock. 905-983-5566, mobile 905-434-9285, Lic. #1127. 1957 CHEV. BELAIR, 4 door sedan, complete, running, 6 cyl., 2 extra front fenders - $1,700; 1941 Buick Coupe Straight Eight, engine runs, restorable - $1,500. Call 905- 986-0719 after 6 p.m. 1964 CHEVELLE 327, new paint, clutch, rad., etc. $5, 500 or b.o., must sell. 985-3290 Rob. 1981 CADILLAC SEDAN DEV- ULE, Colorado car, 65,000 miles, sunroof, loaded, excellent condition, $2,000 as is. Call 905-986-0719 after 6 p.m. 1985 DODGE AIRES, $1,350 or best offer - call 985-1849, will certify. 1988 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE SSE, loaded, excellent condition, only 69,021 kms., selling certified, $9,995 firm. Call 985-3482. 1988 PONTIAC GRAND AM, 2 door, certified, 4 cylinder, 2.5 L. automatic, P. B., air conditioning, good stereo with tape deck, runs good and is a nice car, $3, 000 firm - 905-985-0633. 1989 NISSAN MAXIMA, loaded, very good condition, $4,500 - call John 985-8057. WYCHEWOODE PARKE STA- BLES - 12 x 14 box stalls available for boarding. Indoor arena is mir- rored and brightly lit. Wash stall has heat lamps. We are very good with stallions. Turnout is 3 to 4 hours either individually or semi-individual- ly. Individual feed (of course)! And hay will be pre-soaked if required. $300 a menth. **We specialize in training difficult horses and their rid- ers in the hunter-jumper disciplines. Trailering available. R.R. 1 (Victoria 16), Little Britain, KOM 2C0. Please call 1-705-786-1406. FREE TO LOVING HOME. 4 year old Lab/Husky mix, good tempera- ment, good companion, loves com- pany, generally quiet but good guard dog, 45 pounds, good health, spayed, only occasional exposure to children. Call Alice or Brian at (905)831-4717 or (905)420-7057. NEUTERED 2 YR. OLD male Siberian Husky free to good home - 985-7790 or 655-4444 (work). POT BELLY/YUCATAN miniature piglets for sale, 4 weeks old. The unusual house pet - 985-8809. 1889 PONTIAC SUNBIRD, 2 door, white with blue interior, 5 speed, 4 cyl., Kenwood pullout, nose bra and alarm, 175,000 kms., $3,000. Call Pave 705-357-2160. 1990 PLYMOUTH VOYAGEUR LE, V6, 7 passenger, loaded with extras, white with woodgrain, 164,000 kms. used vehicle informa- tion package on hand. Uncertified - $9,500 or B/O. 985-0049 Albert. 1990 VOLVO 240 DL, stationwag- . on, 5 speed, excellent condition, $7,500 - 986-0963. 1991 PONTIAC TEMPEST, 4 door, auto, PS/PB, 92,000 kms. - 985- 9020. 1981 DATSUN 4x4, runs ; good, body needs work, $600 0.B.0,; also fibreglass truck cap, exc. cond- tion, $250 O.B.O. 1-905-983-6471. 1886 FORD 1/2 TON, $4,000. Call 985-3444. 1988 INDY TRAIL, new front and rear suspension, new seat, with cover, $2,900 O.B.O. - 985-4897. SKIDOO - not in working order, body and parts, $200 O.B.O. Call 986-0257. 14' FIBREGLASS RUNABOUT, 45 HP. Chrysler motor, good condition, $875 O.B.O. - 905-985-8250. 1970 14 1/22 GREW BOAT 55 h.p. Johnson, trailer, extras, one owner, excellent, perfect for family $3200 obo. 416-757-4334. 1981 THUNDERCRAFT, 17 FT., 140 Merc. VO, deep-V, closed deck, full convertible top, tonneau, spare prop, dual batteries, excellent condi- tion, asking $5,500 O.B.O. - Ken 905-985-8575 22' CRESTLINER, 230 I/O, only 375 hours, stove, ice box, head, very well maintained, $12,900 - 985-1585 evenings. SOUTHERN SHOW TRUCK 1964 pickup, short box, (black), cus- cab, 292 V/8, 3 speed, $8,500 or b.o. 985-2050. TRUCK CAPS, box liners, running boards, sales & installation, Van & Truck World 579-6868. JACKS S AUTO F PARTS - cars, trucks including 4x4's for recycling. Top prices paid. Will pick up. Call 985-8160. OLDER MODEL SNOWMOBILE, any condition, reasonable - 1-905- 983-6471. 45 HEAD OF Polled Herofords sell on Thanksgiving Monday, October & at 1 p.m. at ELZEVIR FARMS, Flinton, Ont., from Elzevir, Grant Elmhirst and Robert Adams - 705- 295-6960. M&M LIVESTOCK - wanted crip- pled and unwanted livestock, high- est price paid. We also buy old horses. 905-852-3238 and 705-878- 5463 collect. REGISTERED QUARTER 'HORSE, mare, 15.2 hands high, well broke, quiet; also fibreglass WANTED: 1 SET left-handed used mens golf clubs. Good condition - 985-9385 (days). For Rent 1 AND 2 BEDROOM condos for rent, some with lake view, 5 appli ances, $800 - $950 - Sutton. Group Lifestyle, ask for Cheryl 985-1695. 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, Blackstock, clean and quiet - 986- 5197. 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, fridge and stove included. 985-8507 or after 6 p.m. - 985-8786. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, bright, new, fridge and stove includ ed. Available September 1. Call 985-8786 or 985-8507 . 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, downtown Port Perry, fridge, stove, heat, water included. $667/month. Phone 985-7651 after 6 p.m. 2 YEAR OLD house, 3 plus 1 bed rooms, 1 1/2 baths, double car garage, Little Britain area, $850 per month plus utilities. Phone Rod 985-9918 after 8 p.m. 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Port Perry; also one bedroom apartment in Port Perry. 705-357-3911. SUNDERLAND - LARGE 1 bed- room apartment with balcony. Fridge, stove, all utilities, $475/month, October 1 possession - 705-357-3382. EARN | EXTRA INCOME Homeworkers needed to make stylish beaded earrings, year round, at home. INFO. - Send a self- addressed stamped envelope to: ACCEX CRAFT, 829 Norwest Rd., Ste. 813, EXT. ¥132, Kingston, Ontario, K7P 2N3. BABYSITTER REQUIRED IN our home, Blackstock area, GM shift work. Call John or Charlene - 986- 0182. ATTRACTIVE 1 BEDROOM saelf- contained apartment near Simcoe and Taunton, North Oshawa. Avail able November 1. Only $525 mont- ly for mature single or $550 for cou- ple. 728-6868 or apply 117 Russett Ave. BROOKLIN - LARGE 1 bedroom. Fridge, stove, parking, soft water. Hydro extra. $575, first and last. 655-4544 or 655-8989. DAYCARE NEEDED FOR 2 chil dren, in my home in Birkton, 2 - 3 days/week. Call after 8:30 p.m. - 905-263-8741. PART-TIME RECEPTIONIST want ed to work 3-4 days per week. Must be friendly and outgoing. Hours are 9-5. Suitable for mature person seeking quiet, pleasant place to work. Send one page resume to Box 5077, Port Perry, Ont. LSL 1B7. COMMERCIAL/RETAIL/OFFICE, 760 sq. ft. prime Water Street loca- tion - evenings 1-416-264-4916. CONDO - WINTERHAVEN, FLORIDA, 30 minutes from Disney- land. Available October - May. Phone 986-0084. SALES CLERK WITH Bedford bookkeeping experience for retail and service operation, able to lift heavy weights. Call Youngs Water Systems 655-4544. STUDENT TO DO yard work after school for $8/hour - 985-2592. COUNTRY LIVING WITH fireplace, suit 1 person, first and last, $525 - 985-9029. DON'T BE LEFT OUT IN THE COLD! Inside winter storage for cars, boats, etc. $75/month. Limit- ed space. Book early - 985-2191. HALL FOR RENT Scugog Island First Nation Hall available for dances, receptions and meetings. Kitchen and bar. Call 985-3337, ask for Tracy. HOUSE - 3 BEDROOMS, 2 baths, screened porch. Lovely setting in the country, $950/month plus utili- ties, references, 985-2444 weekday evenings. KINSMEN HALL - Available for dances, meetings, receptions. Kitchen & bar. Plenty of parking. 985-3736. Vick esp - $75 0.B.O. - 705-953- F or Sal e | PORT PERRY 1 LANDSCAPING SUPPLIES TOPSOIL » TRIPLE MIX SAND « GRAVEL * LIMESTONE CEDAR MULCH « WHITE MARBLE * BRICK CHIPS b « INTERLOCKING STONE FLAGSTONE 985-7727 Pickup or delivery on any amount MASONIC HALL - available for dances, receptions, parties and meetings. Kitchen & bar. Call 985- 8912 or 985-8973 (leave message). NESTLETON - 3 BEDROOM house, $820/month, available Octo- ber 15. Phone after 6 p.m. - 985- 2355. PORT PERRY - 2 bedroom semi- detached bungalow, large kitchen, 50' x 198' treed lot, $840/month plus utilities, no pets, references, imme- diate possession - 905-985-7548. PRIME PORT PERRY LOCATION, store, approx. 850 sq. ft. in busy area. For information call 436-9949. PRINCE ALBERT - CLEAN, bright, 2 bedroom apartment, fridge, stove, blinds, parking, $640 plus hydro - Mrs. Evans - 655-8102. ROOM FOR RENT in large house, country setting, suitable for one per- son, non-smoker preferred. 985- 8643. For Rent SUPPLY TEACHER REQUIRES babysitter for 4 year old gil. Must be located within walking distance of R.H. Comish Public School. Call Lisa 705-786-3690 or 985-2250. WE NEED EXPERIENCED cro- cheters and hand sewers with cro- chet skills. Immediate start, full ime positions, 8 am. - 4 p.m. Please apply in person to Paula Lishman's Ltd., 14341 Old Scugog Road, Blackstock. Ask for Chris and bring samples of your work if possible. SETTLEMENT HOUSE SHOPS require mature part-time help. Retail experience required. Apply in writing to: Cathy Palladino, 183 Queen St., Port Perry, Ontario LOL 1B8 STORAGE Mini & Maxi Port Perry 143 Reach Ind. Park Rd. (905) 985-7622 Lindsay 50 Uniroyal Drive (705) 328-0061 ANTHONY RITTER "Home Improvements. 8 years experience. Kitchens and cabinets, bathrooms, decks, drywalling, custom furniture, ek. Free estimates - 985-9053. BRICK WORK, fireplace, chimney, etc. Licensed bricklayer, quality work, 15 years experience, refer- ences available. Phone Gerry 985 3584. DOWN-HOME country clean, trust- worthy A1 custom cleaning "for a cleaner house don't trust your spouse", excellent references - 985- 1614, HOUSE/OFFICE CLEANING at reasonable rates. Call 985-4438, leave message. NEED A HAND? Call Murray. Grass cutting, snowblowing, win- dow & eavestrough cleaning, gar- dening, hedge & tree trimmings, paper & painting, garage, attic, basement & yard clean-up & removal. Call 985-0069. PROFESSIONAL FARRIER SER- VICE - 985-9857. SCOTT PROPERTY SERVICES - Grass cutting, gardening, hedge and Fee trimmings, yard clean-ups, snowplowing, blowing, sanding/salt- ing - 985-2535, 435-3098. SCUGOG PROPERTY MAINTE- NANCE - Fall yard clean ups, grass cutting and trimming, odd jobs. Dave Ballingall 985-2834. LOVING, CARING PERSON offer- ing daycare in my home, clean envi- ronment, big backyard, home cooked lunches and snacks, rea- sonable rates - 985-8773. LOVING MOTHER of two, willing to care for your child. Meals and snacks provided. Reasonable rates. Call 986-5490. LOVING MOTHER WITH lots of T.L.C. to share. Any age is wel- come. I'm between Port Perry and Lindsay. Please call 905-986-1027. QUALIFIED CHILDCARE in my home, all meals and snacks indud- ed. Haltkoncus aaliatis, 985-1300. NOTICE To CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROSS LORNE DUFF, DECEASED All persons having claims against the estate of Ross Lome Duff, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 2nd day of September, 1994, must be filed with the undersigned personal represen- tatives on or before the 27th day of October, 1994, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the executors then shall have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 22nd day of Septem- ber, 1994. MICHAEL L. FOWLER & ASSOCIATES Barristers and Solicitors 175 North Street Port Perry, Ontario LoL 187 Solicitors for: Alma Marie Duff, Graham Ross Duff, Marilyn Gail Call, Executors. NEED EXTRA $$$ Work at home and eam $2/enve- lope. Send S ASE. to: L &B Enterprise, 762 Upper James St., Suite 236, Hamilton, Ontario, L9C 3A2. EXCELLENT BUSINESS OPPOR- TUNITY for health conscious entrepreneur. Excellent for second income or full time career. For com- plete information kit 1-800-565-2651 leave name, address, phone num- ber. Auctioneers NN EIL & BACON IN UCTIONS PO Box 220, Greenbank, ON LTD. LOC 1B0 (905) 985-1068 COLOR PHOTOCOPIES - CANON Laser Copier for color (and black and white) photocopies - now avail able at Port Pony Star, 188 Mary St. 985-7383. Quotation Sealed quotations will in the be received envelopes provided by the undersigned until 3:00 pm Local Time on the specified closing date. Quotation 94 - 99 Snowplowing 1994 - 1996 two year term at various schools Closing Date: Thursday October 13, 1994 Quotation documents will be available from the Purchasing Department. The Lowest or any Quotation not necessarily accepted. D.M. Homeniuk, C.P.P., CPPO Manager of Purchasing The Durham Board of Education 400 Taunton Road East R.R. #2 Whitby, Ontario LIN 5R5 Auction Sales SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 SALE TIME: 10 A.M. EXCEPTIONAL AUCTION SALE of Antiques, Collectables & Musi- cal Instruments for JON SMITH, Newmarket and a Private Col- lection from Uxbridge, to be held at Wilson's Sales Arena, Ux- bridge, 2 mi. north on Main St. at Davis Dr. ANT. & FURN.: Walnut 9 pc. dining rm. ste. (Queen Anne leg table, sidebrd., glass china cab., 6 chairs - cranberry satin seats, ex.), burled walnut bonnet chest, 9' tavern table, wardrobe with bev. mirror, burled walnut bedroom ste., oak sidebrd., wash- stands, ant. burled walnut tea wagon, Jacques & Hayes 3 pc. settee, parlor table - leather in- lay, ice box, ant. childs high chair - cradle & caboose - shoe fly rocker, bag cart scale, wood frame chesterfield & chair in tap- eslry, oak coffee & end tables, bonnet box, curio cab, wool wind- er, pressback rockers, shaker arm chair, Bannister back chairs (1 seagrass seat & 2 barley twist rails), butter churn, stained lead- ed glass window 7' 8"x2' 11" with oval top (church style, ex.), oak stained leaded glass cab., qty. carousel horses with poles (ex.), walnut Anchor Mills thread box, Dy-O-La Dye cab., church pew, 5' orante bird cages, gramophone, Gone With Wind lamp, plus more. COLLECTABLES: Black Horse Ale horse plaster, ant. postcards, period costumes, copper rooster weather vane, White Rose lins, Nar-Co motor oil tin, oil bottles, ox yoke, CNR lantern, 50s Commo- dore soda maker, butter bowl, milk bollles (Oshawa, Whilby, Bowmanville, Laurel, Foxtan, As- soc. Milk plus more), Flow Blue crocks (James Bums, Gould Brantford, J. Fisher N.Y, St. John Sunderland, Port Perry mer.), Geost Pierre crock jug, ironstone pitchers, quilts, ant. china & dishes, Limited Edition prints, complete "Life Call" emer. sys- lem. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: New Kawai KG-2E 510" OAK GRAND PIANO (Extraordinary), ant. sq. grand piano, upright pia- nos, Organs (Thomas "Para- mount" theatre, Thomas "Play- male" & Lowrey "Pageant"), gly Clarinets, trombones, qty. sax, trumpets, flutes, guitars, French horn, violin, snare drum, accordi- an, plus more. VAN: 1988 Dodge Ram 250, V8, roof racks, good body, (as is). NOTE: A magpnifi- cent offering of fine antiques, col- lectables & musical instruments. Viewing for this superb sale is Fri- day, Sept. 30 from 5-7 p.m. TERMS: cash, known cheque. Visa & M/C. GARY HILL AUCTIONS (Div. of 1081454 Ontario Inc) Gary & Nancy Hill, R.R. 1, Sunderland, Ont. LOC 1HO Sunderland 1-705-357-2185 Toll Free 1-800-654-4647 Cellular 1-416-518-6401 Fax 1-705-357-1333 i