Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 27 Sep 1994, p. 35

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For Sale For Sale For Sale CONGRATULATIONS to Ed and Rita Hall on their 50th Wedding Anniversary on Septem- ber 30, 1994. RESUMES/COVER LETTERS, basic computer lessons - W.P /1-2- 3. A &N Enterprises - 985-8590. If you see Glen Whalen on Wednesday September 28th wish him a Happy Soh ) Birthday Love Mike, Matt, Antonet ¢ Waich nd re tome be Ca E2 Private Home Day Care 005)433-0558 Care provided for 6 weeks & older MARTIN, Nathan and Mary E Ellen (nee Brain) are thrilled to finally announce the safe arrival of their first child, Devin Nathan, born Wednesday, September 21, 1994 at 9:58 p.m., weighing 8 Ibs. 6 oz. Eleventh grandchild for Jack and Elva Brain of Prince Albert and third grandchild for Gord and Pauline Martin of Nestleton. A special play- mate for Max. A big thanks to Dr. Shepherd and staff of Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. THOMPSON, Tim and Rosa are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Abigail Evelyn Joy, on September 12, 1994, weighing 7 Ibs. 8 oz. First grandchild for John and Maria Fita of Cambridge, third granddaughter for Don Thompson of Port Perry. Thanks to all family and friends for their love and sup- port shown during visits. COMPANION FOR 34 YR. old male, who enjoys the simple life. Children welcome. Serious responses only to Box 16 c/o The Port Perry Star, 188 Mary St., Port Perry, Ontario, LIL 1B7. Romans 7: Vs. 3 So then, if while her husband liveth she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress. JESUS IN OSHAWA TORONTO-SCARBOROUGH Holiday Inn 7:30pm Every Saturday 1-705-953-8475 JIM CAMPBELL 14080 MARSH HILL ROAD, 9 am. - 4 p.m., 2nd house north of Utica store, Friday, September 30 and Saturday, October 1. Finally here! BECK: Kristen is excitied that her little baby sister, Megan Rita, finally arrived on Wed. Sept. 14, 1994 at 6:34 pm weighing 8 Ibs, 12 1/2 oz. Mom & Dad - Karen & Chris are thrilled! Special thanks to Dr. Gilmour and all the excellent nursing staff at the New Life Centre at the Port Perry Hospital. GUARDIAN DRUGS will be open every Sunday starting October 2, 1994. MUS|G, FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, openings for 3 and 4 year olds. Call Laural Griffen - 985-3946. R.H. Cornish Gymnastics Club Registration Wed. Oct. 5th 1994 at R.H. Comish Intermediate Gym (use back parking lot) 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Programme runs 15 weeks Wednesday Nights Junior Gym 6:30 to 7:30 pm Senior Gym 7:30 to 8:30 pm. Open to Elementary School children K to 8 For information call: Mr. C. Roane 985-3180 437 BIGELOW ST., Saturday, October 1, 10am. -4 p.m. HUGE MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE. Antiques, dishes, linens, kitchen set, large assortment of tools, nails, bolts, etc. Saturday and Sunday, October 1 and 2,8 a.m. - 4 p.m., 18 Riverview (Cawker's Creek). Rain date: October 8 and 9. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 9 A.M. rain or shine. Toys, movies, Canon auto 35 mm SLR camera and more. 691 Scugog 6th Line. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 and Sunday, October 2,9 am. - 4 p.m, 377 Fralicks Beach Rd. 16 years of accumulated treasures. Furniture, antiques, oil paintings, old records, ext. steel door and int. bifold doors, light fixtures, boat accessories, ski boots, prom dresses, skates, bikes, efc. 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The family of KEN and DOROTHY WHITNEY would like to invite friends and relatives to an Open House on Sunday, October 2, 1994 at 2 p.m., 5727 Main St, N., Orono, in honor of their parents 50th Wed- ding Anniversary. Best wishes only please. ANNUAL HARVEST HOME CHURCH SERVICE, Scugog Shores Museum Church, 7:30 p.rn., October 2, 1994. Rev. John Brown, guest speaker. Pie Social following. Sponsored by Scugog Island HEAD UCW. BARBECUE PORK SUPPER, Blackstock United Church, Satur- day, October 15, 5:30 and 6:30 p.m., tickets in advance - 986-4220, $10 - adults, $5 - children 12 and under, preschoolers free. Proceeds for new piano. COMING SOON - 14th ANNUAL PORT PERRY CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW at Port Perry High School and R.H. Cornish Public School. Saturday, October 22, 1994, 10 am. - 4 p.m. For informa- tion call 985-9602. DON'T FORGET - Mark your calen- dar for the upcoming Fall Craft Show, Saturday and Sunday, November 12, 13 at Port Perry High School. FOLK ART CLASSES enrolling now. Open House - Saturday, October 1, 10 am. - 4 p.m., Cran- berry Pines, 18200 Hwy. 12 (south of Greenbank) - 905-985-1276. HOT MEATBALL LUNCH, Friday, September 30, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., Church of The Ascension, North St, Port Perry - $5. MAYBELLE REBEKAH LODGE Halloween Luncheon at Oddfellows Hall, Monday, October 31, 11:30 am. - 1:30 p.m. Tickets - $5. NEXT MOVIE: "The Flintstones", Latcham Hall, Port Perry, Friday, October 7. Blackstock Community Hall, Saturday, October 8. Start 7 p.m. Admission - $2.50 - all ages. OPERATION SCUGOG CLOTH- ING SALE, Friday, October 14, 7 - 9 p.m., Saturday, October 15, 9 a.m. - noon, Port Perry United Church. Please support. E.C.E. babysitting available Friday! RUMMAGE SALE, Friday, Septem- ber 30 at 9 a.m., St. John's Presby- terian Church, Port Perry. THANKSGIVING BEEF DINNER, Yelverton United Church, Monday, October 10 from 4 p.m. Adults - $10, children - $5, preschoolers - free. Yard, Barn & Garden Sale Southport Country Gardens Oct1&2 9-3 great - * prices as marked on garden centre stock great - * yard & barn sale items Clieck it oct! 12550 Simcoe St. 085-4363 TURKEY SUPPER Wednesday, September 28, Scugog Island Hall. Call Bonnie 985-7426. FREE KITTENS to a good heme, 3 male, 3 femaile. 985-1359. Don't waste this space. Small ads pay! Notice { | 1 N/ I DJ TAYLOR INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 169 North Street,Port Perry, Ont. LL 1B7 SEE US FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS 985-8416 WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS For help call "THE DENISE HOUSE (lrmerly Auberge) FOR WOMEN & CHILDREN TOLL FREE: 1-800-263-3728 or confidentiality assured 728-7311 EMME RSON INSURA NCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN, PORT PERRY, ONT. LOL 1B9 (905) 985-7306 12 GA. BROWNING O/U Citori with invector chokes $700 or b.o. 985- 2293. 20 HP. AGCO Deutz Allis garden tractor, interest free and no monthly payments until April 1995 or 21 per cent discount for cash. One only. Trewin Farm Equipment - 986- 4283. 300 GAL. PLASTIC water tank, used 3 weeks for drinking water only. $330 new - asking $160 - 985-9732. 6X6 PRESSURE TREATED lum- ber; pool round, 16' across x 3' deep; ceiling fan and light - 985- 0069. 990 DAVID BROWN with Sedore hydraulic loader, $2,000 O.B.O. - Don Swain - 986-5019. AIRTIGHT STOVES & FIRE- PLACES, inserts and zero clear- ance, new and used. Three full showrooms at Whitby, Port Perry and Lindsay. Overridge Retail, Port Perry - 985-0715. APPLES: OPEN FOR the season; Macs, Courtland, Crab Apple, etc. Ballard's Appleberry Farm, east . from Columbus Village to 679 Columbus Rd. E. (1/4 mile east of Ritson Rd.). AQUA 2 AQUAFINE water soften- er, metered unit with all options, $1,000 0.B.O. - 985-0714. BIKE REPAIR - 30 day warranty on workmanship, buy and sell used bikes, 10 years experience - 985- 8924. BOOK COVERS: durable clear plastic, adjustable widths, various sizes. Available at The Port Perry Star, 188 Mary St., 985-7383. CUSTOM SAWING and kiln drying - 985-2123. CYLINDER HEAD RECONDI- TIONING - Stock or performance, BFE performance - 985-8790, 985- 8528. DAFFODIL BULBS - large - 3 for $1; medium - 5 for $1. Call 905- 985-2558. ELECTROLUX - service, supply and sales, 60 Van Edward Dr., Port Perry. Overridge Retail 985-0715. FIREWOOD - all hardwood, cut & split 16"; also firewood logs. 985- 3361. FRIDGE AND STOVE, good condi- tion, very dean, $300 for both - 985- 9093. FRIDGES, STOVES, washers, dry- ers and freezers. 986-6312. GLASS AND BRASS 48" table, 4 dusty rose velvet chairs, excellent condition - $350; brown velvet chesterfield - $75 - 905-666-0987. BOX TRAILER 6' x 4' inside mea- surements, folding tailgate. 986- 5671. BULBS FOR FALL PLANTING. Daffodils, Tulips, Crocus, etc. Anal da Garden Centre, 14800 Cartwright West 1/4 Line, Black- stock - 986-4771. CHIMNEY CLEANING - Reduce the risk of costly chimney fires. From only $40. Call anytime - 705- 786-1145. COMPOSTED SHEEP MANURE - call after 6 p.m. - 986-5051. HAND FED BABY Cockateils, extremely socialized, direct from breeder - 1-705-324-1980. IBM, SMITH CORONA, SHARP, BROTHER; typewriters, fax machines, cash registers, copiers; sales, rentals, supplies and service; for over 30 years. Jenkins Business Equipment, 15 Albert St., Unit 1 - 728-7591, 985-9783. WE NOW CARRY a line of "Self Counsel" books, kits and forms. Power of Attorney Kits, Wills, Divorce Guide, Basic Accounting, Rental Kits, Leases plus many more. Also "Computer Books for Dummies" - Windows, DOS, 1-2-3, elc. Port Perry Star Co., 188 Mary St., 985-7383. WEANER PIGS, FREEZER pork and beef - 986-5441 evenings. WINDOWS, WINDOWS, WIN- DOWS. New windows in stock. Cash and carry or professional installation available from the Win- dow Warehouse located in the Reach Industrial Park, Regional Rd. 8, 985-3747. MUST SELL - steel clad, pole or stud wall design, e.g. 30'x40' $9,920, or 40'x70' $18,600. Call today 905-372-0629. ONE BANK BOARD shuffle board 12 long with rocks $275 obo. Call 986-4345 after 5 p.m. KITCHEN TABLE WITH extra leaf and 4 chairs, upholstered. Best offer - 985-0185. LUMBER - SOFTWOOD, rough cut, full thickness or scant. Soft- wood slabs for firewood - $10/bun- die - Bob Kyte 986-5200. "MAGICCARD" - instant magnetic business cards. Available at The Port Perry Star Office Centre, 188 Mary St. - 985-7383. MIKE TOBIN PHOTOGRAPHY: A family portrait in the relaxed atmo- sphere of our studio, or choose a setting that puts your family in its most natural surroundings. For appointment call 985-7725. SAND, GRAVEL AND LIME- STONE, crushed brick, reclaimed asphalt. Pick-up or delivered. Any quantity. SHEPSTONE HAULAGE 985-7282. PHOTOCOPY PAPER: letter, legal and ledger (11"x17") sizes. White, assorted colors and fluorescent col- ors. Also certificate royal bond and matching envelopes. Four new designs - marble, border, clouds and trees. Available at The Port Perry Star, 188 Mary St., Port Perry - 985-7383. PIANOS: Kawai, Technics, Korg. Irwin Smith Music Ltd., 305 Queen Street, Port Perry, LOL 1A9 - 905- 985-2635. PICK YOUR OWN VEGETABLES. Tomatoes, onions and beets. LIN- TON'S, Simcoe Street South, 571 Raglan Road East - 6565-3949. fy PRESENTATION BOARDS - 48" wide x 36" high, white, lightweight, folds up, conforms to Science Fair standards. Available at the Port Perry Star Office Centre, 188 Mary St, Port Perry - 985-7383. . Buildings installed - SAXOPHONE, FLUTE, CLARINET all in excellent condition with cases. Lessons available. Priced to sell 905-985-8967. SEASONED FIREWOOD, 12 inch, $50 face. $10 extra for delivery. Phone 985-7745. SIDES OF PORK and beef from $120. Call Ed 905-852-7190. SUNFLOWER SEED wild bird mix, Niger seed (bulk or bagged). Ken- roe Farm Seed - 985-7582. USED JOINTER AND radial arm saw - 985-2123. USED TRACTORS JUST arrived: Ford 9N, M.F. 35 with loader, A.C. D15 with loader, used 7' blade $295. Used flail mower $1,375. One only 5' rotary inower $849. One only Deutz rotary rake $4,375. Trewin Farm Equipment - 986- 4283. Coming Events PUBLIC INVITATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Durham Tuesday, October 4, 1994 Emiel's Restaurant, Queen Street, Port Perry Cocktails 5:30 p.m. ® Dinner 6:00 p.m. atyourown cost €@®. Meeting 7:00 p.m. New Committee Members Needed ¢ Term is until September, 1995 HELP US HELP THE CHILDREN for more information call... 985-3733 PURPLE MARTIN BIRDHOUSES for sale, also houses for Wrens, Bats, Bluebirds and the all new Mason Bee house. Ideal gifts for all occasions. Call Birdhouse Willy 985-7239. RECLAIMED BRICKS - ideal for fireplaces, etc. Delivery. Also claw foot bathtub, cast radiators, cup- boards - 985-2615. 0.C.l.A Certified Organic Vegetables FOR SALE Tomatoes, Carrots, Turnip, Cucumbers, Parsnips, Leeks, Onions, Kale, Dalkon and Beets. CALL FOR BULK PRICES Penny & Bill Reld 985-2123 please call by 10am Same Day Pickup. 1616 8cugog Line 8 SCREENED TOPSOIL $5 / yard Truckers bring your truck, trailer, etc. (705) 786-1458 [ OPERATION SCUGOG THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE Thursday October 6 Friday October 7 Saturday October 8 A TIME TO GIVE Foodbank donations may be dropped off at the *SCUGOG FIREHALL |, Crandell St., Port Perry e SCUGOG FIREHALL Il, Caesarea 1-6pm. 1-6p.m. 9-4p.m. For further information contact: \ Kathy Gundry 985-8015 or Anne Wannihkhof 985-7271 [FIREWOOD Hardwood PELLETS For Pellet Burners Quality Products Delivered - Call 986-0828

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