10a - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1994 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Rt PORT PERRY STAR € URAL RoorTs Best wishes sent out to area residents Family Concerns Our best wishes to Rev. Charles Clarke of Prince Albert for improved health - keep your spirits up Charles - we're all thinking of you. A very pleasant surprise visit from Mayor Don Hadden and wife Helen of Sunderland at the M. Cawker home on Sunday, Sept. 18. It was delightful to see them again. Arthur and Barbara Weir of Nestleton went to Michigan, USA for a few days holidaying and weather was great. Not too much color in the trees as yet. A most enjoyable time for them - a change of pace. Russell and Edda Bowman of St. Christopher Beach and yours truly were luncheon guests with Alan and Eleanor Cawker of Oshawa on Tuesday this past week. A most enjoya- ble day! Neta Fish of Edgerton Road and yours truly, Scugog Point Road, had several days of inter- est visiting in Lindsay - a nice meal at the Cadmus Country Club and so forth recently - a busy summer. Marge and Vern Rowe of Mil- dura, Australia, are spending a few weeks with Jack and Karel Nottingham at Fralick's Beach, Scugog Island, and with Roy and Doris Nottingham of Cae- sarea. They have had many in- teresting activities while the Rowes were in Ontario and all most enjoyable. Visiting with M. Cawker at the farm during the week were Margaret Cornish and Grace Hastings of Port Perry. A pleas- ant visit during the afternoon catching up on family news - fol- lowed by the tea hour before they returned home. It was great to see them. Trust they will take a jaunt down again soon. Very sorry to miss Margaret (Steel) Addison of Australia, and Mervyn and Ellen Bird of Brooklin when they called on me this week when I was away. Will drop a line to Margaret Ad- dison promptly. Library Don't forget to drop into our beautiful Scugog Memorial Li- brary which officially opened on June 1, 1982, if I remember cor- rectly. They have books of interest for the most choosy person in Scugog Township, and they need our support. So, how about it, folks!! Nestleton United Church On a fine Sunday morning, Sept. 25, the greeters at the door were Art and Barb Weir. Rev. David Shearman brought the service to order and opened with the call to worship. He enchanted the small fry with an interesting story re prayer, and presented a great message to the congregation using "A Prayer is the Ward of Power" with Art Weir the Scripture reader. Shirley Jackson and Regenia Walker sang a harmonious duet with Carol Mairs at the piano. Offering was gathered by Ar- nold Williams and Arthur Weir. After the fine old hymn "O Je- sus I Have Promised", service closed with Benediction, Go Now' In Peace and Three Fold Amen. Sympathy Saddened to learn of the pass- ing of Gordon Jeffrey of Port Perry - a fine neighbor of Sam and Mabel Cawker so many years ago. A great gentleman to know and his family will miss him very much, as well as many friends. I have warm memories of Gordon. A Family Party Mrs. Neta Fish of Edgerton Road hosted an evening dinner on Sunday for a number of close relatives. Those present were Keith and Rhonda Bannister and children of Peterborough, Nicole, Amberlie and Crystal and Calvin and Yvonne Hol- land, Edgerton Road, and fami- ly Chad, Craig and Alanna Dawn - a marvellous get togeth- er for the family. Nestleton Women's Institute by W. Davison, P.R.O. Members - please note a meeting will be held Wednes- day, Oct. 5 at 1:30 p.m. in Nes- tleton Community Centre. Blackstock Women's Institute will be our guests. Nestleton Presbyterian Church The regular morning service was in charge of Rev. Wm. Fair- ley, with Joyce Taylor as organ- ist. The ushers were Sandra Sorley and Shirley Scott and Peggy Jones taught the Sunday School class. Responsive Psalm was 124 and the Scripture readings were from Esther 7 and Mark 9. Rev. Fairley spoke to the chil- dren on the second Beatitude "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. In the sermon, Rev. Fairley spoke of the waters which could o'erwhelm us "If the Lord wer- en't with us". We are children of faith for we are children of God. In October - the first Sunday, Oct. 2 will be regular service at 11 a.m. Second Sunday Oct. 9 - Thanksgiving service; third Sunday, Oct. 16 - Holy Com- munion; fourth Sunday Oct. 23; fifth Sunday, Oct. 30 - Regular service. Those interested in Church Calendars for 1995 please con- tact L.. Aid Secretary as to num- ber required. Nestleton Presbyterian Ladies Aid Mrs. Norma Wolfe, assisted by her sister Bertha, enter- tained the Ladies Aid at their summer cottage, on Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Following the welcome to all, President Dorothy Lee read a poem, and the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. The hostess took the Devotional, reading Mark 9: 1-8 and expla- nation titled "Jesus Only". Minutes of last meeting were approved as read by Sec. Treas. W. Davison, and financial re- port given. The recent lunch sale at McCabe's Auction real- ized a good sum, and a generous donation will be acknowledged. Also a thank you to a friend for cups and saucers donated. Cards were signed for some September birthdays, and new business was a letter regarding Church Calendars for 1995. Please leave your name and number required with secre- tary. Roll call and collection were taken and the Birthday Box started up again. Program included a reading "Autumn" by Norma from Ideals and "The Ladies Aid" from an old page of Witness and Canadian Homestead March 1936 read by W. Davison. Meet- ing closed with Mizpah Bene- diction. Prayer service on Wednesday There will be a prayer ser- vice this Wednesday in Utica United Church starting at 8 .m. P Sunday, Oct. 2 is World Wide Communion with Church and Sunday School being held in Utica starting at 11 a.m. This will also be Food Bank Sunday. Rev. Dr. McKay will preside. Sunday, Oct. 2is the annu- al Fall Service at Pinegrove Church with Rev. Burton as speaker. The service is at 3 "Epsom pre-school YMCA program will begin this noon with arts, crafts, songs, gym and lots of fun. To regis- ter, call YMCA 985-2824 or 852-4899. This program runs each Wednesday for 10 weeks in Epsom Church basement. There were 11 tables of eu- chre played in the Hall on Friday evening with the fol- lowing winners: Ladies first ree All At Guaranteed Low Prices UNITED CARPET? Largest Carpet Selection in Scugog Township and a member of the largest carpet buying group in Canada -- TL HOMESTEAD by Ballard & Carnegie HWY. 7A EAST - PORT PERRY 985-24 FAMOUS BLINDS VERTICALS « VENETIANS PLEATED SHADES 51 or 985-2157 a f Ann EEULD{IL 1st Seagrave/Greenbank Scouters are holding a bottle drive, Saturday, Oct. 1. They are looking for returnable pop bottles, beer bottles and cans, and plastic milk jugs. If you are going away that morning or do not wish to be disturbed, please leave any donations outside your front door by 10 a.m. Sat- urday morning. In the upcom- ing weeks, draw tickets will be available for a truck load of wood. 1st Seagrave/Greenbank would like to thank the commu- nity forits continued support. A farewell pot luck dinner will be held at the Seagrave Church on Sunday Oct. 2 at 5 p.m. for Lee and Carol Stur- Rita Parratt, second Jean Pogue, third Doris Hill. Mens first Irwin Kydd, sec- ond Irene Redshaw, third Peggy Hood. Irwin Kydd had the most lone hands (six). Freeze-out winners were Ken and Irene Watts, second were Jean Hodgins and Grant Bright. Draws were won by Annie Bowmans, Norma Doble and Ed Skin- Wednesday from 9 a.m. to ner. Ruth McDonald won the 50/50 draw. Plan to attend the next euchre in two weeks, Oct. 7. Several from this area at- tended the Parson's Tea on the lawn of the manse at Goodwood on Sunday after- noon and enjoyed an after- noon of fellowship. Recently, young people from Pickering High School Inter-School Christian Fel- lowship, under the leader- ship of Rob Foster, journeyed to the farm of Beth and Doug Wilson for a time of fun, food and fellowship. The Hempen family host- ed a surprise bridal shower for Karin Deboer last Thurs- day evening. Congratula- tions to Paul and Karin from your Bethesda friends and neighbors on your recent marriage. We are pleased that Erica Sprules is feeling much bet- ter and wish her every suc- cess in this her first year of university. Please welcome the volun- teers who will be calling to pick up your membership to the Uxbridge Cottage Hospi- tal Auxiliary this week. Sup- port your community hospi- tal. Recent visitors with Ruth Ashton were Darlene Chris- tie, Martha Schissler and children. On Saturday, Ruth Ash- ton, Keith and Faye Ashton attended the wedding of Greg Ashton and Lisa Hen- derson in Lindsay and the re- ception at the Ops communi- ty Centre. The Ashton cousins attended the dance in the evening. Bruce and Marie Geer were also wed- ding guests, this also being their nephew. Earl and Elizabeth Taylor and their son Ray visited for a few days in Sundridge with their daughter Ruth Reed and family. Our sympathy to Luella Bailey and family in the passing of her brother Gor- don Jeffrey of Port Perry. Congratulations to Colette Draband and Mike Rewegan who were married in Utica Church on Saturday. Lorne and Eileen Slute had their son Bill and family for dinner on Saturday night in honor of Jeff's 12th birth- day. They were at daughter Sharane Dear's on Sunday for dinner. On Oct. 3, Mrs. Crosier will have her 96th birthday and congratulations go her way. I'm sure she would love to receive a phone call or a card from her friends. | pot luck luncheon man. They have moved into Port Perry after residing in Sea- grave for 29 years. Ladies are asked to bring a main course dish or dessert. For further info, please phone Katrin Galea after 6 p.m. A good attendance at the Sea- grave United Church Anniver- sary Service Sunday morning. The Rev. Jim Phelps, the guest speaker chose for his sermon "That Anniversary Feeling." Rev. Phelps serves as area min- ister of the Northern Pastoral Region of Bay of Quinte Confer- ence. This means that he works with an association of united church congregations. Most of them small, north or nwy. ¢ from Pembroke to Carnarvon. These congregations help each other through leadership devel- opment events, mutual support "networking" and Christian Community Building. Jim acts as a circuit rider superinten- dent and moderator. The Port Perry Senior Citi- zen's choir sang three anthems "Alleluia Alleluia," "His Banner Over Me Is Love," and "Wonder- ful Lord." A social hour was en- Joyed afterwards. Next Sunday the service will be at 9:30 a.m. which includes Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per. AUTO ELECTRIC REBUILDERS/INSTALLERS BENEFIT FROM 16 YEARS EXPERIENCE Precision Auto Electric & General Repair Alternators » Starters * Air Conditioning * Rebuilt on the Premises Using All New Parts Full Warranty - Class "A" Mechanic 80 Van Edward Dr, Port Perry