2a - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1994 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Scouts bottle drive is this Saturday Hi Everyone! I'm Still here and available Welcome to autumn, with its signs of coloring leaves, Lind- say Fair is over and several of the community attended the In- ternational Plowing Match held at Pembroke this year. It's a beautiful time of year, but, snow will not be far behind. Several of the Greenbank Church congregation attended Anniversary Services at Sea- Ga OO to assist you in drivi = you in driving lessons > and car rental for tests. man & machine 1-800-263-6039 TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG REGARDING THE PROPOSED STOPPING UP, CLOSING AND CONVEYING OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE KNOWN AS HIGH STREET ON PLAN 52 PORT PERRY. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 297 of the Municipal Act, R.S.0., 1990, Chapter 45, that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog proposes to pass by- laws to stop up, close and convey the road allowance known as High Street on Plan 52, in the former Village of Port Perry. If approved, the subject road allowance will be divided equally between the adjoining property owners. The proposed plan and description showing the lands affected may be viewed in the Clerk's Department, Township of Scugog, 208 North St., Port Perry, Ontario. PUBLIC NOTICE grave on Sunday and heard an interesting sermon by Rev. Jim Phelps. Next Sunday will be World- wide Communion Sunday, also a special Sunday at Greenbank when the new chimes will be dedicated. There will be coffee and muffins before the service from 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., so come and enjoy this social time with your neighbors. The Fidelis Unit of the U.C.W. will meet Wednesday, Oct. 5 at 1:30 p.m. at the church. Leslie Sedore will be the guest speaker. All community ladies are welcome. For any five-year-old girls in- terested in joining Sparks there are spaces available in the Sun- derland Sparks Unit. There are no Sparks available in Green- bank due to the lack of leaders. Anyone interested in starting a Sparks Unit in Greenbank, or inquiring about Sunderland please call Marie Powell, 985- 8965, no experience needed! Have fun learning. Don't forget that next Satur- Greenbank Scouts bottle drive. Ifyou don't want to be disturbed or are going away put your pop bottles, beer cans and plastic milk jugs out in front of your house by 10 a.m. In the upcom- ing weeks tickets will be sold on a truck load of wood. The Sea- grave/Greenbank Scouts would like to thank the community for its continued support. The annual 3 pitch mixed tournament will be this week- end, Sept. 30, we hope you re- membered to call Brian 985- 2562 or Alan at 985-3703 to reg- ister. Once again the Girl Guides will be running the booth with food and refreshments for your convenience. In conjunction with the tour- nament, the hall committee is holding a dance at the Commu- nity Hall. For advance tickets, please call Barb at 985-3903 or Lila at 985-3703. Tickets are $5 a person. Please support this dance and help make it an an- * nual event. Picnic Shelter Meeting will day, Oct. 1 is the Seagrave/ be held on Wednesday evening, SESE Authorized Dealer Cetol TGL Plus For Exterior Doors and Windows Extremely resistant to the sun's ultraviolet rays water repellant, it provides everday protection and long term preservation of exterior wood doors and windows. || | PAINT & WALLPAPER = if 415 Cl CENTRAL Sept. 28 in Greenbank Hall at 7:30 p.m. This is a large project of the Lions Club and they are asking ball teams, church and parents be represented or any other organization to be there to provide their input. To everyone who uses our community "igloo" recycling site: its very convenient to have recycling facilities right here in our community and most resi- dents have been super at keep- ing the area neat. If we all spend the few min- utes it takes to put our recycla- bles in (not: beside) the proper igloo, and don't leave unsightly garbage around for somebody else to clean up, our park area will keep on "looking good!" If you find the igloos are due for emptying, please call 579- 5264 or 985-3225. The sympathy of the commu- nity to Margaret and Harold Holtby on the death of Marga- t's sister Mrs. Lillian Gross of Chatham. Margaret and their daughter Pat Holtby attended the funeral on Monday. Mrs. Margaret Couperth- waite and the members of her family attended the 50th wed- ding anniversary of her sister Russ and Ruth Miller of Picker- ingon Saturday. Last Wednesday afternoon the Women's Institute held the September meeting at the home of Muriel Gibson. Mrs. Yvonne Christie was the guest speaker and gave an entertaining talk on "Aunt Lizzie's" Diary. Yvonne also had an 1877 map of Ontario County and the plan for Greenbank in 1877, the village has grown some since then. A social time followed the meet- ing. "~ Thought for the week: If you want to feel rich just count all 295 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa 434-3939 the things money can't buy. On Monday, October 31, 1994 at 2:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, Municipal Office, 181 Perry St., Port Perry, Ontario, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog will hear, in person, or by Counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims his land will be prejudicially affected by the said By- Law and applied to be heard. Any person who wishes to be heard should, as soon as possible, make application to: Earl S. Cuddie Administrator/Clerk Township of Scugog Clerk's Department 208 North Street, PORT PERRY, Ontario LOL 1A7 (905) 985-7346 511 1510! ". a _ Here's what we do: "| dssisalsolor/ea ug 2183 se 5 34 Point Inspection oF ROAD iu SR * check all tires and tire pressures inspect (3 ii mre Ea pe] brakes * check exhaust » inspect front i 3 \, 11 13 8 suspension ¢ check all lamps and reflectors | rir onn la * check horn test wiper and | 7 [TT a washer operation | (LTT SE Lube, Oil & Filter | 2 CRESCENT _ Ee * drain old oil * replace oil with new GM oil | : | HS i VE 8 * lubricate chassis * lube hood latch and that Sa saving of $34.00 3 : > door hinges most cars and light trucks applicable taxes extra ; yaa Syn) Tire Rotation CHEVROLET « TTT TABLE \ * remove wheels and rotate for even tire wear OLDSMORBILE CADILLAC Cooling System Flush & Check GEO * flush coolant system « relace coolant with 8523334 GM anti-freeze * check and adjust all belts * check hoses « tighten clamps pressure test cooling system for leaks * check water pump and longer tire life Since 1947 Williamson Uxbridge Service All Locks (and Power Antenna) * lubricate all door locks and trunk lock to help prevent winter freeze up * clean and lubricate power antenna (if equipped) 0) en VANE DWARD FIRST PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 27, 1994