Ep AP rl LS AAI tr Br OO AP. 785 J TIE I NM SEL SSN ve "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" HO CANADA WATER SOFTENERS & PURIFIERS FOR HOME & INDUSTRY WATER TESTING ESTIMATES INSTALLATION WATER TREATMENT SALES / LEASE / RENT / SERVICE CALL FRANK VAN VEGHEL (905) 985-9710 Today at GM Goodwrench the price on the ground is the price on the hoist. Period. DONE IN US THAN ka le bre Fr OIL & FILTER MINUTES 9 THE NEXT ONE'S FREE! ube chassis and replace oil with up to 5 litres of GM ipers, dri , lights and indicators et INCLUDES © Replace filter Goodwrench premium oil ® windshield wiper, differential. tr: tires, air filter, coolant, hoses, wi «pplcable to mst GM vehicles. Excludes synthetic MAINTENANCE TUNE-UP GM APPROVED PARTS AND LABOUR COME WITH A 12 MONTH WARRANTY WITH INSTALLATION: # INCLUDES o Replace spark plugs ® Check: air and fuel filters, belts, hoses, PCV, ignition wires and cap © Visual battery check o Electronic engine ET analysis Road test FROM * Applicable to most GM vehicles Applicable Laxes are extra. Dealer may sell for less BRAKE SERVICE ALL GM-APPROVED PARTS AND LABOUR ARE GUARANTEED FOR 12 MONTHS. # © Replace front pads Brake fluid included 3 * Inspect master cylinder. caliper, rotors and rear brakes Check brake lines, wheels, emergency brakes, tires and brake lights * Road test * Applicable to most GM vehicles Applicable taxes are extra. Dealer may sell for less elo] 13,1d, EXHAUST SYSTEM MUFFLER GUARANTEED FOR AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR VEHICLE. # INCLUDES e Replace intermediate pipe, $ muffler, tail pipe and clamps * "All other" parts and labour guaranteed for 12 months © Specifically designed for GM vehicles * 1987-89 Cavalier/Sunbird with a single outlet. Applicable taxes are extra Dealer may sell for less See dealer for details EH] Goodwrench Services EXPERT SERVICE . HONEST PRICES NOBODY KNOWS YOUR VEHICLE BETTER THAN YOUR GM GOODWRENCH DEALER. Little chance of pit being granted In Scugog, says roads official There's little chance a way- side pit permit will be issued for a piece of land in Scugog's east end, says the township roads superintendent. Ron McDonald told about 40 residents who came to township council's meeting Monday night that an area near the Manvers- Scugog township line wouldn't yield high-quality aggregate or offer competitive prices. Mr. McDonald said there are currently no major highway projects underway to draw aggregate through a wayside - permit; he added there is plenty of aggregate already available from pits operating in the area. "There's no need for it," he said. "There's no justification for it with everything south." Still, the residents, whose properties back on to a 100- acre lot owned by a Scarborough businessman, pushed the coun- cil to make a resolution opposing a sand pit, or a severance to create a subdivision. Land owner Eid Attia has asked the province to carry out testing to determine the vacant land's viability for pit extraction. Ward 4 Councillor David Dietlein proposed the resolu- tion, but it received no backing from council. He last promised to draft a resolution, to be pre- sented to council at a special meeting next Monday (Oct. 3). The residents wanted action Monday, however. "If we're going to stop it, we have to do it before the permit 1s 1ssued," said spokesman John Rickey. "If we're going to stop it, we have to make a lot of noise right now." Councillor Marilyn Pearce (Ward 2) warned against dash- ing off a hasty resolution that would mean little to the provin- cial authorities who would con- sider an application to extract sand from the land. "We've got to pass a resolu- tion at this council that's within the realm of what we can do," she said. Mr. McDonald, though, said in his estimation, there's little cause for alarm. "I don't think (Mr. Attia) could obtain a justification through the Ministry of Natural Resources for any project that's going to occur," he said. Residents call for rooming home zoning to be denied From Page 12 idence for several years before being converted into an apart- ment building. There are eight bachelor apartments in the building, each occupied by a single tenant, he told the coun- cil. Councillors appeared bewil- dered as Mr. Horack reeled off the list of uses and conversions he's put the building through. Mayor Howard Hall called the situation "rather shocking." Mr. Horack, however, said he's never been hassled by neighbors or building officials. But he heard some com- plaints Monday, as neighbors complained about the number of residents and the state of the property. "These types of things are unacceptable in a residential area," said Mr. Davidson. Council has yet to make a decision on the zoning applica- tion. ON TOP QUALITY Elasscc SICOPAINT LATEX CEILING PAINT WHITE For use on ceilings. High hiding and non- splattering. Soap and water clean-up. high hiding. water clean-up. * Deeper colours available at shghtly higher prices high hiding. t Compared to SICO'S After Sale Price on Paint in effect October 22/94 "CANADIAN MADE CANADIAN OWNED FOR CANADIAN CONDITIONS" ER SAVE °9 | ACRYLIC LATEX PRIMER-SEALER UNDERCOATER For use on previously painted alkyd & latex surfaces, new drywall, 1 plaster, masonry. 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