Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 13 Sep 1994, p. 30

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10a - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1994 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" ofp Tor URAL | ROTEY MN IDI LIES MSY DAVES 4 Roots Monthly euchre Sept. 16 Shirley Lee Rally Sunday is the starting of a new year at Sunday School, and also on this day children re- ceive their attendance awards from the previous year. Con- gratulations to all those who re- ceived awards and to all those in the Sunday School, teachers and helpers. Wilma Smith and Carla Puckrin from the Pinedale con- gregation sang a lovely duet "Lead Me Jesus" and our own choir's ministry in music was "Prayer of St. Francis". Next Sunday, church at the regular hour of 11 a.m. and the children attend Sunday School at the same time. Have you heard the new church chimes? They play mu- sic at noon and 6 p.m. and spe- cial times on Sunday. This beautiful addition to the life of our church and community was .agift of the Rodd family. Marie Parish, secretary at Greenbank Public School was able to give me some informa- tion on the new year that has just started. There are 130 stu- dents enrolled, including two Special Education classes: Be- havic ral Assessment class, pri- mary and junior, also a Multiple Epescility class; primary only. New teachers are Ms. Mal- colm, Mrs. Watson, Madame Greer and Mrs. Lancaster. One new classroom assistant Susan Fumerton with Joyce Baker as noontime supervisor. We are sorry to hear that John Bark is ill but while he is recuperating, Playground dedicatio his wife Nancy is supplying in his classroom. 1st Seagrave/Greenbank Scouters are holding a bottle drive, Saturday, Oct. 1. They are looking for returnable pop bottles, beer bottles and cans and plastic milk jugs. If you are going away that morning or do not wish to be disturbed, please leave any donations outside your front door by 10 a.m. Sat- urday morning. In the upcom- ing weeks, draw tickets will be available for a truckload of wood. 1st Greenbank/Seagrave Scouters would like to thank the community for its continued support. The fall project of the 4-H is starting on Sept. 19. "Take a Walk on the Wild Side" will be studied. For more information, call Mrs. Prohaska at 985-3021. We are happy to report that Normal Elson has returned home after a lengthy hospital stay. We wish him continued good health. Mel and Betty McGee visited on Sunday with Mae Blakely in Orillia. The monthly euchre party is Friday, Sept. 16 at the Green- bank Hall. Art and Pearl Couves were guests at the lovely wedding of their granddaughter, Charlene Reesor to Trevor Lyn at St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church, Scarborough, on Saturday. Choir members or any inter- ested persons, don't forget that choir practice will be Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. - The September W.1. meeting will be Wednesday the 21st at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Muriel Gibson. Roll Call is "Name a popular song of your teens". There will be a special speaker so plan to attend and bring a friend. Thought for the week: A friend is a present which you give yourself. this Wednesday night Church and Sunday School this week will be held in Utica at 11 a.m. Choir practice is at 9:30 a.m. This Wednesday at 6 p.m. there will be an official ceremo- ny at Epsom School to dedicate the new playground equipment that was installed this summer. Bethesda-Reach Women's In- stitute will meet Sept. 28 at 7:45 p.m. All are welcome. Please call 852-7843 or 8b62- 3925 for place and program. The 1st euchre of the season was well attended with 14 ta- bles being played. Winners were: Ladies 1st - Lena Ogden, ond - Ivy Hardy, 3rd - Doris Bell. Men's 1st - Carolyn Par- ish, 2nd - Ed Skinner, 3rd - Har- ry Hill. Ed Skinner had the most lone hands (seven). Freeze-out winners were Irwin Kydd and Doris Bell, 2nd were Jean Pogue and Grant Bright. Draw winners were Ed Skin- ner, Kay Brown and Ivy Hardy. Olive Ormiston won the 50/50. There will be another euchre in two weeks, Skept. 23. Jim and Nancy Sturman and children have moved into the Rudkin farm house. Welcome home Nancy. Jeanette and Andrew Stri- bling of St. Thomas spent a few days with her parents Jean and Bruce Houghland. We were all saddened to hear that Diane Nottingham is not well. We're all pulling for you Diane, get well soon. Belated birthday greetings to Travis MacSween on his 14th birthday. Bruce and Marie Geer recent- ly attended the wedding of their nephew Scott McHugh and Sue Stout at the home of June and Garry McHugh in Port Perry and enjoyed dancing at the Nes- tleton Hall. Next Sunday, Sept. 18 will year this event will take place in Port Perry after an absence of several years. Or- ganizers stress that individ- uals, families or other groups can participate in all sorts of travelling - running, jogging, walking, etc., etc. For further information and how to ob- tain pledge sheets, call either Janice Beechey at 986-0035 or Ken Crawford at 986- 4217. Fair Board members are asked to note that due to the information meeting on Wednesday evening at the Rec Centre, there will be no Fair Board meeting until the regular meeting in October. On the weekend tourna- ment in Port Perry, the Nes- tleton Mustangs won "A" Championship defeating Greenbank in a very exciting game. Blackstock players on the Mustangs team - Wilma Wotten, Cindy Diamond, Patti Alpe and Pat Millson. Congratulations, girls. Over the past few days, many of our locals have been busy with various fairs - Oro- no, Oakwood, Uxbridge. Earle Trewin joined his trac- in Terry be the Terry Fox Run. This - Locals urged to take part Fox Run Sunday tor pulling competitors at Warkworth on Sunday win- ning first place in the Heavy Modified Class. The senior citizens held a delicious pot luck supper on Tuesday followed by the weekly card party. The fol- lowing were the winners: James Emerton, Ruby Co- chrane, Nerta Masters, Nor- man Rohrer, James Redman, Grant Bright, Richard Manns. Lucky draws were won by Muriel Butson, Do- reen Ferguson, Charlie Sta- pleton, Nerta Masters, Ber- nice Loudfoot and Earla Hill. Surprise Tuesday after- noon visitors at Nancy and Bob Bryans were their Flori- da park friends Kelvin and Doreen Jarvis of Burlington and Clayton and Shirley Smith of Oshawa. Now that our young stu- dents are away to their stud- ies in universities and colleg- es, I would like to make the customary list of their loca- tion and courses. Parents, please call me as soon as pos- sible. Blackstock Women's Institute by Lois M. Luke, P.R.O. The Blackstock Women's Institute was held on Sept. 7 with 20 attending, with visi- tors from the Nestleton and Shirley branches. The meet- ing was held in the Blue Room of the Blackstock Unit- ed Church. President Pat Sleep wel- comed all and after the sing- ing of the W.I. Grace, every- one partook of a delicious lunch served by the commit- tee in charge. All enjoyed a time to visit over a good cup of tea or coffee. The Women's Institute Ode was sung and the Mary Stewart Collect re- peated. Mrs. Roy McLaughlin in- troduced our speaker for the day, Mrs. Joyce Kelly, Dur- ham Board of Education Trustee from this area. Joyce delivered a humorous talk giving us many facts and fig- ures on the cost of education today. She touched on vari- ous aspects of education in the 90s. Mrs. Kelly was thanked by Carol Thornton and was given a small gift. A period of questions and an- swers was held. Joyce invit- ed any with further ques- tions to contact her at home. Motto was read by Mrs. Edith McLaughlin: Educa- tion is what a person gets by reading the fine print. Expe- rience is what he gets by not reading it. Mrs. Harold McLaughlin told about the opening of the F.W.1.0. headquarters (Park House) Guelph on Aug. 21 which she attended along with several others from our area. This is the provincial office. Minutes of the last meet- ing read by Carol Thornton were approved. A note from Mrs. McArthur was read to members. The treasurer's re- port noted a good balance. Group 1 Lions Dinner is Oct. 21. Convention draw prizes and W.L. fun fair were dis- cussed. The meeting adjourned with the singing of O Cana- da. Fall Fair to be held Our community was sad- dened with the news of the death of Maurice Fralick. Sym- pathy is extended to his wife El- 1za and family. Maurice was an active member of our communi- ty all his life and will be greatly missed. This week marks the first year of being correspondent for the Island News. Special thanks to those who called with news. Remember, this is your column and I am waiting to hear from you at 985-8871. Who was that enjoying a late summer dip in their pond last week? Brrr! Don't forget to support the Terry Fox Run on Sunday, Sept. 18 in Port Perry. Sponsorship forms are available at many lo- cal businesses. For more infor- mation, call 985-0951 or 985- 2571. 2nd Scugog Beavers, Cubs and Scouts The 2nd Scugog Beavers (ages five, six and seven), Cubs (ages eight, nine and 10), and Scouts (ages 11, 12, 13 and 14) will be holding their registra- tion on Wednesday, Sept. 14 ~ from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Scugog Is- land Community Centre. Scugog Shores Museum A Fall Fair will be held at the Museum on Sept. 17 and 18 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Come out and enjoy activities and demon- strations of pioneer crafts and skills. New this year are the Country Harvest Lunch Spe- cial, Family Fun Challenge (old fashioned events for a family of five, register by Sept. 14, mini- mum three families), Pie Con- test and Auction (Sunday only, to enter call 985-3940), Bake Sale and Farmers Market and a Celebrity Cow Milking Contest (Sunday 2 p.m.). For more infor- mation, call 985-3689. Scugog Island United Church A large group of all ages gath- ered at the church on Sept. 9 to enjoy the corn roast. Everyone enjoyed the great food, the campfire singsong, and renew- ing acquaintances. Special thanks to the Sunday School Teachers and Support Group for organizing this event and for everyone who contributed the nat museum Sept. 14 delicious supper. A Rally Sunday service was held on Sept. 11 to celebrate the beginning of a new Sunday School season. A beautiful bou- quet of Eliza Fralick's glads adorned our sanctuary. The High School Supper Club will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 13 at S.I.U.C. from 6 to 7:30 p.m. The Worship and Music Com- mittee will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 9:30 a.m. at S.I.U.C. Choir practice will be held on Thursday, Sept. 15 at 7 p.m. Men are welcome to join. The Youth Group (Grades 6 to 8) will meet on Friday, Sept. 16 at S.I.LU.C. from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Our congregation is invited to attend Manchester United Church's anniversary service on Sunday, Sept. 18 at 11 a.m. Rev. Don Tansley will be their guest speaker and Audrey Beauchamp will be their guest soloist. Lunch to follow the ser- vice. The Elders will meet on Mon- day, Sept. 19 at 1:30 p.m. at S.I.U.C. There will be a congregation- al meeting on Monday, Sept. 19 at 7:30 p.m. at SI1.U.C. Every- one is welcome to attend this meeting. For pastoral care, call Elaine Barber at 985-4094.

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